Join me as I recreate a vegetarian recipe!

all right all right everybody come on in come on in thank you all so much for being here for anybody new here hi I am Maggie your substitute teacher I would like to welcome you to yet another struggle cooking class I got the dishwasher going so sorry for the background noise but I am not a professional chef this is really me at home I am not a professional YouTuber I am just a mom and a home cooker sharing my love of food on my health and wellness Journey with you all uh we’ve got another eggplant recipe you all apparently this summer vegetable is very popular and I’ve been uh cooking up a lot of it so if we have any vegetarian Scholars today is the day for you of course if you are a meatatarian you can add meat to it so we’re going to go ahead and get started I’m going to take attendance uh if you would like to be counted present feel free to announce yourself however if you prefer to watch quietly from the clouds and y’all know who you are you uh you’re welcome here we are the happy wholesome familyfriendly side of Facebook YouTube twitch Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok I see you all on Tik Tok it’s been a minute can I go through you all Venus lb Rigo m b uh dalit Felicia Florida Melissa Maya Miss Sam Joyce Dia n Diva Wanda Harry Andrea Jennifer uh juwel two3 4567 voice Lady B user Lisha user Iris hairbrush Mary user and queen all right thank you all for watching on Tik Tok hello from Detroit good to see everybody thank you all so much for being here um hello 10 plus sounds my editor you all know 10 plus sounds he’s also a content creator if you see any artwork on my page that looks professional believe me I did not do it it’s all 10 plus sounds we got Next Level Subs no Next Level tubs salute Maggie The Substitute Teacher thank you so much um Next Level says are we making oatmeal no I’m going to show you all what we’re making we’re making an eggplant it’s just eggplant with tomato and cheese baked eggplant I’m going to show you all the video and then you tell me what you would name it it just came up in my Instagram feed y’all know how I do have I ever made this before no has that ever stopped me no all right we got Mo’Nique in the house hello sweetheart 748 Charles is here um hello Chad and hello red bones thank you all so much for being here on IG and then over here we have Derek Davidson hi Maggie hello sir good to see you Paula oxenford it’s been a while she says hello Maggie good afternoon thank you sweetheart we got Juran coming in from across the pond uran this is not a mearian meal hello Bentley on Tik Tok um but imagine it with beef or bacon or sausage hello uh Pharaoh thank you so much for being here um hello Jessica’s here hello sweetheart we got K Rene’s Garden hey Maggie and chat yes shout out to the vegetarians today is your day Jessica’s in class good to be back here again glad to have all of y’all all right so let me show you all what we are making as always I link the recipe in the description and this one is from cooking Diaries so okay you all can see so this is cooking diary so I’m going to show you all the video and then you let me know what you would call it all right so let’s see oh it’s just music there’s no I’ll give you the music all right this is the goal so we’re going to slice our eggplant and fan it out we’re going to Salt it while it’s salting we’re going to do sauce it looks like sugar spices some seasonings and then this calls for a fresh mozzarella tomato and then in the in between the layers we’re going to put the sauce the fresh mozzarella the tomato and then we’re supposed to bake it I’m going to air fry it what do you all think about this are we eating this if you’re eating this I guess give me a thumbs up in the chat if you’re like heck no give me a thumbs down in the chat and then let me know what you all would call it 10 plus sound says look at that thumbnail again I already know you fixed it for me y’all know I’m janky 10 plus sounds has to fix my artwork all right so to me if you like pizza if you like capr if you like Italian flavored food this is probably right up your alley okay never tried eggplant you will love it K Rene is giving it a thumbs up of course our garden girl is going to eat it we got first Peta in the house hello our life hello Jimmy all right Jurgen says I always manage to insert uh meat yes so if you’re me atarian what would you add to it hello Aon Laura so eggplant is you all if you don’t know I just came back from Egypt a few weeks ago we had a lot of eggplant there I don’t know if it’s you know local to the area but it is and I’m not a scientist well I am but not a vegetable scientist it’s kind of like a squash so it’s kind of like yellow squash zucchini so it’s kind of you know seedy on the inside it Cooks up really tender and when you roast it it’s got a sweetness to it so I think it’s like yellow squash and then zucchini and then eggplant to me would be like even on the sweeter softer side we’ve made a few eggplant dishes it caramelizes up really nice Bentley loves egg absolutely so we’re going to make it we’re going to go ahead and get started let me clean off the counters and we’re going to go ahead and let this salt Next Level tub says put some parchment in the air fryer I got you I’m ready all right so let’s clean off here but you can use eggplant a lot of vegetarians use eggplant Derek is like I don’t know I love it all right let’s see how it comes out a lot of vegetarians use eggplant as a okay we can’t really call it a meat substitute right there’s no substitute for meat per se but um it’s nice and Hardy so you know how people come sometimes sometimes use like mushroom or portabello to kind of give you that meat uh consistency hello Mr Boom um eggplant to me you can use it you can slice it thin if you’re trying to be low carb or uh cutback pre-diabetic diabetic you can use it as a substitute for your pasta layers in like a lasagna you all know about eggplant Parmesan do the breadcrumbs on it and then kind of pan fry it and then put your sauce and all that next level tub says yes we can all right y’all let me clean hands okay so let me leave this here in case we have people popping in so you all know what we are making I just love experimenting with these I think I got this eggplant in the Grocery Giveaway it’s very um I’m in the South yall know I’m in Atlanta so it’s um it’s in season right now and you can save money and you can you know if you care about the environment and stuff like that buying the vegetables and fruits that are in season and local saves you on transport cost and I think they taste better jurgen’s gonna add oyster mushrooms Kimberly is here she says eggplant is your favorite vegetable uh Aon Laura says I can’t eat eggplants and tomatoes but you definitely try it make it for someone else at they wanted if you can’t have eggplant I would probably substitute zucchini I would get zucchini and still slice it or maybe layer a few of them and kind of fan it out just like that just like that and then put the sauce and everything so that’s what we do here y’all we just come up with different substitutes that’s why I’m your substitute teacher all right let’s get this cut up all right so we’ve got the cutting board let’s give this a good wash and this one is pretty massive so let’s see I got to sink full of dishes okay so many different ideas with the eggplant like I said we’ve done um you could do your eggplant Parmesan uh we did a different