🍇 recipes:
stir-fry-sauce: 2 tbsp hoisin sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce, pepper, grated ginger, water

butter chickpeas: 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, small piece of ginger; sauteed in olive oil; 2 tbsp tomato paste, 2 tsp curry powder, 2 tsp chili powder, 2 tsp turmeric, 2 tsp garam masala, 2 tsp coriander, 1 can diced tomatoes, salt, 1 can filled with water; simmer for 10 minutes; 500g cooked chickpeas, 2 tbsp cashew butter, 2 tbsp vegan butter; simmer for 10 minutes

pita bread: 300g bread flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp yeast, 2 tbsp olive oil, 200g water (recipe makes 4-5)

pasta pomodoro: 1-2 tbsp olive oil, handful cherry tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 tsp rosemary, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp tomato paste, good glug white wine, pasta water; spaghetti; topped with black pepper & parm

focaccia: 400g bread flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp yeast, 15g olive oil, 335g water (3x stretch & fold; fridge for 2 days; drizzle with chili oil & sesame seeds; bake at 230°c for 25-30min)

bagels: recipe in my last video

hummus falafel bowl details:
greek salad: cucumber, tomatoes, evoo, herb salt, pepper, red wine vinegar, fresh mint, parsley
falafel: @herbifoods on instagram
other ingredients: cooked quinoa, hummus, arugula, parsley, tahin spice

peanut butter pasta: mushrooms, spring onion, garlic, bell pepper, leek; sauce: 1 big tbsp peanut butter, 1 tbsp soy sauce, ½ lemon, grated ginger, pepper, water to thin; fresh parsley for topping

lemon loaf: 300g flour, 150g sugar, 15g baking powder, 8g vanilla sugar, zest from 1 lemon, pinch of salt, 120ml neutral oil, 60ml lemon juice (2 lemons), 150ml soy milk, 100g soy yogurt; 1 tbsp sugar on top; 180°c for 50min; cool completely before slicing

blueberry pancakes: recipe on my instagram

social media
🥝 instagram: @julia.maiten

for business enquiries only: juliamaiten@web.de

🍎 faq
how old are you?
how long have you been eating plant-based?
4 years
what equipment do you use?
nikon d5600
where do you live?
what are you studying?

please keep in mind that my videos are meant for inspiration, not comparison! every body is different when it comes to hunger and cravings, so please listen to yours!

