Create and store your tastiest treats with the enduring quality Tupperware .
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Angie thank you thank you welcome to our birthday so much GL to see you the party continues here’s another look at our Tupperware [Applause] party hey the party can’t get any more fun than this it is a Tupperware party we’re getting it going right here tonight celebrating 47 years of bringing you the fun thanking you for being amazing customers and we took it the Beloved and iconic Tupperware and we are rocking it out tonight you guys have loved the shows we’ve done since we relaunched it here at HSN and tonight we have the first and only Tupperware today’s special so let me go over what you’re getting and then one of my favorite Tupperware gals is joining us first off you’re getting the largest set we’ve ever offered it’s called The Heritage set and normally you get one two three four pieces that’s the Heritage set that’s normally all you get is the bottom four what we’ve done exclusively at almost half off is added four more pieces so we start in the bottom and this is going to be your whopping 11 and 3/4 cup then you get the eight cup you get the 5 and 1/4 cup then you get a three and 1/4 cup you get two two and 1/2 cups and you get two one and a/4 cups in this whopping collection all you do is pick the colors cuz we know this Famous Brand we know how good it is stores great serves great just an allaround phenomenal beloved brand and all you do is pick our fabulous colors starting on this in we’re calling it red I’m going to say red/ terracotta when you get it at home it is is definitely not red but we’re calling it red so red terracotta we’ve got this beautiful green that we all love my favorite color in the whole wide world that’s why I’m holding it is I love the purple we’ve got the blue we have the yellow and then down below in this 16 piece set is called the multicolor so if you want a little bit of all the Vintage color all the love all the Tupperware you’re going to order the multicolor all right we got to get going and I’ve got some guests joining me wait a minute do I hear it is somebody at the door dingdong yes it is there she is hi de are you good to see you suan oh my gosh how fun is this you couldn’t get any cuter I’m channeling vintage you totally Channel your vintage and you know Tupperware is just so beloved and it’s famous and their heirloom pieces and they’re passed down and I couldn’t tell you I was geeky excited about doing tonight’s today special and and not even just because of the color but like in my case I can REM it brings back childhood memories I can remember my grandma I can remember so much about her kitchen and it just makes you well up think about this since 1946 100 billion pieces estimated have been manufactured and every one of them coming with a limited lifetime warranty so how do you do that for 75 some odd years come see our website because that’s where the it’ll explain all the details it’s got to be good and it’s got to last and how many of you literally inherited pieces from your grandma your mother some relative you’ve passed them down they’re just designed to last and last and last and they guarantee that which is pretty amazing and this one right here was given to me by my bonus mom Merna I love her with a passion she gave me this lettuce crisper it is over 60 years old and it looks just like the day I mean think about that these are pieces that you’re going to hand down you’re going to put them in your legacy these are not things that are going in the landfill that’s what we love about Tupperware we love the quality we love the versatility we love the fact that they look so good that they store so well Earl Tupper was the very first person to manufacture uh plastic storage wear they we were The Originators when people think about oh I want to get a piece of thing for my my grapes to go in what do they call it even if it’s not they’ll say Tupperware so he saw the need because in those days we were taking cast iron skillets you’d put a plate on it and that was the only thing for storage they didn’t even have aluminum foil in the’ 40s and so when he created these he wanted them to have a SE feel like the paint can so that you would press down on them like we’re going to do here and all the air would be forced out you’d get that super Tight Seal so no except for in that case except for live and on television live and on television but you know Tupperware you know that’s a seal exactly and the this is the most popular of this seal it’s called the Sunburst it’s in the Heritage collection and what they like about it is instead of burping it around the edge you simply press this way or you could press with your elbow or you could press with your whole hand but you just press on that Center and that’s how you get that amazing seal which with the cooler was showing it’s so important I thought that’s such a good idea you know think about it we don’t want to just preserve our food but I want to protect it over the Fourth of July weekend I when I take my sandwiches out of the cooler I don’t want them swimming in water and that’s what you get with that amazing you know what’s even funny if it’s the end of the day and you have leftovers and you’ve got the cooler it’s the yeti whatever the Coleman even if there’s just ice floating around guess what your Tupperware is still floating around on top of it and the food will still be dryly inside I got to give an update girl y hang on cuz we know this is going to be so fun I’m so darn excited about this all right here we go the purple you guys are loving the purple too oh I’m a purple girls and guys love this so purple and the multicolor those are the two most popular here’s what I need you to do it is the first and only today’s special it’s the first we’ve ever done as a tu whereare today’s special you get 16 pieces you get even more goodies than you’re seeing right here it is the only Tupperware today special for the entire year here so if you want to share the Tupperware love this is how you do it and all you do is pick again this is they’re calling it red but understand that’s a terracotta color I don’t want you to be upset or disappointed when you get it at home I love y’all to know exactly how we roll so it’s red but do know it’s more like a terracotta the mint green it’s classic it’s iconic I love the purple it’s my favorite color in the whole wide world and this whole set just makes you smile there’s so many great memories there’s so many things we love about Tupperware and the food related to it it’s the picnic and the barbecues and it’s just opening up the fridge and seeing the beautiful colors inside it the blue is gorgeous too I mean they’re all so pretty we’ve got that classic iconic yellow and just so you’ll know this is the multicolor all in the front so you’re getting a little love from every color palette that you’re seeing back here in the multicolor it is a whopping 16 piece set and we’re going to show you a value breakdown this is a big big deal because listen to this we are almost 50% off and we have the lowest price we’ve found absolutely anywhere and this is the only place you can get this offer let’s just take the big guy that is the largest one which is huge is 11 and 3/4 of an inch that’s $12 there and let’s pop over to the two eight cups that’s