eggplant recipe we sliced it I even have a thought to use it as like Burger buns you know people are doing tomato burgers or uh Onion Burgers if you’re trying to be low carb um you could dice it up in sauté all kind of different things Aron Laura says zucchini good idea wonderful all right let make sure everybody can see I know y’all like to and I’m trying y’all it’s just me and my janky equipment okay so let us cut in here so it says a very delicious baked eggplant with cheese and tomatoes so let me know now that you all know what we’re making what would you call this eggplant stuffed eggplant baked eggplant I don’t know this delicious eggplant tastes amazing it will turn anyone into an eggplant lover I wish y’all were here to eat it delicious as a side dish and as a standalone so if you’re having this as a side dish what would you serve as the the the main course or the meat all right so we got our eggplant it says preheat oven 180° I don’t know what that is in Fahrenheit maybe what someone can convert for me line a tray with baking paper we’ll get to that in a moment wash and dry the eggplant just did that cut lengthways without cutting the stalk all the way through all right so I’m going to try and give this um let’s get our knife all right so it looks like they are cutting if it were me I would cut from the stem down but when I watch the video it looks like they’re holding it here and I’m going to try and just do so I’m going to cut almost to the top all right not all the way and then I’m just going to try and freehand little equal slits if I can so just holding it and cutting straight down you could probably if you had like a really big tomato oh hello Dr krena here our Amazon best-selling author hello Garden Of Glory I was thinking if you had like a Big Tomato um I’m just here to try this stuff with y’all and then you can use your own um Imagination how you would do it all right so we got a few slices here let’s see if we can do a couple more and then we’ll go to the other side I say one more okay so we have our eggplant oh did I not cut okay let me turning it over I want to make sure I cut through all the way I thought I did cut away from your hand Maggie all right it’s not perfect but I messed up this side that’ll be the side that goes down hello first class and Hello Dolly all right thank you Erin Laura says 356 okay thank you all right let’s go the other way make sure I cut all the way through this would probably be best on a smaller eggplant but this is the one that I have so I’m just going to try and maybe one more all right now let me turn it over and just make sure I got it I’m actually going to go down my fingers out of the way all right I don’t want to De demolish it so now it says to all right let’s see how we got it to look all right cut lengthways without cutting the stalk all the way through lightly press on the stem of the eggplant to open it season with salt and let it rest for 20 minutes we’ll see about that 20 minutes but let me see if I see do I want to go all right press on the stem I’m just kind of pressing hard to kind of flatten it I messed up a little bit there but I got some fan action going all right just kind of right oh if I didn’t mess that one up okay but looks okay now we’re going to Salt it we’re going to Salt it generously this would probably be better with like a table salt or a fine salt I have this kosher salt which is kind of coarse but the reason you want to Salt it is because you want to get some of the moisture out so I’m just going to put some in my hands pretty generously and we’re going to get all up in here the reason you want to Salt it the salt is going to kind of take the water some of the water out of the eggplant and we’ll brush some of this off so when it Cooks it’s a little bit uh crispier it’s going to kind of bead up we did this on whatever other eggplant recipe that we did all right so let me just get that down in here and I think we’re good oh man Andy Johnson coming in with the $20 thank you so much for the contribution he says it’s been a while but here’s something for the grocery bill I appreciate you so much I’m gonna get you up on the board all right so you all can see we have salted this I’m gonna set up behind me and just kind of let it do its thing but you are the stream sponsor the stream sponsor is the person who gives the biggest cash app PayPal venmo Facebook Stars Instagram gifts Twitter tips gold coins I’m just glad that you all are here and then when you come in and you go above and beyond it just makes my day so thank you hello udaa and hello Cynthia thank you so much for being here all right so let me get you up on our struggle stream whiteboard and then we will continue so we have our eggplant all right all right we got Randy Johnson as the stream sponsor okay so while our eggplant thank you thank you so much while our eggplant is over here salting and doing its thing um what else do we need to do now we’re going to prepare this tomato sauce I’m going to try and make this tomato sauce as closely to their recipe as possible I also think this would be a great way to use up leftover spaghetti sauce um if you have like a jar of spaghetti sauce but I like to give you guys you know the best freshest if I can I’ve got some extra salt here so I just want to wipe that down but you know if you have kiddos or big kid or a man or anybody who doesn’t like vegetables you know it really is in the way that you prepare them and I know people say that and they’re like but honestly you can make them very tasty hello uh skins thank you so much for being here rap says that I have to see what do you have to see I missed it okay let me leave this here so you all can see what we’re making and let’s get our cook toop all right but you can kind of think about o for those of you who like meat you could use uh like leftover spaghetti sauce with meat and kind of make it more of a allinone meal all right let me clean my hands seem to always run out of paper towels when I’m cooking with you I wash my hands a lot we’ll we will replenish okay so we are going to just put some items into the skillet and let it simmer all right so we have a skillet here what do we need need let’s look at the ingredients all right so it says we need one large eggplant we have that behind us it says two fresh tomatoes medium siiz I didn’t get two I got one large one so we’re just going to make this work we are going to need to slice through this so I have a nice beef steak tomato if you have Roma tomatoes or any tomato I do have these little salad Tomatoes if it gets if it gets bad and I need extra I don’t mind being kind of janky if I need to Christina says how you cut it cute it looks like one of those sea Aly y’all know me and animals I don’t know what kind of C algae looks like um that little fan but I’ll take it let’s go with it okay um now it says 250 grams of mozzarella cheese now here’s the thing um this recipe calls for fresh mozzarella cheese the soft one that’s um you know in the little plastic pack package like you can see there or in water since I’m dairyfree I am going to show you all the goats mozzarella that I’m going to use but I do have some some Bata no yes some Bata so I’ll show you all that you can tell me if you want me to use that as well um and then it says 200 grams of grated Tomatoes I don’t know what grated tomatoes are but I think it’s just chopped tomatoes so I plac an order if you have canned tomatoes diced tomatoes Maybe uh that will work