Best cookie I’ve ever eaten in my life. Full stop.

by Heckron


  1. gonzofish

    I dunno why but this looks unnerving to me

  2. lafietafie

    Did u used a nokia phone to take the pic..?

  3. mauvepixie

    Oooh didn’t this got featured in Somebody’s Feed Phil?

  4. DaNibbles

    This looks like those recent string of AI generated pics of cookies…

  5. CaptainNipplesMcRib

    Seems excessive, like when every other gimmicky food has a pound of cheese in it.

  6. syst3m1c

    Look – is that a gimmick? Probably.

    Do I still want it inside of me? Absolutely yes.

  7. Rude-Acanthaceae8741

    I have had this and I was not a fan. They are slightly undercooked (on purpose I’m told) and SUPER rich. One of those over the top items where being over the top is the entire point.

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