another $16 right there so there we go we’re at 15 16 plus one I don’t know we’re darn close to the price of the whole thing right there just with really three pieces so all of that is included this is 100% exclusive configuration you absolutely cannot find it anywhere else and dab I got to tell you it is so much fun having you here you are the top Weare gal but you’ve been here for many many years just bringing us smart products and this one it is a smile it’s a Memory it’s a new memory and you know what’s really cool that I’m sure you’ve heard so much of is how all the young people are all over topper wear now they’re all about it what’s old is cool and new new today you know we were at a family dinner a couple weeks ago and my niece Christina she gave me Goosebump she had been collecting Tupperware you know what they love best about it she loves the seal the fact that she has problems with her hands and she loves that you don’t have to use your hands to get that great seal but they don’t want to do the Jen zers are saying no more disposable plastic no more throwing things away they want stuff that gives you amazing quality looks really pretty and now they’re getting Great Value you know brownie Weiss back in the’ 40s she was the very first person to do the patio parties she was one of the very first female vice presidents but we have our job today because of her cuz when she saw that the storage wear in the store she’s like people need to know what that’s for people want to see the purpose and one of the things she always did was throw the water around the party because if you took any lower quality uh plastic wear that would be all over the place so when you’re doing something like you’re making a beautiful salad like what the story with Tupperware was about you make it in the container you store it in the container and you serve it in the container cuz it’s absolutely beautiful this Heritage collection what it’s so popular is because it’s got the square design you’ve got those nice little handles you’ve got that Sunburst lid but now that I put my beautiful um dressing on there I simply close the seal and now I shake up my salad in it so that every piece is covered with with a dressing and now I take it to the barbecue or I take it to my family reunion and now I serve right from it and it looks beautiful can I tell you what’s really cute this actually makes the most adorable tray underneath it did you see that overhead shot is that gorgeous look at that I love when you go to open it up you just set it right smack on the lid and it actually makes a really good like a trivet or a little serving tray which is kind of cute so it really you just don’t have just an ugly lid sitting somewhere awkwardly trying to hide it it actually looks adorable because it absolutely m matches all right I have to ask you a big big favor and I really feel bad when this happens and I am really sorry I want to apologize we’re really really busy we knew this was going to be a fun launch it is the best way to have a tu Weare party to start off our big celebration this month if you can open your phone open the camera on your phone walk up to the front of your screen to that scan code once your camera looks at the scan code it’ll immediately pop a box up with a link to go right to buying our today’s special and then you jump right to the front of the line like that’s my favorite thing you’re like oh look I cut in front of everybody which is awesome it always happened in elementary school we could choose chocolate milk or white milk and if you weren’t in the front of the line they always sold out the chocolate milk first and you were stuck with the nasty vanilla milk we only had QR codes Q codes I would have gotten the chocolate milk every single day when I was okay I’m just saying but really if you can do it that’s the way to shop right now we are absolutely packed on the phon please think giftgiving think how much fun next get together your picnic just how fun your shelves will look you open up your kitchen um refrigerator and you smile from ear to ear you guys have great memories of Tupperware maybe you’ve got some old pieces you inherited or you bought when you were really young this is a phenomenal way to get quality that’s unsurpassed and here’s what blows me away you buy it today and this is why people pass their Tupperware down repeat the warranty on these from the company so if you go on to tupperware’s website since 1946 they have had a a limited lifetime warranty on every single solitary piece so do the math since 1946 estimated of 1 billion pieces sold worldwide and we’re still in business we’re still super strong and that’s because of the quality that’s because of the Innovation you know every polymer is different like some of these young men out here today they were so cute they were like this plastic is really really strong like I could stand and dance on this plastic nothing has been shortsighted on this the colors are so beautiful and they go all the way through the details on these pieces I love the colors like this this looks like Periwinkle to me this beautiful it’s like a I got to bring it closer I’m just too short to be doing it to just reach it as long as they can and again I’m not having normally we would go around the sideart super fun because you know people have you know arth they have problems with their dexterity but the multi is soti beautiful but I’m with you with the purple to me my grandmother’s heart would just be screaming to see purple but what in in the refrigerator I showed you earlier one can we walk back here so one of my very favorite people that I’ve ever worked for in the whole world her favorite colors were sage and lavender and can you imagine opening your refrigerator it’s so pretty and it’s so pretty and you don’t a flower it is it is and yet what we’re doing we’re saving our money because our food’s going to stay sa better longer it looks beautiful everything nests perfectly and again the colors just melt my heart I’m so excited for you all well and while we’re back here let’s go to the pantry and kind of talk about that because just for everyday storage it’s amazing it’s very important like even though we’re showing you bowls you might be going well they’re bowls yes you can put a salad in it and take it to your dinner but you could also store your flour in here you could put your pasta in here you can put your cereals in here at today’s prices you can’t buy throwaway Plastics this is lifetime warranty Plastics that again with that super Tight Seal that’s super easy to work with those colors I have been over the moon since when they showed me CU you and I just this set right here okay just this one for the price that we have today we sold a ton of these we took the phone lines down yes they weren’t purple they weren’t sa and we’ve never done a today special this was just a couple shows we did exactly and every show out sold everything sold out sold out sold out sold out by the way I have to tell you I so remember these we used to Camp all the time we had these our same time look you guys they’re back in stock I 15 we sold a thousand without airing how many are left there’s 12 left shoot can you imagine oh you know what oh look I love look these were from I remember I got to put these down here they’re gone think about this most of you all everyone on this