Part of the Meck Eats America series where a Brit makes and eats classic American foods.

Recipe used:

The video that started it all: Biscuits and Gravy
High scorers on Meck’s food scoreboard:
Buffalo Chicken Wings:
Chicken Fried Steak:

Hello! I’m Oli, AKA Captain Meck. I’m a trained actor and ran my own children’s theatre company for 17 years. I also weirdly fell into a legal publishing career at the same time. I enjoy being in front of the camera so I streamed on Twitch for a year before settling on making YouTube videos about American food. I’m a father of three and generally a bit exhausted. I’m trying to write a novel. Coffee is taken.

I write a light-hearted family themed blog called 3things. Find it here:

I’m captain Mech a Brit who is fascinated by America and its food this week we’re heading down south I’m making a peach cobbler this looks so so good how about you mini Mech number three what do you think of [Music] it I’m fascinated by today’s food we do have cobblers here in the UK but a crumble is much more common a fruit crumble is what you would find on every Pub dessert menu here in the UK very rarely would it say cobbler and if it did most Britain would go what’s a cobbler again so what is a cobbler and where does it come from let’s find out in me [Music] research a cobbler is a simple rustic dessert with a rich history cobblers originated in the 1800s in Europe and the US and were made by pioneers and settlers a cobbler originally consisted of fruit be it fresh preserved or canned and dollops of biscuit dough on top and all baked over an open fire they were created as makeshift pies in which the ingredients were cobbled together the name could also refer to the appearance of the topping resembling a cobbled street in the UK the word cobblers can also mean nonsense or rubbish as in you are talking a load of old cobblers the mind boggles thank you oldfashioned Mech I do love a bit of food history so we know the origins of the cobbler but how do people eat it now in the modern world for that we turn to my amazing meaners in ask the audience [Music] lots of great discussion in the community tab this week so thank you very much Meiners as always first big message that came through I have to eat the peach cobbler with ice cream preferably vanilla check second discussion was canned or frozen or fresh peaches I couldn’t get any fresh peaches so I went to my local Village Store and under all the beans talk about carrying on The Stereotype of the British I found cans of peaches so I’m using can today thirdly the spice mix seems to be where people are individualizing their cobblers not a phrase I thought I would ever be saying I’ll put the recipe I’m using today in the description below as usual okay it’s time to Cobble let’s get in the kitchen [Applause] he and here we are back for the peach cobbler it smells amazing it looks incredible for any of you who have seen the scoreboard and have watched my biscuits and gravy video you know how I love the biscuits this looks so so good many people said this is a a scoreboard Buster they thought I was going to really like this here we go right peach cobbler from the south let’s go that is beautiful I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed crispy top of the biscuit but the soft flowery buttery goodness of the biscuit underneath is just wonderful the sweetness SL tartness of the peaches the lemon juice in there really helps just to take an edge off that sweetness of the peaches and then of course the spices if this had been a peach crumble I wouldn’t be quite so excited the biscuit topping for me is is pushing it up there I’ve got to just sort of Imagine sitting outside on a porch somewhere in the Southern States of America maybe there’s a big long table in the yard under a tree all the family around it I’ve just had my chicken fried steak with mashed potato and beans and then out comes the peach cobbler it’s ridiculous how good this is it’s stupid it’s disgustingly good I’m very happy about it well done to everyone that suggested it this is such a great hobby making YouTube videos about this stuff I’ve never cobbled a peach before I’m going to Cobble every pach I see now cuz it turns out like this bonus content it is later on in the day I this is not my kitchen behind me everyone my kitchen is still under construction this is someone else’s kitchen and in front of me I have mini Mech number two and mini Mech number three and they are currently eating the peach cobbler that I made for the video today just tell me what you thought of it so we can hear on the phone it tastes exactly like Peach but also crumble but is it good yes okay excellent how about you mini Mecha number three what do you think of it do you like it yeah you do yes yeah what’s what’s the best thing about it you tell us in your own words this bit that bit just picked up a random bit of peach said that bit that’s the best bit about it should we have peach cobbler again yeah yeah okay can you say hello to the Americans who might be watching you too say hello Americans how do you say hello in America they speak the same language as us they speak English yes all right it’s time to score the peach cobbler I have a feeling it’s going to be a high score but will it knock the bad boys off the top let’s go through the criteria for the peach cobbler appeal super appealing the syrupy peaches that lovely golden sugary CR on top we know it’s a rustic dessert so it’s not supposed to look beautiful and dainty it looks quite rough and rustic but for many people myself included the appeal is there it looks great I want to dive into it ease of making it was okay not something you’re going to rustle up quickly I didn’t kind of realize I had to necessarily bake the the peaches before I put the rest of the stuff on so middling score for ease of making taste Bangarang as they once said in the movie Hook one of my personal favorites but most people don’t like like it so we won’t go there taste was incredible so good and then the ice cream on top hello I was sold it’s going to be in the ’90s now I know the big hitters like buffalo chicken wings for example are only at 93 so there’s a whole seven points above that for something else to slot in there cobbler is not going above that no it’s going low 90s which still means it’s excellent everyone I’m going to go for 91 91 Mech points for peach cobbler so let’s take a look at the scoreboard 91 Mech points means it is a hair under chicken fried steak and it is one above apple fritters I’m very happy with this because this is now the highest scoring sweet dish and I personally would always favor a Savory dish over a sweet dish so I am happy that the peach cobbler is sitting under those three Savory dishes but it’s still in the ’90s it’s still flipping good please like the video please consider subscribing so you don’t miss out on what I’m cooking up next week love you guys as always Captain Mech out [Music]


