I know these aren’t baked goods, but I made coconut-chocolate bonbons as part of my dad’s birthday dessert spread (hoping you guys don’t mind me sharing here)

by inspiredtotaste


  1. Green-Cockroach-8448

    They’re so beautiful! How did you make the little butterflies?

  2. Horror-Atmosphere-90

    These are unbelievable. My birthday is also coming up just FYI 🥺

  3. blumoon138

    Absolutely not! In penance I demand you send all subscribers half a dozen 😉

  4. Spanish_merma1d

    They are exquisitely designed and executed !!!

  5. Bethsmom05

    They’re beautiful! You are extremely talented.

  6. RubyDax

    A perfect addition to that awesome tart!

  7. AdmirableDebt7335

    Gorgeous. I recently got into truffle making so I can sympathize with the amount of work this is!!!

  8. fiftyshadesofsalad

    Gorgeous!! I almost said they look too good to eat but then I saw the sliced one and was like haha yeah nah, 100% eating that thanks.

  9. Princess_Sukida

    Beautiful and my very favorite flavor combos! I would buy these!

  10. thesteveurkel

    i hope the friends i send my homemade bonbons to at christmas don’t see these and expect this of me lol. 

    you should cross-post to r/chocolate. we don’t get many exciting posts there these days. 

    what chocolate did you use?

  11. Love_on_the_run

    These are gorgeous! I’m a sucker for all things green 💚

  12. MC-ClapYoHandzz

    Do you do this for a living? I’m so curious! Anytime I see an intricately decorated pie scene, I know it’s your dad’s bday and I don’t even know yall 😄 you’ve been posting these a long time.

  13. ChloeVersusWorld

    wow! i think these deserve to be in r/art

  14. Tiamat_fire_and_ice

    Those are lovely. I love the watercolor effects on the leaves. It looks incredibly tropical.

  15. lunaivy16

    What a beautiful dessert! They look incredible!😊

  16. tobeperfectlycandid

    These are incredible ! Definitely feel free to post in here !

  17. Food4Thought23

    These are way to pretty to eat. I mean I still would eat them but wow they are gorgeous!

  18. LegitimateSpare2065

    I remember seeing your tutorial on these royal icing butterflies!
    Its amazing see how you use them in this project! Wow 100/10!

  19. pageantdisaster_

    These are exquisite!! Great work.

  20. WeArrAllMadHere

    These look like they’re AI generated! So beautiful and perfect 🤩

  21. Penguinator53

    Incredible! I’m in awe of people’s talent, they look amazing.

  22. kheldar52077

    Never seen it like this. How you made those butterflies?

  23. mr_ballchin

    Wow this is just incredible! Like a work of art!

  24. MrBabyMan_

    These posts are allowed here (it’s baking related).

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