set wasn’t even born yet and we these these are older than the vast majority of the crew out here I’m just saying and they’re still working today so so iconic and we know that quality and we love it all right de I got to do this I’m going to hi over here I’ll pack the MTI is blowing out all right just want to let you know if you want the multi here’s my best advice I get to do a lot of these launches and I know what happens when we’re this busy and we’ve sold so many in so few minutes the odds of the multi or many of these colors making it through the day are pretty darn slim okay so the multi is awesome because you’re getting everything you in front of me and it’s just a wonderful Dusty fabulous rainbow of colors so I love it these aren’t crazy Vivid they’re all just lovely and soft and just so pretty and decorator friendly now please remember I’m going to go through the sizes again because I think Deb it’s important for you guys to understand how much storage you’re getting and note it all compacts into the big bowl which is awesome this guy down here this is the largest it’s really substantial this is actually almost 12 cups I mean that’s a fruit salad we have the Subs in it that we saw in your cooler right there oh fried chicken is in there a big potato salad you could just do a ton of food inside that one the next size you see right here this one’s going to be the eight cup so again just a massive size holds a lot of goodies then we go down here this is the five and a/4 cup again think five cups you know five and a/2 cups or so then we go here now this one’s going to be our three and 1/2 cup then we double up down there these are all the bonus ones you get two of the 2.5 I love the shape of that one and then you get of the littlest ones that’s still a cup and a quarter and when you poured that dressing out you still had a ton more dressing to go so you’re getting all of the sizes you’re getting 100% exclusivity no one else has this offer so even if you go online you kind of dig around to try to find it you won’t we’re going to be the only today’s special from Tope of Weare for the entire year so even during the holiday season when you’re thinking I want to give something really unique to someone I love maybe they’ moved in a new house a new apartment A friend of mine DT he just is about to close on a brand new home I’m so excited for him D if you’re watching he’s an HSN here he’s one of my uh producers I’m so excited this would be a great housewarming gift for somebody and you’re getting go Tupper Weare which I don’t care who you are whether you’re our age older or the younger people Now understand and love Tupperware whatever was old and cool we did these cat eye glasses from diff the other day cat ey glass gles sunglasses they’re from forever ago now they’re as cool and hip as ever and tupperware is having the same experience they’re read being rediscovered by this younger generation for many of the reasons you said because they do not want to throw away all the plastic suil yeah it really theability is really important I do believe standing behind American companies like Tupperware is very important I mean they have been doing the right thing for over 75 years the other thing that I love about us all supporting Tupperware is the woman Factor like I you know one of the very first like women vice presidents with a 10th grade education wanting to be a single mom she was a single mom back in what day and this was in 1946 how difficult had must have been for her terrible and your only other options were working in a factory if that were at all and she was made the vice president of the company because she was so Innovative inviting people to her home why to her home she wanted to be with her child she wanted to be able to create Vue but she didn’t want to sacrifice the quality of the family and I think that’s so important and she also realized this she this did not sell by itself on a shelf people didn’t understand it they didn’t understand that they were throwing away food that water was getting in that water’s not your friend when it so when she would demonstrate products they would sell and then she started the very first multi-level marketing I mean I’m so proud of her and that’s why I try to do the the I want cute as a button today I did the pink for Tupperware pink but she’s killing me in this whole look I love love the big pears all right I got to do one more thing let me run over here sorry guys we got a lot going on come on over so I want you to see the companying set that goes with this all right this is another it’s like a mini 16 piece set which is so cute so we have all the solids now with the mini and we’re going to give you the info right here it’s um you get four one and a/4 cups and four two and A2 cups okay and they’re all the rounds so you get the little guys and then you get these elongated ones okay and they’re in round design there’s the multi-choice and then you have the solid choices just like the today’s special so we have the purple we have the green there’s the blue yellow and the red now if you want What’s called the vintage collection the only difference is we change the lid colors to the cream color you can see we have this and then we have some solids so it’s the solid pinks greens yellows and blue so if you want to exactly match the today’s special you want to go with this collection right here and you know what Deb a lot of lot of us these are so handy dandy if you’re prepping food for the week if you’re doing snacks for the lunch if you’re doing you know just any like a taco bar just setting it out for a taco bar those are perfect those little guys I think meal prep is so important one of the things I love to do I don’t know if you’ve ever done overnight oatmeal or you’ve done the chia pudding but I ask the kids to prep with those cuz you can do a whole week’s worth because of how tight that seal is on it and every morning get up to a really healthy breakfast one of the things that Oliver Chef Oliver that’s working for us right now really bright young man he takes the onions after you chop them and you wash them and I go why do you do that and he goes you want to get rid of the that odor that smell and then you put them in here and first of all it won’t smell in your refrigerator but your eyes aren’t going to burn your onions are ready for prepping all week long whatever you’re going to you’re going to cook in the sauté pan or if you’re going to sprinkle it on your hot dogs work smart get these things fill them up another thing I used to use these for when my grandchildren were little is I’d go to church and I’d fill them with Cheerios or great little snack treats you know put it in taking them you can take these on the plane and be carrying your snacks on the plane with you you know like some peanuts and crackers they’re you can add the right amount for you and not be throwing more things into the landfill I love everything about these well also to I mean things for me as a crafter I mean I look at that little set too by the way and I just see oh my gosh that would be so cute to add it all my little crafting shelves and get things organized there’s so many things you can do whether it’s wet or dry whether it’s produce or it’s cereal whether it’s snacks or the carrots it’s the picnic it’s the birthday it’s the cooler you know it’s going out