uh so we’ve got these Tomatoes oh it says four cloves of garlic I need to check and see what I have if it’s still good seasoning of choice dried Italian herbs we’ve got our um oregano from Greece so I’ve definitely got lots of herbs basil leaves we’ve got our basil that big old container sugar I’m going to substitute salt and pepper to taste and olive oil okay let’s prepare the tomato sauce one tablesp of olive oil or your choice in a pan so I’m going to use the oil that’s been approved for me it’s MCT coconut oil not a fan trying to be better um but if you have a really good quality olive oil feel free to use it hello Shanta Shante and hello Darren all right so this is what I’m going to use this MCT coconut oil it’s a very nice light oil um like good for dressings and whatever but it has a low smoke point so I’m not a huge fan but we’ve got our one tablespoon measure all right so we’re going to go in with a tablespoon of oil all right and then add the puree tomatoes and everything else the garlic the sugar the salt the pepper herbs and chopped basil okay hold the phone I haven’t prepped the other ingredients so we’re going to come back to this I got to chop up we got to chop up the garlic and the basil and I do have my Italian herbs oh God all right so I’ve got some you know what I’m just going to crumble this in here we have some basil left over from our big old container U let me check on garlic I got a bad feeling about this fresh garlic yeah I think we’re going to have to use the Jarred ones all right so fresh is best but in a pinch we’re going to use these garlic clothes so how many do we need four all right so let’s get these cut up I try to keep you know those uh cooking channels hi M everybody says my mom is here hello Breezy hello Prince hello Mr Anthony shout out to Nana it’s been a while I hope I hope you’re doing well Mom good to see you this is my mom you all shout out to Nana she is a retired home science teacher she taught me everything I know sometimes I get it right sometimes I don’t but Mom says it looks colorful and healthy all right so no pressure our professional is here all right so we’re going to cut up our uh garlic clothes all right I’m a woman of a particular age let me turn the air down y’all all right so definitely you can get the kids in the kitchen with you especially when it’s time to um stuff the eggplant but I’m just going to do a quick little rough Chop on this garlic you can get garlic already minced you can get it whole in the jar like this obviously if you have it fresh even better some of us really like o I can smell it getting it getting cut up in here oh my goodness hello Nana’s in the house all right so we’re just going to get this chopped up CU once we turn on the stove and start sautéing our sauce we want all of these flavors to go in there so they combine nicely all right not perfect but we got some garlic I probably could mince it better um half a teaspoon of dried Italian herbs so we have this is actual oregano from Grease from the SP from The Spice Market so we’ll use a half teaspoon of that and it says a one and a half tablespoons of sugar which is interesting to me I’m going to use my sugar substitutes but a lot of times spaghetti and Italian um dishes do have sugar added so to be sugar-free I’m going to use one of my substitutes but absolutely yall use what works for you all right so I have some Splenda alul so this is my granular sugar substitute all right one and a half teaspoons all right so we’ve got that all right so let’s go ahead and put it all in let’s turn this on medium let’s start with our tomatoes so I have some chopped tomatoes I think that’s everything Mrs o says yuck to Sugar well here’s the thing y’all I am not the food police look we love everything clearly right it’s a problem but I like to try these recipes and then substitute what I can have but if you um if you can have sugar y’all know I always tell you please have some for me but I know we have people who are diabetic pre-diabetic how do you open this oh it says made in Italy great for sauces now I’m excited about that I have been to Italy I’m just just going to cut this and the tomatoes there are amazing hi Bentley says hi Manana something about the volcanic soil they’re so flavorful American tomatoes to me they’re nice but they kind of taste like Styrofoam the real Italian Tomatoes all right I’m going to give this a taste so let’s just cut this up all right so we’re going to pour all right I got to just scrape up some from the bottom to see if it reminds me of Venice or Naples or Tuscany y’all they’re naturally sweet so good okay focus Maggie we got Tomatoes going in boiled Tomatoes The Garlic I feel like I should dice just a little bit better because you don’t want big chunks of garlic so you can see here it’s not as small as it could be so I’m just going to run through it when you’re doing sauces put a napkin underneath here so The Cutting Board doesn’t move when you’re doing sauces you don’t want to bite down maybe you do but you don’t want to bite down on a big hunk of garlic you know if you’re doing like um a garlic bread or something and you just roast it you can smear it down but I want to get it a little bit smaller all right so let’s go in with the garlic four cloves of garlic sugar so it says one and A2 teaspoons of sugar I’m going to use my sugar substitute to for a little bit of sweet so we have a half teaspoon measure so we’re going to do three of these Aaron Laura says do the tomatoes have a Tang um they taste like tomatoes they just taste full of flavor hey youus that’s how tomatoes and feta and grease are I was in Greece last year incredible y’all I’m telling you you got to travel hold on let me Focus one two if you think you don’t like Greek food if you think you don’t like Italian food try and have as close as you can to the authentic and then decide oh I don’t know what’s going on um Jurgen says yummy Erin Laura says I think the sugar is used to cut through the Tomato Tang yes absolutely we got Sheila in the house oh oh oh oh she I love it when you come to class she okay focus Maggie we got sugar where did I stop okay tomato garlic sugar salt and I think it was just salt and pepper to taste yeah so we’re just going to do salt and pepper I don’t have to worry about salt so I can be pretty liberal I do have to worry about sugar all right so we’re going in with salt and pepper mom says taste as you go it will definitely give it a taste and then the chopped basil I’ve got this dried basil let me see if I just crush it in my all right I just rolled up the dried basil in my hands oh my God it smells so good y’all all right so this is what we’ve got I’m gonna Stir It Up Little daring Stir It Up all right for those that wonder what we’re making we don’t have a name for it it’s eggplant with stuffed with tomatoes and mozzarella what would y’all call this I don’t know but it looks amazing so we got our Tom our eggplant resting behind us with salt this is where we are right now we’re making the sauce or some of y’all say the sauce all right let’s Stir It Up and again you can skip this step and you could do like leftover um pasta sauce tomato sauce um whatever you have spaghetti sauce for those of y’all who are new to cooking or busy moms cooking for the family one of the tips like my mom used to batch cook and so what I would recommend like you could do like two proteins like a chicken uh and a fish or a beef in a chicken or make a sauce like this you could do