How much sear is too much?

by Macrobunker20


  1. mba000686

    Never too much sear! Crust looks great

  2. Golden_Locket5932

    There can never be too much sear, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

  3. bobone77

    That’s not too much. I’ve been to some places where it gets to the point of char on the crust. That’s too much for me, but evidently, some people like it.

  4. YoungBockRKO

    Too much sear is when it ends up black and looks like charcoal. This isn’t that, looks perfect! Well done.

  5. Final_Penalty_741

    Ok.. now you’re just playing games..

  6. StanSchmengie

    Once asked the waiter, regarding how thde steak should be done, What is Chicago? Now the only answer is Chicago Rare. Hard sear, still red in the middle.

  7. TheNewtBeGaming

    I’ve seen sears that make me go “ehh maybe a bit much but I’d still eat it,” that is not even close. I’d actually call that perfect

  8. Thisplaceblows1985

    I’ll let you know when it’s too much, pal

  9. Remarkable-Ad-572

    That’s perfect. I think too much would be when it’s hard on top.

  10. From-theTomb

    Easily 9.99998/10 great job mate (I’m not English)

  11. Silly_Swan_Swallower

    I don’t think there can be too much sear as long as the inside is the doneness you desire. I like black crust. It adds so much flavor.

  12. SlidingLobster

    When it starts to produce too much gray band maybe? I’d eat that though. 10/10. My sear never comes out completely even because the steak doesn’t make surface contact at all points. Still learning how to fix that.

  13. MattMattavelli

    It’s never enough as long as it’s not overdone inside.

  14. MrMobstopper

    Pick 4 looks like you had a press on them, is that right? I’ve been thinking about getting one. Sear looks great.

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