in the boat and you’ve got a little Coleman or a Yeti and you want to fill it up with all your food but you don’t want to get all that water in it these are so useful for so many different purposes and so cute oh and they’re so and you know what they just make you smile that’s the key to me I walked into this set and I thought whenever I think about Tupperware I have really great fun memories because of a kid my mom using it my grandma used everybody did right and then when I came into the set all those thoughts came flooding back it was almost this is sound going to sound crazy it’s almost an emotional reaction to seeing temperware because many of our Fondest Memories come from that birthday party where they used it for food to serve or came from a family reunion or it came from just sitting around the table or a picnic did you ever go to the parties I really I was very little when I first with oh my gosh there were games there were snacks it was like everyone won prizes I mean it was so fun the first time I ever went to one I was like this is what I want to do when I grow up and thus there you are but when I put a picture of these up on my website do you know that we’ve sold almost a thousand to date with no airtime dad G and we don’t have any no sorry but it’s that feeling when I saw them I was like oh my gosh we had those in our camper that those were the exact did a ton of camping oh it does and then you got to really think about it too you invest in this and how much money you going to save on your food cost that’s really what it comes down to instead of going through the drive-thru you prep early you take this in for your lunch if you’re trying to eat healthier I love what you did the salad and then you take one of the smaller ones for your dressing and now you’re eating better at lunch at work as opposed to going to that snack machine because of that seal it’s also going to stay fresher because you’re really pumping out the air you’re not getting any moisture in so again it just Sav gives you money when you really think about that versus a zippy bag or just one of those you know terrible little plastic something that you’ve had with the mismatching lid and think about it right now I mean most of the things that we buy for storage they don’t Nest really beautiful they don’t look really beautiful we don’t have emotional attachment to it and we are paying more for our groceries now than we ever have before like as someone who’s a caterer it absolutely I gasp for air so any way that you can make it last longer and why are you going to last longer because you’re getting that super tight seal the reason this seal is so important is they understood at that period of time they didn’t have refrigerators it was your food went into a cooler that had a big block of ice and they were putting fry pans with a dish on it and that was that was what they were doing for storage so when Earl Tupper saw it as a inventor he was like that seal has got to be so tight that nothing comes out and it preserves the food that’s in there and he was inspired by can which I because you think about it yeah a paint can lid but it’s much easier to get off than a paint can get a tool out you know screwdriver it literally just lifts right off but that seal you can you you hear it sealing it in and pushing out that extra air pushing out that extra oxygen and really locking it in so again you’re going to be able to get some longevity out of the food that you’re storing inside it so again it could be from the freezer to the fridge to the table I love the fact you can prep in it maybe you know what maybe you’re just going to use the Big B gold MC brownie MC brownie cake batter I you got to think about not only just storage but how you can use these every day and because they’re Square because you’re talking about the brownies I can pour the batter easily into the muffin pans or everything you can think of like for instance the matte exterior the matte exterior is going to show no you know wear or tear and these now can go in the dishwasher they never used to before but look at grapes in the perrywinkle bowl like it’s just it’s a visual experience it’s about preserving your food it’s about the ease of use and it today I hate to say these words but it’s just cuz it’s such a darn good value like you can buy several sets and just put little gifts in them like little you know C them you might want to get a couple look at that okay I’m getting it up day girl I know everybody it’s my cue to go that way all right here we go the multicolor the multicolor the multicolor ready of the 2200 of now been ordered and I have about a thousand or 2,000 of you now ordering even more like in addition to what that little counter says 1100 are in the multi this is the multi you get all the colors in the multi okay except you do not get the uh purple just to make that clear so you’re getting the green you get we’re calling it red but it’s really terracotta yellow blue red terracotta green yellow blue that’s the multi so of all the options here that is by far outs selling every other color now the only reason I give you a heads up on this is I’ve been here a long time I’ve been here 20 years I was at the other network you know six years I’ve done this for a long long time I’ve done a lot of kickoffs the problem is is there’ll be thousands of people later on today who will only see this row this will be gone just like our salt and pepper shaker already this is going to be gone and then later today this is going to be huge all day long because who doesn’t love Tupperware right but there’s going to be most most the day most everybody will only know the solids are available you and I are the only ones knows tonight at this rate that the multi is even in existence so if you do want that multi I would 100% order it tonight don’t go to bed without it it looks fabulous I’ll tell you be really kind of fun is get the multi and then get one of the matching solid and then kind of mix it all together and we also have look at this we have uh what Flex Pay are we doing tonight guys is it three oh is it five Flex Pay on everything wow I did not know that was happening is that everything all day today yes all right so you’re going to get this home it is a happy birthday and you’re going to get it home for $7 pay it off in five months using any major credit card so I think that’s a great time to get multiples again love the value remember first time ever a today’s special with Tupperware first and only time we’ll do a tupperware today’s special for the rest of the year even the holiday season when it’s perfect for gift giving and everybody would love to get that famous beloved Tupperware we will not have it today special typically what you get is you get the 11 cup you get the five cup it’s a little more than that but 11 plus five plus look at this I’m doing my memory yes you’re doing really good too so 11 and 3/4 you get a eight cup you get the five C and the three and half okay that’s normally the Heritage collection these four we in yeah right right for a dollar more you’re getting all the rest of this which equates to 79 what do we do I got on my card 79 no 6942 we’re almost 50% off for the today’s special and I want to thank Tupperware that team for you guys thank you they did work hard I mean to pull this off and by the way guys you cannot get