Could never get my loaves to rise properly in the oven despite feeling like bulk fermentation was complete! Got to borrow my brother’s Dutch oven and look how much better the crumb looks 🥲

350 gram water
100 gram starter
500 gram flour
12 gram salt

Mix and autolyse for 1 hour. Stretch and fold 3-4 times every 30 minutes. Bulk ferment for 4 hours at 24-25 degrees celcius. Pre-shape and rest for 15 minutes. Final shape and transfer to a banneton. Let rise for 1-2 hours and put in the fridge overnight (10-16 hours). Preheated the Dutch oven for 30 minutes at 240 degrees, bake for 20 minutes with lid on at 240, take off lid and bake at 200 celcius for 20 minutes!

by foodlovah


  1. I’m 95% sure you don’t need a Dutch oven if your oven is efficient. I get the same rises at 400F using a cold cast iron base uncovered as I did with my lodge at 475F. I do add a tray with some water in the bottom however.

  2. I think that you’re under proofed. Push that bulk a little longer and the dutch oven probably won’t even matter.

    How long is it taking your starter to peak and at what ratio?

  3. Dogmoto2labs

    These posts can get so confusing, as I just got my best oven rise ever using cold pan at 400* with lid on for 40 minutes, off for 20.

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