This one's getting some extra special attention on the weber tonight.

by APanasonicYouth


  1. User8858

    A Gift from God, this piece in Los Angeles should be around $160 😉

  2. What’s the money back guarantee? If you overcook it you can bring it back?

  3. LameDonkey1

    Wow, didn’t know Walmart had these.

  4. MileHigh96

    I love Walmart steaks, always have been amazing. Always tender and flavorful.

  5. WooSaw82

    That’s crazy that Walmart can pull off these prices. That looks phenomenal.

  6. WooSaw82

    Are you just saying Wagyu due to the marbling?

    Are you just saying Wagyu due to the marbling?

    Wow, I didn’t mean to enter that twice. My first sentence referred to my amazement that Walmart can pull off these prices and that it looks phenomenal.

  7. momarien

    Wish we had those in Montreal!! Not the Walmart but the wagyu in the shelves

  8. Sunday_Friday

    Damn, makes me wanna work for tiger king

  9. Soft_Interest

    How can you tell when something is really fatty for that particular cut vs it being a result of steatosis?

  10. Competitive-Tree8831

    Fuck my mouth is drooling Just got wisdom teeth out .. cannot eat steak for another week :/

  11. ChemicalAd7590

    That’s Prime though…they actually sell Wagyu though comes in gold wrapping

  12. After-Student-9785

    Great find dude!!! At a restaurant that could easily be 2, $60 steaks

  13. lever200

    Walmart & Wagyu are 2 words that I never thought that I would see in the same sentence.

  14. PyMussy

    Nobody wants to see a packaged steak. Cook that motherfucker


    People sleep on Walmart. Even their choice and select cuts would pass as prime at a lot of other places

  16. WingingItAsIGo

    You better post “after” pics

    Lucky SOB

  17. parkerpussey

    That price has to be a mistake, right? I got a similar steak for like $70 at Costco a while back.

  18. Equivalent_Buy6678

    I found one once mixed in with the regular ribeye and was priced exactly the same as the regular ribeyes. Whoever made that goof, thank you.

  19. According-Jelly355

    21 bucks. You have been blessed

  20. Equivalent_Wait_6578

    Our Walmart has lousy beef. I always get my meat at Publix. Obviously I live in Florida. Oh sometimes i pick some up at whole foods

  21. Mattfrye87

    It’ll be the best $20 steak you can get

  22. TheCh0rt

    I gotta go look at the meat at my local Walmart. I haven’t gone to a Walmart in forever.

  23. Evening-Statement-57

    The human beings contain the best wagyu in Walmart.

  24. Alpha_Delta33

    Wow now that’s a fine ribeye. I wish I can get steaks this nice locally

  25. yumyumgivemesome

    I’m not a steak buying connoisseur… can someone explain what make this such a good steak and a good deal?  Should OP be suspicious that there is something wrong with it that they may be unaware of?

  26. bryan_pieces

    I don’t believe my Walmart even carries prime cuts

  27. AAA_Dolfan

    Good god that steak for $21 seems insane. But I’m not a butcher and I think tons of marbling = high quality. Right?

  28. randomIndividual21

    last time something similar to this was posted, it was due to muscle damage which create this illusion of marbling, but in actual it’s terrible cut.

  29. deadrabbits4360

    I just ordered one. Curious to hear how yours turns out!

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