I made my third tiramisu in a week. This one was for a meeting I attended in my community. So I was able to save a slice in the clubhouse refrigerator and get it home quickly to photograph. This slice looks so much better than the one that was unrefrigerated for 40 minutes in the car and for 2.5 hours on the refreshment table for my retiree meeting at the library. 😂

by CatfromLongIsland


  1. CatfromLongIsland


    To make the pastry cream (adapted from Martha Stewart):

    In a medium saucepan whisk together: ½ cup (100 grams) granulated sugar, ¼ cup (32 grams) corn starch, and a pinch of salt

    In the tall measuring carafe whisk together until smooth: 2 cups (489 grams) whole milk, 4 (80 grams) egg yolks (used extra large), and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Whisk the milk mixture into the saucepan making sure there are no lumps.

    Add to the saucepan: 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter cut into small pieces

    Place the saucepan over medium low heat and whisk continuously until the mixture starts to thicken. Switch to the silicon scraper to stir until the pastry cream thickens to a pudding-like consistency. Pass the hot pastry cream through a fine mesh strainer set over a bowl. Press plastic wrap to the surface of the pastry cream to prevent a skim from forming. Refrigerate the pastry cream until completely cooled before advancing to the next step.

    Making the tiramisu pudding filling:

    Place the bowl and whisk attachment of a stand mixer in the freezer or refrigerator to chill until needed.

    Place in the 8 cup Pyrex mixing bowl for 20 minutes to come to room temperature: Two 8-ounce containers of mascarpone

    Use the hand mixer to beat the mascarpone to soften.

    Add to the mascarpone and beat until smooth: 3 Tablespoons Kahlua and the chilled pastry cream

    In the chilled bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment whip until stiff peaks form: 350 grams heavy whipping cream, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 60 grams powdered sugar, and 1 package Dr. Oetker Whip It or 1 rounded teaspoon Instant Clear Gel

    Note: To stabilize with 1 rounded teaspoon Instant Clear Gel: Beat the heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, and the vanilla until stiff peaks start to form. Use your fingers to sprinkle the rounded teaspoon of Instant Clear Gel evenly over the whipped cream. Continue whipping to incorporate the powder and stiff peaks fully form. Be careful not to over whip the whipped cream as it will turn grainy.

    Fold the whipped cream into the pudding mixture, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until needed.

    To assemble the Tiramisu:

    Pour into a bowl: Strong brewed coffee that has been chilled

    Quickly dip into the coffee and place into a 9 x 13-inch Pyrex baking dish: 21 crisp Lady fingers (soft style ladyfingers will become too soggy)

    Note: The final column of seven cookies may need to be trimmed of a half inch to fit the baking dish.

    Use an offset spatula to spread half the pudding mixture over the cookies. Repeat the process of dipping 21 cookies to create the second layer. The last seven cookies will not need to be trimmed. Spread the remaining half of the pudding over the top. Cover the baking dish and chill overnight. The Tiramisu really needs the overnight chill for the pudding to set.

    Prior to serving use a small mesh strainer to dust the top of the Tiramisu with: Cocoa powder

  2. 3alawiiii00

    Looks perfect!! Sure feels horrible when the most perfected desserts melt in hot weather 🥲

  3. the-half-enchilada

    Beautiful!! I love making tira misu 🙂

  4. Good-Ad-5320

    Looks absolutely perfect and delicious, but I wonder why bother making a pastry cream for a tiramisu ? (I know I’m being annoying at this point but as a French asshole, I also think the pastry cream method you provided is very weird and inefficient). Didn’t mean to be rude at all, your tiramisu looks genuinely gorgeous !

  5. Wide_Front3980

    Ooh…I gotta make some of that this Thursday! I want some now!

    Looks super good and tasty OP! Well done.

  6. Ok-Book7529

    Random, but the plate is so pretty, too!

  7. _Pliny_

    I like that you put it on the fancy plate.

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