Highlight reel from Friday’s pizza pop-up

by SixPathsOfWin


  1. Recent_Cranberry_147

    Since your other post I’ve been feeling inspired to try something similar. Lots of food trucks and pop ups around, but not a lot of pizza ones in my area.

  2. TimpanogosSlim

    Is this gonna be evidence for a health department fine?

    I kid. Sort of. I was excited about the possibilities of occasionally selling food for fun and profit until i found out that the county health department wants almost $100 for an “event” license that is good for maybe a week. It’s not a lot more for an annual license. And then legally i have to do all my prep in a commercial kitchen that they’ve inspected, so that’s additional cost, and if I’m serving something re-heated the fee for the license is doubled.

    So my plan to sell bbq sandwiches went from “I bet i can turn $100 worth of meat and bread into $300” became more of a “how do i make it worth my while to sell $100 worth of meat and bread with $250 worth of overhead?”

  3. insideout_pineapple

    How do you maintain the dough outside? After like an hour, they must be proofed to space, right?

  4. Casanovaonthe1

    How’s you make out at the end of it?

  5. Jercooks

    Congrats man, stuff looks great. Welcome to the pop up rabbit hole

  6. ChawulsBawkley

    How do you handle the flies in a situation like that? Do you have a fan or something?

  7. outfoxingthefoxes

    Honestly Ledge-Man, I’ve been thinking about this since you posted the pictures. I even showed them to coworkers and we were discussing how one would do to make it happen. I would love to do this. Not so much for the money (I don’t want to stress myself working alone) but for the joy of making pizza and make people happy.

    I don’t see myself capable of achieving it (I don’t have driver license nor car) but if I ever do I’ll think about doing this. The thing my coworkers said is the deal-breaker would be all the permits I would have to ask for the city in order to legally be at a particular place selling food

  8. Gvanaco

    How many grams dough do you use for one pizza?
    He looks so good.

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