Grilled these up for my Dad and I, he thought they were too rare. Tossed his back on the grill for him but it pained me to do so.

by SuperiorDupe


  1. laserox

    1st pic: definitely too rare.

    2nd pic: might be too rare for some, but I’d eat it happily.

  2. Excellent_Tell5647

    steaks looked a bit old did you decide to cook them 2 months after purchasing them?

  3. SuperiorDupe

    lol I agree, although I was tempted to try a little piece raw.

  4. bearhunter54321

    Didn’t even read it before I said it. “Too rare” yes.

  5. medhat20005

    They’d be too rare for me, so no offense throwing em back on the grill. Just did that for myself last week. MUCH better than the alternative, which is none. You can’t go back from overcooked.

  6. Macrobunker20

    A tiny bit. I like the color but prefer for the fibers to *set* and become a bit more fibrous, if that makes sense.

    I agree with the comments that more cooking is easily done and uncooking is impossible. Nice work.

  7. OkDependent8816

    I’d fuck that steak up 6 : Love.

  8. trinite0

    Is the outside cooked? Then there’s no such thing as too rare.

  9. Kontrafantastisk

    Not at all. If anything a little too medium.

  10. Big_Accountant8489

    I prefer min pink but with the visible striated cuts

  11. Independent_Car5869

    I like it rare, but this is what I would consider “Blue”. I would still snarf it down.

  12. Highlands_-

    Looks good to me!! But I also typically eat mine blue😂

  13. LionPride112

    First picture is literally undercooked. Playing a dangerous game eating it like that

  14. YoungBockRKO

    It’s fantastic, if it was filet mignon. A little too rare for a steak with that kinda marbling for me personally but I bet it still tasted damn good. The crust is top notch!

  15. Ronw1993

    I would hesitate but then eat. My 5 year old would eat 3 pieces before breathing and saying, Look dad it’s the perfect color.

  16. bborg03

    If it didn’t have a crust maybe. But with a crust like that, smash

  17. jingraowo

    I love to eat steaks this rare but I am in the minority

  18. KyCerealKiller

    Too rare for me. If it’s not a little closer to medium I feel it’s too chewy.

  19. TheLab420

    the fact people say this is fine but if the 1 millimeter of crust was missing its suddenly too rare, lmfao. it’s still raw as fuck.

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