this deal anywhere else it’s 100% exclusive to you shopping with us right now so this is the perfect time can you show the multi so over that makes me happy too yes well I love the fact that everything nests so perfectly together I love the colors the way this was in the 70s when the Heritage set first launched they were like the avocados and the Browns and they only came in the multicolors now you have the option of getting all one color like the purple which I’m mad for or you can get any one of these in individual color but we stacked it like this so you could see if you are even in a camper you will everything nests perfectly together you can fit it any space and yet you’re getting 16 pieces eight full sets and I have to make a correction when we were selling just these four it was a dollar more than what we’re selling double the amount for so I mean it’s just unprecedented it’s the same quality go to our website go to Tupperware see that money back guarantee see why a 100 billion pieces have been sold today 100 billion and going still going strong still going strong and you know what is so fun about it it’s better than ever like here’s what there even technology now you can dishwash or safe and then what happens on top of it is the young people get it they’re so into Tupperware right now with sustainability and whatever’s old is now super cool and super new again so give this as gifts it’s just an awesome time to add to your collection or to start your first Tupperware collection that would be kind of fun too all right I do want to mention once more the 16 pack in the minis so these are the smaller ones okay we have this collection here which is all that matches your today’s special if you want to do solid or this is the multi pack you’re seeing here in front of me and what it is at 16 you get four of the two and A2 cups and four of the one and 1/4 cups that’s this collection if you want the Vintage It’s all under the same item number the only difference is there’s fewer solid colors so we have a pink we’ve got the blue we have the yellow and green here but the only real difference is the lid color is a Ivory versus the matching lid to the other one so just go to and if you want to get a whole bunch of the little guys to go back to the the big collection then it’s an awesome time to be able to do that and I got to tell you about something exciting okay so remember I said there was a lot going on this month right because it is is our birthday so 47th birthday and we’re going to queue the confetti and have a ball we have something really cool it is our birthday and what could be better than gifts for you right you could win your bag it’s with 200 spendable cash shop now to be entered or search win your bag at for full details and enter without purchasing winners will be announced early in August isn’t that fun so you could win your bag a $200 spendable cash card that’d be pretty fun right and we’ll announce it at the end of the month all right wait till you see what’s coming up we have more Tupperware okay so get ready for this we’re going to have two brand new launches tonight we have a customer pick coming up next the fun continues stay with me and Deb C the fireworks it’s our July 4th celebration with 50% off thousands of items summer savings on fashion Electronics culinary and home jewelry deals up to 65% off and up to 50% off Beauty deals don’t miss out on clearance up to 65% off plus not one but four today’s specials on July 4th we’re giving you plenty to celebrate with so many great deals July 4th celebration starts Wednesday at midnight food is my obsession cooking is my life at discover online cooking demonstrations to help you spice it up in the kitchen who wouldn’t love your fo explore watch and Shop all of our top chefs at it’s our birthday and we’re bringing the party all July long we’re packing the guest list with your favorite friends extra special surprises tons of festive finds and of course hundreds of Epic birthday price deals it’s the ultimate 48 hour shopping party and you get all the gifts watch the HSN birthday Premiere party now through Tuesday only on HSN we have a special offer for you take 15% off your next single item purchase when you sign up for HSN TX plus stay up to date on the latest promos and events love to save just tax HSN to 70514 happy shopping happy birthday HSN happy birthday HSN happy birthday HSN happy birthday HSN you’re going to love [Music] this we are bringing the party to you hey I’m Suzanne ran and we’re having a big old Tupperware party this is such a cool night we’ll actually be launching a couple of new items in the hour that I know you’re going to want but now we’re going to talk about a new item that was brought in because our other canister style that we’ve done has sold out the last couple shows Deb was here so this is really awesome it’s actually a three-piece set and these are the colors you’re getting you get a seven and A2 cup and you get two of the three and 3/4 cup this is brand new we’ve got a special birthday price tonight and you get all all six pieces right six pieces in this collection so Deb we did cisters but never this shape no well they were they were different they were tall thin ones they were not the wider stouter and everybody loved them we just sold like a bazillion of them and they thought well let’s add a few more in these are very popular in in the home parties but again nobody has these prices like we have here today now we would call these canisters but you could certainly do things like I love the fact that because it’s got that Heritage the very Beres that Sunburst lid that we love it’s so easy put your sandwiches in it and take it to the beach put them in the cooler keep your nuts and snacks in it but you can also use it for what it’s really intended for keeping the little bugs out of your flour your brown sugar keeping it from turning into a brick maybe keeping your rice nice and fresh I love what they did over here cuz my grandma always kept made the best cookies and by keeping it in our Tupper wear we when I think about cookies and I think about my grandma I could just like all over the place so keeping it for even giving such a low price maybe buying these sets and giving them with your homemade baked goods for a summer when you’re going to a party or for a housewarming gift just leave it with them and then over here like things like this is great for making your own homemade popcorn and keep eating it out of here and then leaving your leftovers but again it’s that iconic seal you press in the center you can hear it it grasps every inch of it that Sunburst is the one that every everyone loves more than any of our other lids and I love the fact that it’s low and stout I do have one girlfriend Lisa P pign I’m saying her last name wrong Lisa says why don’t you use these dub to put your homemade ice cream in oh what a great idea and you know when you even buy ice cream the lids never go right on them they end up getting like all freezer burnt so again this could be more than just snacks it can be more than you know crafts it could be more than anything but ice cream for the summer I’m saying it’s a winner I think it’s a big winner that’s such a good idea okay guys so um I’ve got to ask you a big big favor if you can we’re very very busy for the today’s special and even for the 16 piece little