spaghetti one day you could do um whatever this is that we’re making one day you can layer it between lasagna hello Raymond iy hello Jasmine NAA and Dawn and five figures and Deone stuffed eggplant thank you Robin Robin says we’re making stuffed eggplant all right so let’s give this a little taste let’s get a clean tasting spoon for the salt and pepper and the sugar and then we’re just going to let it simmer all right making sure everybody can see so let’s get in here as long as there’s no raw meat taste as you go that’s what my mom taught me and I can’t see glasses in the kitchen um you never want to serve anybody I already had a facial today you don’t want to serve anybody anything you haven’t tasted okay ain’t that right Nana y’all I didn’t think I was going to like the sugar it’s not sweet but it finishes sweet so you get that Big Tomato flavor and then when when it dissolves you have a little hint of sweetness hello o OG dub thank you for being here all right the only thing is I want it to thicken up a little bit because you can see we got to boil off some of this water maybe I don’t need the top all right let’s see what it says next we’re going to let this do its thing Let It percolate and uh we got to slice cheese and tomatoes and check on our egg so you all can see we’ve sliced it and we’ve salted it we’re just kind of letting it rest then we’re going to stuff it and I’m going to put it in the air fryer all right right so let’s see what the instructions say and then we’ll move to the next step oh we didn’t do the oregano hold up the Italian herbs see I already missed one but it tastes really good half half teaspoon of Italian herbs all right so we’re going to go in with the oregano then I got to replace the paper towels I wish you all could smell this uh when I was in Greece I actually went to the Spice Market I have some more from Egypt y’all I have saffron I have all this stuff I wish y’all could smell it all right so we’re going in with real oregano smells so good we’ll Stir It Up give it one more taste and then move on okay you can already see now as I stir it before it was really wet but you can see by boiling it we’re getting some of the moisture out of those tomatoes so it’s going to kind of thicken up on us oh my gosh y’all all right let’s give it one more taste now that we added the authentic oregano I might add a little bit more pepper but let’s keep going all right uh paper towels one moment okay all right so let’s move some of this stuff out of the way while this is simmering we’re going to slice Our tomato and we’re going to slice our cheese and I’ll show you all what I have I do want a little bit more pepper on it hello ten Boulevard hello big Daryl all right a little bit more pepper but that’s the reason why you kind of taste it let’s get our tomato I’m excited y’all okay mom says clean as you go I’m doing it Mom okay I’m just trying to see where we are check for Taste adding spices if needed all right let me show you guys where we’re at all right so we just did this add the puree Tomatoes garlic sugar salt pepper Italian herbs and chopped basil boil the sauce over medium heat to double the heat I think it means to double the sauce to thicken check for Taste adding spices if needed slice the tomatoes and mozzarella thinly all right so that’s where we are let me just give this another stir can y’all see how it’s already thickening up we’re just going to let it set I know the best sauces have been simmering all day hello BK King so I’m going to move this back and we’re going to get in here with our tomato so I am going to slice it crosswise just like you would for a burger or anything like this hello TBO hello virtuoso and hello Ty Austin all right so we’ll just keep an eye on that it’s looking lovely all right let me just give this one more rinse all right so I’m just going to kind of slice it freehand I do have little gadgets if you’re nervous about slicing them even there’s little tools that you can use that might be too thick all right I think that’s kind of thick but what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to cut these tomato slices in half so that I can double them when they go inside the um eggplant so basically I’ll be stuffing them like this so we’ll have a little half tomato sticking out all right so we have our tomatoes ready woo y’all can you see our sauce look how it’s really reducing give it one more stir and then we are ready all right so here’s the deal with the cheese y’all so again this recipe calls for a fresh mozzarella let me just move these out of the way Tomatoes anyone fresh tomato all right so let me show you all my Dairy substitute that’s why I’m your substitute teacher I’m GNA turn this down all right so I am going to be using this this is goats cheese Mozzarella um you can get goats milk products something about the protein and Calgary I have to avoid but I can have goats milk this one is not going to be as soft and creamy as a fresh mozzarella but I am going to use this so we’re going to slice this in here but I do have this you all now this is not my dairyfree but this is a Bata which is a fresh mozzarella I don’t know if y’all can see it’s kind of sitting in the uh liquid if y’all want me to put some of that in there I will if you want the fresh mozzarella find the cheese emoji and put it in the chat hello humbo sauce is looking great thank you all right but we will slice this block most of the goats milk sheep’s milk the other uh I call it dairy free people come from me have what have it your way Burger King Prince wants the mozzarella hello crowd okay um let me turn this over to this side you’re going to find these cheeses not in the back with like the craft macaroni and cheese cheese you’re gonna find it more towards the de the deli so let me just cut this in half I’m G to try and make slices of mozzarella to kind of equal the slices of the um tomato and I have another one if I need to so kind of imagining like cheese sticks all right so that’s what I’m making every everybody doing well thank you all so much for being here all right so I’m going to open up we’re going to do mostly the goats milk cheese all right so we’re going to alternate cheese tomato cheese tomato kind of like a capr all right I think we’re good with the sauce let me take that out it has thickened up y’all remember how watery it was before now it’s almost looking like tomato paste so let me just give it one last stir oh yeah it’s starting to set at the bottom so we’re good all right now we’re ready to layer and then this is going to go in the air fryer all right we’ll have to figure out what to do while it’s baking um what am I doing oh y’all wanted this let’s see let’s see if this is let me open this over the sink CU it’s uh like a real feta um the mozzarella is sitting in like a brine so hold up everything’s okay just drop the container my hands are a little bit all right let me just cut it all right all right so you all can see this is what fresh mozzarella looks like now this is not just mozzarella this is a Bata so a Bata cheese actually is like mozzarella on the outside and then it’s got like a cream filling on the inside so it might be a little bit messy but if you all want me to try it I will we’ll do this at the end but you can see it’s kind of like a little pouch of cheese and then inside it’s got a cream filling so I might squeeze some of that out and then just use some of the fresh mozzarella all right let’s get it started let’s assemble and bring