Want to reach your goals but HATE meal prepping? I got you. Here’s how to make meal prepping enjoyable while reaching your health and fitness goals 🙂

50 Grams- Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
50-60 Grams- Ripe Banana
Water or Milk To Cook
Toppings: Almond Butter, Sweetener of Choice (honey, sweetener, maple syrup)

Avocado on Toast:
-60 Grams- Sourdough Toast
-1/2 Avocado
-2 Soft Boiled Eggs
-Cottage Cheese/Greek Yoghurt (Usually do ~200g For Protein)

Chicken Salad:
100 Grams- Cooked Chicken
Salad/Veg of Choice (I did Lettuce, Spinach, Bell Peppers, Gherkins)
One Soft Boiled Egg
Nooch (nutritional yeast, can sub for cheese)
Soy Sauce + Garlic Cholula
Served with a Toasted Tortilla or Rice Cakes

Flatbread Pizza
1x Lebanese Flatbread (~100-200 Calories Per Flatbread)
80 Grams- Jarred Pasta Sauce/Chopped Tomatoes
30 Grams- Reduced Fat Cheese
10 Grams- Parmesan Cheese
60 Grams- Cooked Mince

Yoghurt Bowl
170-200 Grams- 0% Fat Greek Yoghurt (flavoured + unflavoured)
35-50 Grams- Fat Free Cottage Cheese
100 Grams- Frozen Berries
20 Grams- Almond Butter
5 Grams- Cacao Nibs
Sugar-Free Brown Sugar Sweetener (or sweetness of choice)

Banana Ice Cream
2-4 Ripe Bananas, Frozen
100-200 Grams- Yoghurt
Optional: Frozen Berries (~100 Grams)
Sweetness of Choice (optional: honey, maple syrup, sugar free sweetener)
-pop all ingredients in blender, and enjoy!
-top with chocolate chips, syrup, etc 🙂

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-Sarah 🙂


0:00 intro
0:56 goal setting
01:06 building our shopping list
02:55 cupboard essentials
03:43 basic meal prep
06:31 full day of eating
09:37 surprise hehe

meal prep, meal prep for weight loss, how to meal prep, low calorie meal prep, meal prep on a budget, meal prep to lose weight, meal prep to gain muscle, meal prep that is actually good, how to make meal prep taste good, high protein meal prep, quick meal prep, easy high protein meals, high protein food, low calorie meals, healthy meal prep, easy meal prep, cheap meal prep, quick meals

