Steak was somewhat tender because of the marinade, but I cooked it a bit too long because I was worried about it being raw.

by NinjaNoafa


  1. ifoughtpirahna

    Looks good to me. One tip I’ve found that helps with kabobs is to put the same ingredient on the skewer. That way all your meat is together, so you ensure it’s cooked properly. After everything is cooked you can dump it all in a bowl, so it all mixes together.

  2. DIJames6

    That’s damn fine work for a first timer..

  3. AnarchyAcid

    We do our skewers of meat and veggies separately. My husband likes bell pepper and onion, due to dietary restrictions I don’t do onion so I do zucchini and mushroom. They (veggies) take significantly longer than steak, it’s closer in time if we do chicken, but we just do them separately. Makes it much easier to control. I even do slightly larger pieces on his skewers of meat, and smaller on mine because I like mine a bit more “medium” to his “mid-rare”.

    Yours look like they were delicious, and you’ll only get better with experience.

  4. Experimentallyintoit

    As others have said. Separate it all. Then you can do one skewer of steak medium rare, one medium well or whatever your family likes. And you can do multiple varieties of meats. I like to do separate skewers of bell peppers, onion slabs (basically thick cut onion rings still intact), mushrooms, par cooked mini potatoes (or canned potatoes for a cheat method in a pinch), zucchini / yellow squash

  5. camehereforthebuds

    Excellent work beginner. Welcome to a lifetime of tasty, grilled foods. Grilled by you! Spices, sauces, marinades.

  6. Nutmegger27

    Good work. The key is to marinate the meat – I use pork but you can do lamb, too. Check out Turkish, Greek, Uzbek and Iraqi recipes for variety of ideas on marinades.

  7. Nutmegger27

    Excellent. Makes a big difference. Even olive oil and lemon juice makes a difference, as it breaks down the proteins. Apparently it’s also healthier.

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