our eggplant over all right oh wow so you all can see notice how the water is running out of the eggplant excuse me that’s from the salt so I am going to brush off some of this excess salt I’m just thinking in order all right extra than me and then we’ll put it in we’re going to go ahead and put it in the air fryer tray so it says to bake this at 365 y’all all see hello I am the queen hello Chosen One hello uh men mental hello PGN hello Artistry all right all right this is a pretty big eggplant so let’s see I have my air fryer tray and I am going to use you can use parchment paper you can use these little air fryer sheets which are parchment paper parchment paper has been treated with silicone I hope it fits this is a pretty big one it’s really just dripping water from my hand because of all that salt all right absorb some of that all right let’s see if we can make this work I’m wondering if this might be too big all right so we’re going to go in with sauce and then tomato and then cheese all right so let’s get a [Music] spoon kids could absolutely help with this I’m just looking at the instructions all right I’m just going to go in and we’re going to put sauce between each layer can y’all see okay hello it’s Robin thank you so much for being here so I’m just going to open up a little bit and then put in this beautiful red sauce between each layer which is already hot nice and hot because it’s been simmering just stuff and then we’re going to go back through with the fresh tomato and you all want the cheese [Music] please yeah this is a pretty big eggplant so it is soaking up all of this sauce get in there probably want a smaller spoon all right push it in all the grooves get in into the groove all right I’ll leave a little bit extra okay so this is what we have so far now we are going to put it’s nice and hot now we’re going to put um the tomato and the cheese all right Aron Laura is looking all right let’s get it started so now we have fresh tomato let me just watch how they do it because y’all know I can mess up all right so we did this we did the sauce garlic seasonings sliced the cheese slice the Tomato put the sauce in yep and then cheese tomato cheese all right cheese tomato cheese so let’s go in with let me move this so y’all can see and I’m going to go ahead and preheat the air fryer now while I’m stuffing this all right we’ll do 365 all right so we’ve got y’all this thing is going to be massive cheese tomato I’ll do the other cheese last because it’s going to be a little bit messy but I’ll get it in there cheese to tomato so y’all are saying this really could absolutely be a meal nice and Hearty and Saucy okay I got a bad feeling I’m wondering if my air fryer is gon to be able to handle this eggplants pretty big [Music] cheese tomato but it’s beautiful cheese tomato all right cheese get up in there tomato cheese once that cheese hits the warm sauce it’s already looking yummy you love eggplant Parmesan on Tik Tock Victor says it looks so very yummy great dinner okay I’m glad you guys are liking this all right last SL let’s go in with cheese and tomato if y’all are doing meatless Mondays I know we have some vegetable cherians or if you want to do a meal this is massive I mean like all right so then y’all want the fresh mozzarella all right so what I’m going to do because it’s going to be a little bit messy but for you all I will let me clean my hands if this were just mozzarella and not Bata we wouldn’t have this issue but I’m going to have to pinch it and squeeze out the cream on the inside all right so a real fresh mozzarella y’all can see how it’s nice and like um 355 355 okay thank you so I am going to just kind of cut a little going to kind of squeeze it and almost like Lance it Okay so we’ve got that but you all can see notice how it’s got like a cream filling that is kind of like a cottage cheese consistency that is the that’s wonderful if you want it but what we want is that stringy texture all right so I’m just going to peel some strips of mozzarella and I’ll just put it on top for y’all since you want the fresh mozzarella on top of all of this or if you don’t have the fresh you could do maybe mozzarella sticks if you have some laying around from the kids so you all can see the difference in a fresh mozzarella all right now we’re ready we’re going to put this in the air fryer now here’s the deal I think it says cook for like 40 or 50 minutes obviously I’m not doing that I’ll let it cook but I just want to get it in here y’all I’m nervous let’s see if we can get this in here okay so ideally you would cook this in the oven I’m trying the air fryer let’s see how it goes we just want that um there’s nothing in there that’s like raw we just want that eggplant to kind of caramelize down and get soft you know how like when you caramelize an onion speaking of onions it’s going to be so tasty y’all I got some onions in the giveaway box because we got some time for this to cook should I do some more of the bacon wrapped onions while this is cooking because the boys will be home from their dad tonight and I could have those onion rings ready for them to snack on or what do you all want me to make or what questions do you have hello hoo hello my life hello Mafi hello Valentine it’s raw base um let me clean up here if you want bacon wrapped onion rings put the bacon Emoji or the onion Emoji in the chat or ask your question we could do Q&A or what you want me to make all right I’m going to taste this cream I wonder if it’s like a cottage cheese and I have some extra sauce hold up y’all all right this was inside the mozzarella oh yeah it tastes like cottage cheese it’s kind of got that Curly texture but it is full Dairy it is very creamy it’s got kind of like um almost like a half and half mouth feel I’m going to try a little bit of this with our sauce all right we had a little bit of sauce left over so I’m going to put some of that in here then I’m going to get some of this fresh whatever this is and we’re going to try it together all I need is some basil right experimenting this is why I struggle y’all I could eat this on a cracker with a snack American says how do I go live I think you need a thousand followers on Tik Tok OMG y’all just tomatoes and cheese oh my God so good God y’all all right you want the bacon wrap um onions Diane says did you cook the eggplant first no we just sliced it and salted it might have been better if you cooked it first y’all this is so good all right I’m going to just take this out oh that is so good you want more bacon wrap onions all right we got time I was going to keep this extra sauce you know that when it comes out you know you could put a little extra sauce on there when I tell y’all this is so good it’s kind of like the filling of a lasagna without the meat without the noodle it’s basically red sauce and like a ricotta ctage cheese y’all right here who’s here for kitchen snacks all right clean as we go all right so I’ll leave this here let’s clean up we’ll slice up some onions we’ll get I think I have a little bit of beef bacon I actually have a lot of beef bacon we’ll go ahead and just wrap up some onion rings so that when the boys come from their dad then I could just pop them in the air fryer and I’ll have a snack for them hello H toown um you love kitchen snacks I know if y’all were here I’d give you some spoons and let you have at it all right let’s clean up remember we did the bacon wrapped onion rings on like a leak I actually got some really