im having a mental breakdown so im making cookies at midnight πŸ‘

by Burnerventacc1234


  1. miller_sarah12

    Wooo lol I’m up making cinnamon rolls, good times! πŸ˜…

  2. inspiredtotaste

    Hang in there 🫢🏻. And enjoy the chocolatey snack!

  3. babyrothko

    I made chocolate cookies earlier through tears lol. We’re all gonna get through this! πŸͺ

  4. MC-ClapYoHandzz

    Absolutely the correct response to a break down! Hope it helps.

  5. Death_by_Poros

    Bruh saaaaame. Except I’m making banana muffins

  6. Yu_min3

    So real 😭. If I had the ingredients I’d be doing the same.

  7. MuffinTahp89

    Currently standing in the kitchen eating a cold egg roll…but now I want to bake cookies. πŸ˜…

  8. FriedPickles01

    Been there sister! Unfortunately I didn’t have the patience for the cookies to bake and just started eating the cookie dough midst my mental breakdown πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

  9. c1nders

    You do whatever you need to do to get through. What time should I stop by for a sample? Shall I bring coffee or milk? πŸ˜‰

  10. Quick_Language1840

    I just baked some cupcakes and cried decorating them, we got this! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one

  11. Fijoemin1962

    That’s my go to activity as well when times get tough. They look good!

  12. VogonSlamPoet42

    The cookies may not be healthy but the coping mechanism is πŸ‘ pretty sure β€œengage in hobbies instead of burning your house and/or enemies to the ground” is specifically on a worksheet somewhere

  13. ToiletSuccs

    Making no-recipe cookies is my favorite coping tool‼️‼️‼️

  14. Pepperjack_2000

    Ah yes, my favorite pastime.

    I found that the salt from my tears adds a certain je ne sais quoi taste!

  15. Additional_Eye899

    Keep calm and bake on 🫢🏻

  16. Freeglad

    Great way to keep going πŸ‘ don’t hesitate to make more if you need to

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