🎧 music in this video:
audio library

hey friends and welcome back these are some of the meals that I’ve enjoyed recently [Music] good morning and happy Thursday I have just made myself a big bowl of porridge after my long run so this has got some berries some peanuts hemp seeds and salt on top and it is just Divine eating a big bowl of porridge after a long run Just Hits different [Music] okay we are making another big salad starting off with some arugula cooked farro and lentils love the combination of these two red onion col rabi chopped mint and parsley very simple dressing just olive oil lemon juice salt and pepper this is some Baba Gan which is a Mediterranean like oine dip or spread I’ve just added this on top cuz I had it in the fridge and it needs to be used so today was such a productive day for me and now I’m going to spend the rest of the day chilling on the couch and I’m going to watch some euros okay for dinner I’ve got some rice the butter chickpeas some cucumber yogurt pickled onions and of course I’m going to have to add some parsley all right I’ll see you at some some point tomorrow [Music] Co [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] I feel like 90% of the meals that I make are very very simple when it comes to ingredients and preparation time and I think the two main reasons for that are one that I just don’t want to spend a lot of money on food but then also I just don’t want to buy like a large quantity of food and as you may know I am very very passionate about sustainability and reducing waste so this has kind of always been the case but recently in the last couple of months I’ve been especially focusing on the amount of products that I buy and what products I buy and focusing rather on quality than quantity this sounds so cliche but I’ve been enjoying it so much and it simplified my cooking even more because the ingredients sort of speak for themselves in a way and they don’t need a lot of like seasoning or sauces to taste good anyways that’s just something I wanted to share cuz I feel like my dinner is a very good representation of what I’ve just talked about you know there’s some local cherry tomatoes some really good olive oil and then some white wine that my cousin actually printed the label on that’s a little fun fact for you to make this really delicious pasta sauce that was just so yummy [Music] wish me look [Music] [Applause] [Music] security [Music] Che for this is one of my favorite snacks right now some Toasties hummus thick tomato ches and pepper so yummy so I’ve been planning the next couple of weeks and months this morning just in terms of life and uni and YouTube and stuff and I’m not going to lie I’m feeling quite overwhelmed right now because there’s a lot that I need to get done and also a lot that I want to get done that I don’t think I’ll have the time to do I don’t know that’s just very frustrating uh when you’re a perfectionist like knowing that you can’t get everything done anyways I’ve made myself a comfort ing lunch which will hopefully make me feel a bit better I’ve just heated up some more of those butter chickpeas with rice cucumber pickled onions and parsley and these butter chickpeas are seriously so delicious they get better over time as well and I think after eating lunch I’m just going to journal for a bit which once again sounds very cliche but when I’m feeling overwhelmed like right now it just really helps me like writing down my thoughts I’m definitely not someone that journals every day or even every week but knowing that I have something to sort of come back to whenever I’m feeling this way is already sort of comforting in itself the organic store finally had grapes from Italy and they are just just so good I love grapes so much first Grapes of the Year all right let’s go to my parents place for dinner [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s okay I’m going to put together a really quick lunch before I head to UNI for the day I prepped a bulk amand of kinoa yesterday so this is just a bit of that going to do some arugula some pan fried falafel some greekish cucumber salad dollop of hummus some extra parsley bit of tahen spice just for garnish okay this is definitely my go-to meal at the moment I always have the falafel in the freezer and then just build a nourishing Bowl around those and that is my reminder that I need to leave in 30 minutes so let’s eat [Music] yeah for oh salads are so good today has been quite a chill day so far I got a lot done but it didn’t actually feel like working cuz I was just in the zone for a couple of hours and right now I’m actually getting ready to go to work again just for a couple of hours and then afterwards I’m going to cook myself a very nice dinner okay so as I was biking back back from work today I was kind of thinking about what to cook for dinner and I realized that I hadn’t made a classic peanut butter pasta in so long I used to make it every week at least once so obviously I had to make it and honestly making this again reminded me of why I used to make it so much because it’s so easy I started by cooking my pasta and in the meantime I just sauteed up a bunch of veggies today I used some mushrooms bell pepper leak and some garlic once my pasta was done I just added the peanut sauce to my veggies along with a bit more pasta water and my cooked pasta St that through and served it up and then obviously I have topped this with some parsley because how could I not so I’m going to enjoy the evening on the balcony it is such a lovely day today and I’ll see you tomorrow [Applause] morning happy Thursday I am in such a good mood today I don’t even know why but I just woke up feeling great and and I’m just in a good mood so it’s around 11:30 right now um just about to make some lunch I need to use up a bunch of stuff in the fridge so I’m thinking about making a really simple salad with a mustard dressing I also have some leftover quinoa yeah [Music] la [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] for dinner we’ve got some rice Sesame tofu some marinated orine some radishes and parsley and then some extra sauce on top this is also the first reel that I filmed on this camera so I’m excited to see how it turned out d [Music] [Music] there la [Music] all right I have made a delicious lunch plate here we’ve got some tomato salad more fluffles some Peter bread hummus all the good stuff I just made this to clean out the fridge honestly because I’m heading out for the entire weekend in exactly 2 hours and I have not packed yet anyways I hope you enjoyed today’s video and got some inspiration from it in one way or another I definitely enjoyed making it and I’ll see you very soon for another one so have a great week all right I need to start packing


  1. Hey, I love your videos, you seem like such a lovely person, I feel like we have the same interests. I know this isn‘t the focus of your channel but I would be interested in your running routine/goals 🙂

  2. I really love the simplicity of your meals,It’s very inspiring. sometimes watching so many YouTube videos you think you have to buy all of these ingredients and make all of these big meals and you really don’t to have something that’s yummy and delicious. so thank you for making it easy for me.

  3. I really resonate with what you say about having the vegetables' natural flavours shine more as a way of reducing waste. I used to buy a lot of spices and condiments. For the spices, I have been lucky to have moved to a place where I can buy in bulk (though more expensive) and for the condiments I just reduced them or tried different ways of cooking. Even having different parts of the same vegetables complementing themselves in the same dish (eg.: leaves and bulb). This meant so many less glass bottles and plastic covers!!

  4. Great summer inspiration. Someone after my own heart. I cook a big batch of quinoa every Sunday for the week ahead – breakfast with fruit/yoghurt, base for lunch salad or side to an evening meal 😋

  5. Ich liebe deine Videos so so sehr, die Gerichte sehen so lecker und vor allem simpel aus – perfekt für einen „Kochmuffel“ wie mich, der sich dennoch gesund und ausgewogen ernähren möchte 😍

  6. Ich finde deinen Kanal und deine Videos seit Anfang an mega cool! Toll wie du dich weiterentwickelt hast, auch, wenn die Videos alle von Beginn an toll sind! Danke für die Inspiration!🫶🏻

  7. I love your videos—the setup, style, and simplicity! They are so relaxing to watch. What camera do you use to record? Thanks!

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