large onions in the giveaway box so I’m like o hereon Laura says God bless the cheese I know all you need is some basil or oh but we put basil in the sauce so it’s already in there all right those of y’all that were with me you know about the beef bacon you can absolutely do this with pork bacon but I already have this package open so I’m going to go ahead and use this up and let me go grab the onion and then we will wrap it up we’ll check on our eggplant so excited Aron Laur is here yes y’all want your bakon onions absolutely uh hello docs thank you so much for being here okay uh let me go grab an onion and we’ll give that a nice little slice okay so I have some yellow onions and these are kind of big like big like the size of my hand so we are going to I think this one is bigger in my left hand so we’re going to slice this up because I had a little bit of trouble the last time around but we do it the first time then we try it again if we like it hello Darren hello Mr Elite all right so let’s go back to our cutting board this has got that salt on it from the eggplant I’ll just brush it off but we can reuse the cutting board for sure but yeah anytime you’re cooking eggplant you can even do this with tomato just like you put salt on a watermelon and it draws out the flavor with your zucchini with your eggplant with your Tomatoes you can salt them a little bit and it draws out the water so the flavor that’s left behind is more intense and it’s really really yummy we got Genesis one in the house she says team bacon is here shout out to Juran shout out to those of y’all who like your meat yes it’s your time now we’re going to go in you’re here for six pieces of bacon greedy no problem all right just cleaning up this salt as we salted that eggplant well all right so we have an onion we are going to slice all right let me peel and then I’m going to try and get big Rings we already had the um survey of where y’all like uh onion rings so if you like on on rings this could be I probably won’t cook these I’m just going to wrap them up because I’m just marking time while we’ve got our eggplant in there doing its thing but these were really tasty and y’all remember that sauce we made I won’t make that sauce for the boys they can just eat ketchup or honey mustard or or whatever barbecue but that sauce was all right here we go it’s this papery there we go all right let me just give this a Rin you can’t even see it’s so big in there but really we just want that eggplant to kind of soften we want that cheese to melt down in there it’s already got the sauce that is cooked and then the fresh tomato hello soy Caleb look if you all like Italian flavors this right here is for you looks like we’re going to garnish it with some fresh basil at the very end but if you like it Saucy a thank you Deanna just roll her sets I don’t do anything crazy just part of my uniform just roll and go but thank you my dear okay so we are going to go for the widest part because I want the biggest onion ring I can get those of y’all who just hopped on our eggplant is in the air fryer so let me see if I can cut and then one more I think they said to cut them thick so let me do all right so you all know if you cut them Crossways your onion rings are literally just going to come apart easily because they have that natural separation so we’re going to go for the big pieces how many pieces of bacon do I have left only five okay but y’all even the onions that um I just kind of put in the tray that cooked in the bacon grease all right one two I’m going try and get the ones that are intact one two three let’s do one more we’ll do these four five okay so we’re going in with the bacon oh wait now these are pretty thick if you remember last time since the beef bacon is a little thicker I kind of cut it lengthways just so I have something to wrap around there this was another recipe that we saw yeah y’all it’s a lot easier when you have a bigger onion ring it’s a lot easier to thread that loop I was struggling last time because I had the smaller ones but we’re literally just going around and around I probably need to double that one up you might need two pieces of bacon all right that’s fine maybe we just get three now these have touched the meat so we’re going to have to go ahead and cook them so literally we’re just going around because the Heat and the fat from the bacon is going to give you kind of like a fried onion ring taste without the breadcrumb all right yeah let me get another tray and set those down because we had to hold them with toothpicks last time we might only get two I’ll leave those there next to the bacon to remind me all right tick tock you don’t stop all right there you go thank you all so much for being here Christina says you’re making sweet it Ian sausage with rigatoni oh that sounds amazing Genesis is going back to the clouds absolutely thank you for coming through all right let’s put another tray on here and I’m going to put them kind of like seeing side down and then we’ll check on our eggplant the air fryer does cook faster and um because it’s an oven with a fan because it blows that hot air around your food all right I’m going to go back around these with another strip of bacon what we said last time if you’re going to do this bacon wrapped onion rings you know how we like to go for the thick cut bacon you know the really good quality oh it’s coming apart on this one I would go with like the thin cut kind of like store brand if it’s a little bit all right let me just set these down it’s harder my beef bacon is is sturdy and this is a thick cut but I would probably go for a thinner slice so that it really wraps around there I didn’t do a great job but all right let’s get this one around keep it kind of close to the bottom may have to get the two fix all right there’s the second one tuck that in it looks crazy but believe me when it cooks and that onion kind of caramelizes in there it tastes really good all right we can do a few more maybe two more this smaller and we’ll set these off to the side if you’re doing a party or game night or appetizers this is a nice surprise surprise surprise all right just wrap it around I’ll just stretch this one out all right I’ll leave it and then we’ll just do this last one the ones that aren’t picture perfect to me are the best ones for kitchen snacks for quality control make sure that U you know the rest of them that look good taste good yeah I think if you have like a really thin cut maybe even with pruto I know Christina likes that if you like um pruto or something that’s really thinly sliced I think youd have a better luck with the Rings but you all get the picture all right now the ones that got that touch the bacon grease I’m just gonna I’m just going to put in here without anything on it and then as that bacon uh kind of cooks down in there it’ll just kind of cook that and soften it up all right so we got that done let’s move this to the back let’s check and see how our uh eggplant is looking air guy says it’s okay don’t beat yourself up you definitely make it practice makes perfect thank you so much I appreciate it Nico wants to know what we’re making all right I’ll show y’all and then we’ll check on ours it’s in the air fryer we were just vamping for time all right let me clean my hands and I’ll show you those of y’all that just came in all right so you all have named this stuffed eggplant all right so we got an eggplant we sliced it we fanned it out we salted it then we made