when I think of meal prepping my mind always goes to those stal looking meal prep containers rammed with weak old chicken rice and broccoli I am disgusted and don’t get me wrong this type of meal prepping is great because you literally don’t need to think about cooking for an entire week you prep it once and then it’s done but it’s also unbelievably boring it completely sucks the fun out of cooking and honestly past day three kind of just smells and tastes like a rotten fart and that is exactly why I came up with with this new way of meal prepping this is actually something that I started when I was fulltime at University and can be done very easily if you have a spare hour or even less than an hour during the week at the end of the video I’ll be showing you guys some of my easy favorite meals plus if you’re anything like me and you are a sucker for a Sweet Tree I’ll also be sharing with you my quick and easy dessert and snack recipes that will keep you satisfied and full after your meals to make this as easy as possible let’s first start with goal setting with this meal prepping method we have three main goals ease speeding convenience and also fun because eating should be fun let’s first start with ease to keep this as easy and low effort as possible we first need to create a basic shopping list this will consist of a simple list of proteins fats and carbs and also some snacks thrown in there having a well planned shopping list will set you up for Success right from the very start and will give you everything you need to create balanced and healthy meals throughout the week for my protein I like to pick up the cheap cheapest Cuts I can find of chicken beef some Cuna or other sorts of fish like white fish and also eggs but for you vegans out there or people who don’t really like eating meat I would recommend picking up some tofu or some lentils or pulses for carbs I always always have rice some form of grain pasta bread like Sor bread because it’s got healthy potatoes and also tortillas or some form of flatbread for my fats I’ll always pick up some olive oil cheese nut butter and even some avocado if I’m feeling fancy and wanting to splurge that week now I don’t know about you but I am a natural born snacker I just can’t help it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it so I always make sure to pick up some fruit either fresh or frozen frozen is usually better because then you don’t have to worry about it going off yogurt cottage cheese and of course some form of chocolate I’ve been going for dark chocolate recently because I’m trying to get the health benefits from chocolate but milk chocolate also works well here too and of course we can’t forget about our greens and our vegetables and I will always pick up some form of leafy greens like lettuce or spinach as well as some frozen vegetables I find that frozen pre-prepared vegetables are so easy and convenient cuz you can literally just Chuck them in a meal during the week and not even think about the preparation of vegetables which usually takes far too long and now that we have the building blocks of our meals let’s jump into a quick few basic cupboard Essentials personally I like to have two main cupboard Essentials in my cupboard at all times for my spices I’m and pretty basic I usually just have garlic cumin smoked paprika and some form of Italian seasoning in my cupboard at all times spices are absolutely crucial because they will allow you to change up your meals during the week and make eating a lot less boring and then we have our sauces now sauces are really up to preference but I will always pick up some sort of dipping sauce a hot sauce and also a Jarred pasta sauce this will change your life it makes creating meals so much easier because now you don’t have to create a sauce from you can just Chuck that bad boy in and you’ve got a whole delicious meal with these staples you will have everything you need to create meals that are healthy delicious and never ever boring okay so now that we’ve got our shopping list and everything we need it’s time to do our basic meal prep this is where speed and convenience really comes into play you don’t need a lot of time here just about an hour to prep your basic building blocks for your meal in the week ahead let’s first start by prepping our protein and carbs which are going to be the backbones of our meals for protein I like to prep my chicken and my beef in bulk now you can really do whatever you fancy with chicken and beef but usually I just like to Chuck my chicken in the air fryer or the oven and I’ll put my beef in a pan and forget about it until it’s done for my chicken I usually just pop my breasts on a baking sheet season them with my favorite spices here I just did salt pepper and garlic I like to keep it nice and simple here to make the chicken versatile in different meals throughout the week but you can spice up however you want with the spices you like best and then I’ll just bake them at 200° C for around 20 to 30 minutes minutes and really just forget about it and then go on to prepping something else at the same time and for my beef I simply season it just how I did my chicken before and cook it in a pan over medium heat until it’s done it’s easy quick and you can use both of these protein sources in any of your meals during the week for carbs I like to prep either rice or potatoes or both because I find that they are the most versatile to pop into any meal when cooking rice I really recommend an investing in a rice cooker you can even find these really cheap secondhand online that’s actually where I found my rice cooker when students are leaving uni they usually want to get rid of their rice cookers as quickly as possible so you can even get one for £5 if you know where to look you can also cook other things like oats veg and even eggs in a rice cooker you just set it and forget about it and is also really straightforward to use for people like me who have no idea how to cook rice