mini set that I showed you all if again if you can do it please go to because I don’t want anybody get frustrated and you’re like oh I can’t get what I want or the m is going to be gone please just go to that is the quickest way to shop well okay second quickest way the quickest way is to open your phone and just open your camera on your phone you walk to the screen and you point it at that QR code and immediately a little box is going to open up you hit it it will take you right to our website and you check out that is lightning fast so if you’re having difficulty and my producers is like please explain it again I’m like no problem then use the scan code right there on your screen that is like jumping to the front of the chocolate milk line Yay if you missed it was elementary school if you were in the back of the line you never got the chocolate milk was always taken first you always wanted to get the front of the line it was a Mad Dash it was like a mad house just trying to get milk for lunch when I went to school but anyway you don’t want to be in the back of the line on that one so use our QR code and that will immediately take you right to the front to get the today’s special the mini 16 piece set or now to get these canisters to add on to the ones you had before something super cool about the shape they are I love how it’s like I want to call it like a low rider you know most of our canisters are really big and tall and what I love about these is if you are using them your refrigerator having the lower profile on it and being wider it makes so much better sense you know what because a lot of us you know how you can custom make your shelves to kind of go in and you’ve just got that sliver so with the larger ones I eat the today’s special that’s going to take more space this could get in that little small it can get in that little spot and again the thing what we’re talking about here is we’re talking about a brand that developed food preservation they were the very first ones they have been around since 1946 they still to this day you go on our website limited lifetime warranty who stays in business that long doing that and it’s cuz they do the right thing one of the young men that was here on said he was like I love how they’ve always taken care of the people that represent Tupperware like they’ve actually pave they paid tons of money to take care of the national parks like things like that that I know about about the company makes my heart sing what I’m really passionate about is the fact that my grandmother and I these bring me back to being a little girl again and they were beautiful and they took good care of our food but as someone who’s in business selling food as a caterer and a home Chef the fact that I can preserve my food longer it’s essential things are at the highest price ever including brown sugar I bought brown sugar the other day and I was like are you kidding me I couldn’t believe how expensive it was salad you oh I I bought thank goodness it was a BOGO right in the store but I was shocked oh yeah a sh and there’s not that much lettuce I get the pre-made salads right and I was like when I when you get all the air out I looked at I said the lettuce amount was like a hand like this much I and I only eat half of it and so I need to preserve the second half because I’m not going to get to a salad for another day or so cuz I don’t want to eat salad every single day you know what I mean so this would be awesome for that awesome for that awesome for snacks awesome for your pantry it looks good it stores well look at how nice I mean everything can fit right on top of it these this set is the one that you’re going to get to work back to all the people that have bought Heritage here so far because we have just sold a boatload of it like you know you and I have been together with it it will work back with the today’s special but again these are canisters and the difference between the canisters and what the bowls were these are not Square they’re round and they are um they don’t have the little handles so again you can put more of them in your cooler but you know it’s just a different in design I personally say by the purple oop sorry get the today special I’m so madly in love with it but I’m mad for anything that has tupperware’s name on it cuz I I with these three and 3/4 oh they’re perfect they are perfect ice cream holders or if you make your own yogurt if you want to do frozen yogurt I think this is great if you make your own ice cream so we’ve sold a million of those make your own ice cream machines it’s perfect just go ahead and put it inside here it is honestly the perfect serving size for that I want to say that is an exactly quart I love it right isn’t that great all right so you get the yellow one uh you’re going to get the mint green and then you’re going to get the blue one they all come with that classic ivory/white lid uh you get all three of these for $24.95 at our birthday price do note through the entire show Tupperware gives HSN amazing deals just wink wink hint hint just make sure you know that okay cuz they’re really exclusive there I can promise you there’s no place on the planet that you could beat these prices good doubt all right two things I want to mention just to show you very quickly oh microwave lid yeah where are they at can we show them we’re going to go show them real quick we’ve got like one minute to talk everybody about them go all right so first and foremost there my boss who works for Tupperware Brian said I still put a piece of paper towel over my food in the microwave I’m like stop it you buy these you put it over your food you even leave them in the microwave put the bow down so you put that in the mic you leave this in the microwave now you don’t have a mess in your microwave your steam vents so it’s not going to dry out the food and you’re not wasting paper towels it’s not sticking to your food you’re getting two said it to you could put a plate what I would do is yes you put your plates on it I mean I was amazed at we were talking at family dinner one night my Rosie my steps sister and I she was saying my bonus sister I call her you know kids go off to college and they don’t have these and like you get dirty microwav splatters everywhere and the problem that I have I have leftovers from this one really great restaurant i’ love to eat at and I don’t have any way to heat them and well I heat them in the microwave if I don’t keep the steam in they get really hard and really dry the left this is perfect guys it’s a set of two these are brand new only airing right now and they’re only $16.95 so they’re on sale and then we’re going to talk about this which is this is really cool it’s a 10piece date store and freeze food storage set so explain this all right so every single one of the lids first of all it’s made of a certain polymer that is ideal for your freezer they’re rectangle and Perfect Design so that look at how little space they take in your freezer if you are someone who has a garden you know know how important that is to you but on the lid you’re able to set the dial so that you know what month you put it in there or what day you put it in there so you can keep track of it and again iconic the seal but it’s this everything that we make with Tupperware is not all the same material like feel this like the the stuff of the