** Recipes Linked Below**
Here is our meal plan for the month of July. This is a pretty chill month for us and we are looking forward to some family time, hopefully around the dinner table.


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🥣Korean Beef Bowl https://damndelicious.net/2013/07/07/korean-beef-bowl/

🥣Pork Tenderloin http://chefmommy-brandao.blogspot.com/2012/03/pork-tenderloin-with-pan-sauce.html?m=1

🥣Detroit Style Pizza https://www.seriouseats.com/detroit-style-pizza-recipe

🥣French Dip Sandwiches https://listotic.com/mind-blowing-ways-cook-meat-crockpot/5/

🥣Moo Goo Gai Pan https://www.dinneratthezoo.com/moo-goo-gai-pan/

🥣Gumbo https://leitesculinaria.com/244219/recipes-instant-pot-chicken-gumbo.html

🥣Arancini https://magnolia.com/blog/recipe/0df12d8c-9ada-412e-aac0-9f68dd0a264c/arancini/?epik=dj0yJnU9QVgwZjl1OVNFZ0pvR2FpRld2ZDk2dXhIMks5YnJIc2kmcD0wJm49aVlTY0JrZDM1c1NjSm1zU0o1dm5VdyZ0PUFBQUFBR2FCX013&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social

🥣Creamy Chicken Soup https://www.eatwell101.com/creamy-chicken-soup-recipe

🥣Bang Bang Chicken https://iamhomesteader.com/bang-bang-chicken-skewers/

[Music] Hello friends welcome back it is time to plan out our meals for the month of July this is my new planner I did go back to Aaron condrin um I really liked my Plum planner but I was ready for a little bit bigger of a planner and the Aron condrin florals and the um paper gets me every single time I love the paper so we are going to be planning I think around 22 or 23 meals and that’s because Jason and Jericho are going on a trip together um Julia is going to basketball camp with her team Journey’s working a lot and so I just felt like we’re going to have a lot of leftovers and so I think this is going to about do it for us um and that’s good because I still need to clean out some freezer space I’m picking up our um beef in about 2 days and then my friend let me know that the chickens are ready that she raised um like middle of July so we need to go pick those up and make space in the freezer as well this is a very summertime meal plan we’re going to do ribs for the 4th of July we’re going to do Bratz one night I love personal love brats um my family likes them but I’m the one that really likes brats good grub I fixed this many times this is a trim Healthy Mama uh recipe that all of us like I’m back on trim Healthy Mama for the time being after taking a break we are going to have a spaghetti Korean beef bowl and I always put a times to there to let myself like to remind myself that I need to make two recipes of that um dinner to to feed our whole family beef stroganov this is one that we did not get to last month so I’m able to just roll it over I have everything that I need pork tenderloin this is a really good recipe I’ve been making it for years it is always perfect always delicious always cooked perfectly and it’s just a really good recipe Detroit style pizza again I double that recipe so that we have a little bit of leftovers and everybody you know can have as much as they want they are very filling pizza slices though because it’s like deep dish so then we since we’re getting our beef I will have some beef roasts again and we’re going to do french dip sandwiches I am going to do homemade hogi rolls for that I might try sourdough hogy rolls I’m not sure or it might just be like a French bread hogy roll tacos times tacos times two that was hard to say um again I just have to make double the amount of tacos so that everybody gets their fill and then we can have a little bit of leftovers Mugu guyan and I made myself a little note there this is also a recipe I’ve been making for years and years I have some baby corn down in food storage that I want to use up so rather than buying like water chestnuts and bamboo shoots I’m just going to do like snow peas and baby corn and it’ll be great steaks on the grill arini I cannot pronounce that correctly but that is a magnolia recipe those are um fried rice balls if you have never had them pulled pork we will do that um probably on the weekend I will smoke it all day and then if it’s taking to long then I usually pull out once it’s all good and Smoky then I usually pull out the crock poot and put it in the Ro pot for the rest of the day cuz it has all that Smoky flavor but I want it to shred down a lot so that’s kind of my my method for that gumbo that’s also another recipe that we did not get to in the month of June so that’s just a rollover I have everything with for that creamy chicken soup with pasta again another rollover recipe that I didn’t get to so I should have everything for that as well that was going to be a new one anyway way um I’ve never tried that one before chicken burgers with homemade buns I’ve had these chicken burgers hanging out and I think they’re like Amy L I’ve had them hanging out forever in the freezer I really just need to get them used up so this is the month we’re going to do it barbecue chicken we love to grill out and smoke things like all summer long so that’s reflected in this meal plan here I like to use um boneless skinless chicken thighs sometimes I will use bone in but boneless skinless chicken thighs and um actually no I do use the B I use bone in and I make a slit on either side of the bone so that they lay flat that’s what I do Crock-Pot taco dip I like to use ground pork in that one uh hot dogs I just got some really good hot dogs at um Costco chicken burrito bowls and then bang bang chicken times two of course I have to make double of that one that’s another family favorite that there are no complaints and I love when I find recipes where every single person likes them okay on to sides and snacks I only write down the things that I need like special ingredients for if we’re just having like frozen broccoli or green beans or whatever I don’t write that down this is basically just things I need to make sure I have the ingredients for so potato salad I’m going to do some homemade sourdough bread cheesy potatoes I need to make homemade buns hamburger buns and homemade hogi rolls and then I did put corn down here because I’m trying to use up the freeze-dried corn that I have from last year cuz I will do another batch of that when corn is like in August is when corn is ready for us here in Michigan so I just wrote myself a note so I didn’t forget Texas sheet cake um H super delicious cake if youve never had that and then Jason has been requesting Whopper pie so I’m going to do a Whopper pie for the 4th of July and then I’m going to make Jericho some chocolate chip cookies he’s been requesting that for a while for breakfast the only thing I could think of was sourdough Bagels that I need to make the kids are all very self-sufficient for their breakfast they can all make themselves eggs Etc I just need to make sure that I have everything for that then for lunch ideas I like to have flatbread so that the kids can do pizzas I like to have a bunch of different options for the air fryer stuff like mozzarella sticks and fries and chicken nuggets and stuff like that then um sometimes when everyone’s home for lunch I like to make a big pan sheet pan full of chicken nachos or beef nachos doesn’t matter but that’s a great lunch option and then I will have some extra hot dogss so if kids want some hot dogs for lunch they can do that as well I do have some spaces here that I can still fill in with some ideas as I think of them but this is pretty much it for the whole month um we’re really looking forward to July we don’t have a lot going on as far as like games or practices or stuff like that so we’re going to enjoy some good family time hopefully everyone will be home for dinner and we can have some nice dinners around the table as always thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one bye [Music]

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