the sauce with tomatoes sugar garlic seasonings we sliced fresh mozzarella fresh tomato put the sauce in between stuffed it with cheese and tomatoes and now it’s in the oven I mean air fryer all right so let’s take a look at it hello Nick hello Divine hello all right so I’m just going to lay lay these to the sides when um the boys will be back from their dad I’ll make a little snack for them when they come later on but just wanted to show You’ all that it’s coming together nicely like five more minutes but let me let me see if I can take it out so y’all can see all right one second all right we’re going to do like five more minutes y’all see the cheese has kind of melted down and you can see the Char you can see the Char on the um eggplant so let’s go back in and then we’re going to cut up some basil to garnish and then I think we’ll be good let me put it back in all right I’m getting excited what do y’all think you love the quality control and research here hello J me thank you so much all right so I think it’s coming together nicely so let’s get some fresh basil let me get a little kitchen snack our fresh mozzarella and stew so good oh my goodness so it’s not to contaminate two separate spoons but we have a a little bit of that fresh mozzarella and then a little bit of this tomato I cannot I cannot tell y’all the flavor combination here how good this is I want to shout but I won’t hello Auntie Jenny right on time keep me elegant all right everybody let’s get some freshh basil because we’re going to garnish and then we’re going to take it out and we are going to let me keep my spoon over here gosh that is so good let’s move everything out of the way for the picture y’all know how we do but you know what this would be a beautiful presentation you know to put on the table let’s say you had your Italian sausage Christina is making Italian sausage let’s say you had I don’t know a roast or something on there this would be a beautiful like um presentation for family night dinners y’all at least that’s what we did we grew up mom cooked for the family every day that’s why I’m in here cooking for y’all every day I make food and femininity content if you’re new here um it’s probably about 5050 half cooking content half um femininity relationship content hello Crystal and I do stream every day usually um dinner time during the week uh I’m East Coast I’m Atlanta and on the weekends I try to stream a little bit earlier because I know we have people all over Auntie Jenny says honey I’m home yes y’all would eat this y’all would absolutely eat this okay basil y’all don’t clown me I didn’t do anything with this pound of Basil when I ordered it look at this I just need to get a few leaves I know I should have done better but we’re going to put a few leaves of Basil on here as a garnish I had some that dried we have so the basil we have it inside the sauce and then we’re going to get a few fresh sprigs here oh my gosh when you pull it it’s so good it’s so good all right so we’ll just give this a rinse and then we will garnish with the fresh basil just a few minutes three more minutes all right so I’m thinking for presentation you know it would also be nice on there if you like like a um a Parmesan or y’all know I have that pecorino Romano if there’s not enough cheese in there for you then you could do um a Sprinkle of grape parm if you can have dairy so let’s just blot these all right so that’s going to be our little garnish okay um and I think let me see how they serve it do they just serve it on The Cutting Board I think I want to put it on a platter all right so we did the parchment paper I just want to see their final presentation and I’m going to try and do the same uh White plate okay that eggplant was really big but I’m going to see if we can lift it and put it on this plate garnish with the basil take a picture of it then I’ll cut into it taste it and let you all have your evening uh but I’m excited I’m excited excited I’m gonna go ahead and do the Maggie roll let me get an inspirational bite of our uh I don’t know what this is y’all but this fresh um mozzarella and tomato sauce I’m telling y’all you would eat this you would absolutely eat this splurge on Italian Tomatoes if you can there’s a natural sweetness to them and you realize why oh my go and then when they cook down because you you know we simmered it and we cooked it down a lot of that liquid came out so when the liquid comes out the flavor that’s left intensifies just like when we salted the eggplant the flavor intensifies one minute left all right now let me get my how are we going to get this out I need something big I wonder if my fish Turners can help me lift it here and keep it intact that is the goal I’m nervous auntie Jenny has a question she says why do Americans use plastic plates I’m glad to see you’re using proper plates thank you Auntie um I’m gonna say it lazy we just are y’all some people don’t want to wash dishes I don’t know I know my man will not eat on U yes San Marzano tomatoes so good my man will not eat on uh disposable anything even if we go out I got to take it out of the container and put it on proper plate proper napkin Auntie Jenny got me on that I was using those paper napkins but um a lot of us just don’t know better but if you’re going to serve people it’s best uh to serve them well even if you don’t have a whole set go to the dollar store get one or two of everything you can get nice you know a nice plate a nice Bowl uh what did they say in the UK proper Crockery and uh Cutlery on the table J yeah you’re not using disposable I hear you all right y’all it’s about to go off okay let’s take it out hello uh mod and hello Rita how long did we cook it I don’t know 30 minutes all right careful I’m going to bring it and set it down here all right it’s very sofy so oh my gosh y’all y’all it is a beauty look at the Char on the mozzarella look at the Char on the sauce it’s hot it’s hot it’s hot it is hot okay now we have a lot of liquid here I think I’m going to carefully tilt it in the sink to get some of that looks yummy thank you Jane okay hold up y’all so I don’t make a huge mess I’m GNA carefully tilt this over the sink to get some of this liquid off and then we’re going to transfer it to a plate and then we’ll put the fresh basil Aon Laura is looking at it juring y’all like it looking good hello humar okay all right so let me carefully go to the let’s not put the whole thing in the sink use a little guard all right I’m literally just pouring off some of the liquid because remember the tomatoes and the tomato sauce is kind of watery oh my gosh y’all yes you definitely want to do that all right so I just put the fish turner at the end and then tilted it over the sink so that we have less of a mess okay think Maggie I want to transfer this to here I’m nervous and beautiful isn’t it thank you oh my goodness y’all all right Focus Maggie looks yummy Auntie Jenny says looks good put the liquid in a pot and reduce it to a sauce I just poured it I’m stressed out all right let’s see if we can get up underneath here I’m trying to debate if I want to lift and shift or if I want to pull this over and just slide it over think I’m going to do both h I got to hold the paper okay let me pour off some of this extra liquid and I’m G to blot that if you make a little bit of a mess just blot so I’m just oh Auntie Jenny says save it I’m stressed out hold up but it probably tastes really really good all right I really want it to be perfect I’m