microwave is a different polymer than the what you want in the freezer but again you’re always getting that super tight seal and you’re getting all of these pieces so load up perfect for gardens perfect for um you know keeping your leftovers but absolutely amazing all right there you go and you get a whole bunch of different sizes to go with it so it’s it’s six it’s six piece set why am I seeing more one but they’re not counting the lids it’s actually 12 piece set oh gotcha okay very good all right so there you go that’s still available awesome awesome and then we’re going to move on over here because is this our lettuce keeper I am so pumped about there no I think it’s this one first and I’m wicked excited about this one hang on one second I got to find it mg OMG here we go oh food saver set food saver all right this is from my house they sent it to me 3 weeks tomorrow okay I put cherries in it you don’t wash your produce before you put it in you take it out of the container that it was in and those are the exact same chair I threw three away today no K and how how old are three weeks no kidding wow so this let me show you how it works okay you’re getting all three of these and if you look at the front every one of these up in the corner can you see how they have like this is the position for these vegetables this position for these vegetables or fruits this and where you see the X don’t put it in your refrigerator so you know and if you can even put on the QR code if you want to see the words to tell you exactly which one but it knows produce when it gets whether it’s fruit or vegetables it is water and air that is going to destroy your your food certain foods do better with certain amounts of air flow so they’ve tested this they actually worked with University of Florida to design this that went through rigorous testing to create this and it is going to make your food last longer just do not wash it okay so I want you to see you’re getting all three I’ll give you the sizes the first one is 1.8 lit that’s the tall one then we have a 1.8 L low design and then we have the 4.4 ler what she’s saying too as you look here that’s your code so you go this area needs only one you adjust this to these little notes up here so it knows exactly how much ventilation it needs to keep things fresher longer inside here so this is like your what you call like your animals yeah yeah look here if it’s a one or X or whatever you’ll see the little coat on top you’re just going to move this over to that space and then that’s going to adjust the ventilation for whatever you’re so for instance today I’m putting peppers in here so if you look at the diagram the peppers over here are showing half of it open so over here on the top I look for the half moon I slide it in that position and that is the ideal climate for Peppers now after I’ve used the peppers I can use this for lettuce I can use it for broccoli you don’t have to use it for the same thing over and over again but you always know what is the ideal thing I love this one this is the one I have at home with my mint so I didn’t bring my herbs in but it’s amazing for that but this low profile long one ideal for asparagus I mean you could put corn on the cob in here but any of those longer things like your pole beans in the summertime but again it’s going to make they I have to say like they say like 15% longer I’m going to tell you it does more than that in my opinion can I give the stats specifically because this is what we’re allowed to say okay and this is the the what they’ve researched right spinach is 34% longer than in store package the strawberries 50% longer last longer than in store packaging and mushrooms 42% longer than in store packaging so think about if you buy strawberries and you’re throwing them out in a couple days or you get to eat the first part a couple days later the rests are all mushy and got a lot of mold and gross stuff on them like the fuzz is growing think about them extending it 50% longer so if your strawberries in a container last a week 50% longer is going to be two weeks exactly huge and look in the bottom like this is there’s so much to this product see these channels right here it means that your food sits on top but the water will go down below and not be touching your food any longer at certain times I’ll actually take and dump out any of the extra moisture that’s coming out of it but it’s channeled away from your food so that’s keeping the moisture down and then this is allowing for the air fro or how much moisture can come out and again this was patented by um United um in Gainesville yeah you Florida University of Florida worked with Tupperware on this and they went through tons of testing and you’re not seeing it anywhere else but they were under the understanding that we needed to come up with a system so that at this record high price for groceries you were going to get the most amount of it out of there if you leave these in the container like Suzanne said that they come in you’re going to get half the life that you would by putting it in this container right here so you double the life you’re doubling the life I mean that that to me means a lot like strawberries are inexpensive at the moment but when do they go back up to $6 a container you definitely want to make sure well it’s strawberries grapes I mean think the stuff you have that’s from the produce section I mean even if you’re cutting watermelon up youve got a watermelon put it inside there melon you know keep your melon fresher longer it’s going to do that um just little FYI in this one too guys this is so unique because it creates the optimal storage condition so they studied it they figured it out and then they created a system to allow you to do that and it’s simple you just look here you’re going to see okay if it’s my carrots okay I’ve got to put this little vent system just over that little symbol and it’s very easy to do it’s not like trying to figure out slide it one way you’re going to slide it the other way it’s very very simple but that’s now creating the optimal condition to be able to extend the life of whatever produce you have inside there whether it’s broccoli whether it’s green beans whether it’s lettuce salad you know those mix salad I I do eat a lot of salads but it’s it’s good I you know I just do it for L weight but anyway uh so I eat a lot of salads the problem is as mix salads are really expensive CU they’re all the fancy greens and so again I’m not going to eat all that salad that I open open up the bag in one setting this is perfect for those of us who do eat a lot of salads and baby spinach like I’ll buy baby spinach in arugula and 90% of the time I throw it away you know what is Romain lettuce and then we use it as wraps with like turkey that and again you’re not eating that every day a little bit here a little bit there perfect to put inside here perfect and especially the low-sided one but I would highly recommend people getting several of these because I when they do sell out you won’t be able to get them at this price anywhere else but I love the the Cod on the side so it’s like you don’t have to go oh I got to remember this no it’s right on your container and the funny thing now you’ve got to look at this cuz this cracks me up see the X see the one with the x that means okay Bubba don’t put it in your refrigerator