  1. The store-canned peaches are the weak point here; but if you can't get fresh ones in your neck of the woods, I'm guessing home-canned aren't likely an option either. Frozen… might be an option? But I'd be worried that the frozen ones might be picked almost as green as the cannery ones, so it might not actually be that much better.

    And yes, cobbler is a bit more work to make than a crumble or crisp, but it's worth it.

  2. I love that peach cobbler……truth is I like them all but a good strawberry/ rhubarb just might be tops.

  3. Definitely a different recipe than I use. Mine came down to me through my grandmothers. One usually made peach and the other made blackberry cobbler from blackberries we picked in her backyard. I don’t use a dumpling type dough. Mine is a pourable type dough. Also I’m just not an ice cream and pie/cobbler girl. I prefer whipped cream. Lastly, I like to use fresh peaches over canned peaches.

  4. I knew the cobbler would be a hit, but saddened about my beloved sloppy joes falling off the list. Cornbread is still there, love that stuff. At some point I've probably put sloppy joes on cornbread!

  5. Hello back little cousins, to the mini mechs. Good job on the cobbler. You should try it with other fruits when you get a chance, but peach is my favorite.

  6. I'm from Georgia, the Peach State (for real, that's our motto & you'll see images of peaches everywhere). I grew up on this stuff. You did good & canned is totally fine. Peaches aren't in season all year round so we use canned when we can't get fresh.

  7. Now do Blackberry cobbler.
    There's easier recipes and mixes for peach cobbler. Don't worry about using canned. Of course fresh is best, but nobody will turn down canned.

  8. Wow there must be a cultural difference I didnt know about. Everyone in the states loves Hook! Especially everyone old enough who grew up with it. That peach cobbler looked amazing!

  9. My grandmother used to make me apple cobbler, because we live in the Pacific Northwest lots of apples here. I had it when I was a child and I’m 67 now, and I was far away from the deep south as I could be.

  10. As a Brit I used to make a cobbler
    a hearty stew with savoury scone mix on top
    not sure where it came from
    but I have no memories of sweet cobblers.

    I think a savoury one would be my preference.

  11. As others have probably said, cobbler is not 'southern,' it is more rural altho popular in cities too. Where fruit is grown, you will find cobblers. E.g., Michigan is known for cherries = cherry cobbler. Washington state grows peaches etc…., New England has apples, etc… πŸ™‚ And I adored mini-Meck 2 wanting to speak clearly to us by asking how to say Hello. So darlin' and so earnest. lol

  12. Recipe Suggestion Try Fish and Chips but substitute the chip for Hush Puppies, they are common with catfish but would work with any white fish. Like Cod.

  13. Any fresh fruit in season makes a great cobbler. Serve with fresh whipped cream. If served hot i use ice cream.

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