going to get one other plate I’m G to try one more time it’s fine okay y’all know we gota we got to taste this hold on kitchen snacks team kitchen snacks you want your fresh mozzarella hot y’all oh my God you want you want some of this right here it’s sauce okay focus Maggie what are we doing I don’t know okay hold up all right let’s just kind of tuck in the cheese and kind of clean this I really need a bigger platter all right let’s go in we’ll just tuck the basil here how does theirs look y’all this is so good oh my goodness I’m jealous it looks massive it’s huge all right yeah their eggplant wasn’t as big I want to see where do they put the basil oh they just kind of sprinkled it on there okay just gonna try and put the basil this basil is actually pretty big too all right y’all that’s the best I can do hold up I I got to get some more of this and then I’m GNA take a picture and then I’m G try and cut and get a bite of everything y’all I’m over here like a homeless lady God it’s so good our arene over here greedy is ready this is this is your stuffed eggplant oh Auntie Jenny says tear the basil okay tear the the basil yeah that does look better see we cooked together y’all I don’t know have I ever made this massive stuffed eggplant before no but we made it together I think that does look a lot better auntie thank you and we’ll just put a little on the plate as a garnish okay you really need a massive platter but we did it y’all let’s move everything let’s take a picture y’all I’m about to scrape this okay focus we did it we absolutely did it looks beautiful oh Never Tear never cut basil always tear it yeah it looks beautiful we have the torn basil on there thank you all for the hand claps look imagine if you put this on your table you could do meatless Mondays you could have your stuffed eggplant um I’m going to cut into it but let’s get a picture first thank you all so much for uh being here hello uh Travis Johnson hello OD all right so let’s get a picture let me do it from this way I think that looks that looks good tuck that in there oh y’all it’s beautiful it is a beauty so again like I always say this is how my channel started I just used to cook you know find these little recipes and cook them and see if mine will turn out like theirs does and then I would post the picture and then people would say did you make that yes we made it together so when y’all see these on my page look so yummy so where are my non- eggplant fans where are my mearian those of y’all who are like I don’t know would you at at least try it if you like pizza flavors you would love this all right let’s do a video Marcus says mom you need to set it to trending audio this is a lot okay all right everybody so I think we did it that was the goal and I think we made it now we’re going to cut in here here and we’re going to give it a taste and then I’m going to let you all go all right this one was a lot but I’m so glad that we did I think ours looks really really good I would probably do this with a smaller eggplant but yes even with the substitutes I didn’t use real sugar and I used a different cheese but look at theirs and look at ours all right so let’s get a plate we’re going to cut a little piece put it on a plate try and taste it and we’ll be done where’s the recipe excuse me um Charlie this is cooking Diaries it’s in Instagram I linked it if you come over to my YouTube or Facebook um I don’t know if Erin or any of the moderators wants to drop the link for the recipe I always tag the recipe Creator all right so let’s get a knife I’m already excited all right so we’re going to try and get a little bit of everything I hate to cut it enough for two oh Jurgen says he’s goingon to try it with ground beef on the inside in the sauce absolutely hello mono hello things get better you could absolutely this is the vegetarian version I’m not a vegetarian but I just like to try the different recipes you could absolutely do this with like a leftover spaghetti sauce let’s get in here try and cut a nice section we want some eggplant or Aline for Auntie Jenny we want some tomato we want some cheese we want some sauce and we want some basil y’all the cheese just keeps cheesing all right so let’s see I just love how the eggplant I don’t know if y’all can see here how it just kind of roasts and kind of softens up all right we want eggplant cheese basil and tomato I’m going to try and craft the perfect bite y’all know I want to just get in here and tear it up but I’m trying to be elegant we want to get a little bit of everything I know I’m not supposed to touch it but I’m just trying to build it all right so we have a little bit of everything flavor bomb now the basil is very forward I’m going to do a bite without the basil fresh herbs can be a little bit peppery but let’s go in with the eggplant oh my gosh y’all eggplant some cheese and some tomato I think the basil is a great garnish un like unless you really like it like that all right this is a a bigger bite but I’m gonna it tastes like a crustless pizza it is so good like Auntie Jenny said I would probably tear the basil into like tiny strips if you’re going to eat it with a basil because it’s very Punchy but when I tell y’all this thing is good I’m about y’all when I tell you okay one more bite you see I’m over here and not stopping you see I’m over here talking to y’all and tearing it up one moment M the sweetness of the tomato sauce the creaminess of the eggplant the chewi of the cheese it’s excellent y’all would eat this y’all would absolutely eat this and let me see if I can show you the crosssection it goes all the way all that flavor goes all the way down in there see the eggplant you can see it’s kind of like that mushroom text um texture oh so good yummy all right everyone and it’s still got a little bit of um liquid in here but that’s tomato for you but yeah definitely drain it out it is so good I’m so glad we made this y’all thank y’all for being with me today I’m goingon to go ahead and love you and leave you here today is Saturday so I’ll be cooking tomorrow Sundays and Mondays we are cooking with Aisha she’s allowing me to stream on her channels summer with Maggie y over here shaking my shaking my wig and it’s not a wig um be cooking with the boys will be back so I’ll be doing something family meal what are we making I don’t know when are we making it sometime in the evening uh but thank you all so much for being here thank you Mom for coming through shout out to Nana for coming through I don’t know if you you made it I know I go long but my mom was here your favorite African Grandma thank you to our stream sponsor Randy Johnson for coming through with the $2 contribution I’m so grateful and just all of y’all for being here and cooking with me so give it a try um I think you guys will really love it all right yeah it’s got me sweating it’s so good all right everyone uh hello uh there’s a Maggie and hello Big Ben all right I’ll see you all tomorrow all right Tik Tock let’s go ahead and end thank you all so much for being here if I know how thank you for the love Instagram thank you all so much for watching see you tomorrow all right and then Facebook YouTube twitch Twitter Auntie Jenny says I’m chewing you’re swalling it really is that good y’all I’m telling you feed your family feed them the good stuff you would eat this you would eat this great meal all right have a wonderful F evening everyone see y’all tomorrow

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