in a pan you simply just wash your rice cover that in water pop it in the rice cooker flip it down to cook and you’re done it’s literally the lazy girl’s dream and for potatoes these are really easy easy wash them score them a little bit season them and pop them in the oven at 200° for around 45 minutes you can even pop them in at the same time as your chicken really killing two birds with one stone hardboiled eggs and chopped fruit and veggies is also really handy to have in your fridge for when you’re feeling snacky personally I like to chop up banana or other fruits and put them in the freezer at the start of the week so then if I ever feel snacky and I want a bit of ice cream I can just blend that up and I have a delicious sweet treat on hand I’ll show you a super easy recipe for this later on in the video too I actually recently found out that you can make eggs in an air fryer which I never knew before but makes it so much easier because I could never really do them in a pan all you want to do is preheat your air fryer at 200° for around 3 minutes and then pop in your eggs at 140 for 8 minutes pop them into cold water at the end for around 2 minutes and voila you have the perfect runny eggs that you can add to your meals throughout the week but remember these aren’t our food meals these are just the building blocks for our meals later in the week and last but by no means least here comes the fun part building our easy meals using the meal prepped ingredients we did earlier so let me take you through a full day of eating using what we prepped in the fridge first we have breakfast now I am a basic Queen when it comes to breakfast and I always start my day with a big fat bowl of Oats all I do is soak my oats the night before and then cook them on the Hop for around 10 minutes in the morning I’ll always add in some banana and top it with some almond butter but you can really do whatever you want with oat spice it up how you wish I’ll ALS o pick a protein to have with this like Greek yogurt but you could also put protein powder in yours if you find that easier and voila you’re done a nice healthy meal that keeps you full for hours or if you fancy Savory you cannot go wrong with eggs and avocado on toast use those eggs we prepped earlier pop in some toast and spread some avocado on top with some salt pepper and garlic for some bonus protein add some cottage cheese on the side with some berries and voila full ands satisfied for hours and it only took you 5 minutes for lunch the main goal is always something quick and easy I can smack into a bowl and then go on with my day and I will usually have one of two things a big old chicken salad or some chicken fried rice for our salad put some leaves in a bowl pick your favorite prepared protein add a carb like potatoes or tortilla and a fat like avocado oil or some cheese our sauces will also come in handy here to spice it up and make it super tasty and you’re done this is so easy and something you can also put in a meal prep container if you’re not working from home and you’re on the go for dinner I always like to spend a little bit more time making something more nourishing while also keeping it really easy one thing that I have been absolutely obsessed with recently are these flatbread pizzas all you need to do is Grill your wrap until it’s nice and crispy I like to use these Lebanese wraps because they’re low in calories so I can have more of them and this is also where our Jarred pasta sauce that we bought earlier comes in so handy because you don’t need to make a pizza sauce you’ve already got it there top it with whatever you like I used cheese and beef on this one and then pop it back back under the grill until nice and bubbly it literally takes 5 minutes from the start and it is super filling and delicious and last but by no means least we have our sweet treats after dinner I always like to finish with a nice sweet treat and I will usually either have homemade ice cream or a big fat yogurt bowl for your yogurt Bowl just pop some yogurt frozen fruit chocolate and something crunchy into a bowl and voila a sweet easy and satisfying dessert before bed I also like to add cottage cheese to my yogurt bowls to spice up the texture a bit I swear you will love it for a bonus treat or if I have a little bit more time on my hands I like to either have a ninja creamy or just use the frozen banana me cut up earlier pop it in a blender and you have the most delicious banana ice cream prepping your meals really doesn’t have to be boring or time consuming with a little bit of shopping list planning and these simple steps you can have a whole week of meals that are healthy balanced and also really easy quick convenient and fun if you find this video helpful or you’re going to use any tips I mentioned in this video video don’t forget to let me know down below and like And subscribe while you’re down there let me know what you want to see from me next and I will catch you guys in my next one say bye blaz bye guys


  1. I was reading the Bible and I saw that there are men who got screwed because they didn't know how to have self-love. Cooking, washing and ironing is the height of self-love!!!

  2. Thank you, Sarah. I never thought about slicing the bananas and putting in freezer with other fruit to make smoothie later. Will also get flat bread for pizza. I love your cooking tips. From one of your other vids, I started adding cottage cheese to my eggs. Thanks again !!!

  3. Thanks so much for this one👍🏻🙂 you made it seem so easy and quick. Will be trying this method👍🏻

  4. You just reminded me of a really easy and quick meal I used to eat a lot…
    · Boil the pasta
    · After the pasta it's done, add some fried tomato sauce
    · Then add tuna
    + and if you want/can, add cheese (and spices of course)
    Easy and delicious ✨

  5. absolutely LOVE this video!!! and thank you for also including the vegan/veg options 💖

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