you don’t put avocados in your refrigerator you don’t put tomatoes in the refrigerator tomato you don’t put your Egg Eggplant in there you do not put avocad in the fridge I did not know that cuz you’re it’s not the ideal situation for it right scientifically studied that’s pretty awesome right these are smart containers X me dum dum do not put that in there I have an avocado sitting in my fridge right now I got to go home and take it out all right Brown faster in there oh got it okay there you go all right so guys stay right there we’ve got more to share with you all right here let me walk over here and give you a peek at our best value today it is the first today special from Tupperware and it is the only one we’re going to do all year long we have now sold in just this hour alone over 3,400 that’s a ton of these the vast majority is going to be in the multi again if you’re on the fence or you’re thinking about it grab the multi tonight there’ll be thousands and thousands of people later on today will have no idea this was even an option they’ll just see the solids back here what are you getting you’re getting a huge 16-piece set they’ve done an exclusive value at the best price we can find anywhere no one has this deal whatsoever you get all of these and yet they store beautifully and we’ll take another look at it in about 10 so stay with us and we will get back to today’s special in just a moment all right now okay I’m super pumped because again always trying to lose weight you know the whole thing so I’ve been trying to eat so much healthier Deb and I do consume immense amount of lettuce IM yeah I really do I find it’s you know I put a lot of stuff on it protein and all that stuff but that’s really kind of my go-to every single day I do eat a little lettu girl that’s why you look so beautiful oh you’re so kind thank you I’m trying but anyway I love this I was like Hello this was meant for me well first of all this was one of the only posts I ever did in my my career of social media that actually went viral there were so many people that were mly in love with this piece this was given to me by my precious bonus Mom this is about 60 years old and it was the original version of the lettuce keeper okay I told them at Tupperware we have to have another one and they go Deborah that mold is it’s you know so old that the mold is no longer so they made a new mold and that’s what you’re seeing today and it’s still got the spike now what the spike is for like we had this conversation in the kitchen so when you get ahead of iceberg lettuce a lot of us iceberg lettuce is one of my favorites CU it’s so crunchy and it has no calories you put a hot dog in there when you’re eating it and it’s crunch it’s delicious but if you leave it in this wrapper you’re getting like all brown and terrible and then the core right here is definitely not anything you’re going to eat what you want to do when you get it home you get your you take the core out of your iceberg lettuce just by bouncing it on the counter and you tear that out and I’ll show you on the done one and then you place it on the spike and you go well why did we do that well first of all the core is not anything we want to eat from and when we put the spike into the iceberg lettuce all the moisture inside as it drips down goes inside so it keeps our lettuce from browning keeps the outside lettuce leaves perfect and now every time I go to grab a piece of iceberg lettuce it’s going to last longer it’s going to be crunchier and any moisture will come down below and not affect the lettuce like it would in the wrapper so you get that amazing domed lid and why we want the domed lid is like if you’re putting cabbage in here if some of the um even Boston lettuce in here you want to have the Dome lid so you have a little more hey now I want you to notice something this is a different lid and they are a little tight a little different that’s interesting tight and what I want you to know is it was done that way to keep your produce longer I actually like warm this up in a little water sometimes just to make sure that if it if it resists too much but you want it tight now it’s going to keep my produce better longer is it okay A little you guys are loving it they’re probably like oh my gosh I haven’t seen the lettuce Keeper in years and years and years and now I love this new more modern version of it so yeah you’re getting a little spiky thing inside there you’re getting this I do love this tall lid and I really like it too because you’re showing some broccoli over there as well we’ve got cabbage over here we’ve got a head of cauliflower in here I love that it’s clear and you can see what’s inside that was one of the things that sometimes people would say well I wish it wouldn’t be that way but now we listen to what you said you get the spike with it you can do the iceberg lettuce you can do the bib lettuce like if you leave that in its plastic container it gets crunched up in your yes now your lettuce or your red leaf lettuce will last so much longer and again broccoli I mean it’s just a great Bowl everyone my age and older knows what it’s like to have one of these in their refrigerators and now you can have one now you can have like this one only it’s a better design wider at the bottom higher Dom lid you know our lettu bigger I love that’s really huge I mean you could fit a lot in there and even if you didn’t again you didn’t necessarily want to do it for lettuce obviously it’s a really nice container I mean what is the actual oh it’s 8.48 Oz you’re almost 9 o so it’s an awesome container if you just used it for whatever you want to put inside there salad you toss salad fantastic salad super smart to be able to keep all your lettuce and all the veggies crisper fresher longer not sitting in their own muck precisely and that was what the home parties were all about it was all about teaching home economists how to make their groceries last longer and all of the innovations that made Tupperware so popular is they would see a problem in the kitchen and they would go let’s do this let’s come up with a way to make that iceberg lettuce less three times longer than it would originally and this isn’t the way to do it it’s going to get all yucky in your lettuce drawer you know that now frees your lettuce drawer up for other things now your produce is going to look better it’s going to last longer and like you with the lettuce I am doing I like I love bread if Oliver makes it but the rest of the time if I’m having a sandwich it’s in Roma lettuce or it’s in Boston lettuce or iceberg lettuce is crunchy it has no calories it’s got a lot of water and now I’m not wasting money it’s lasting longer like what a nice big headed cabbage in there and I’ll tell you the other thing my goal my husband are trying to do is again we’re which we try to put more and more vegetables in everything we eat so even if we’re doing a pasta let’s take a shrimp pasta we’ll do shrimp and then bell peppers and all this other kind of vegetables we even shave off the broccoli and put it in there in the sauce CU it just gets more vegetables in it got to have the stuff coated a little bit or a marinara we’re just piling in the vegetables and then water vitamins nutrients if you’re trying to eat healthier again what I love about the today’s special and this product is we’re buying the food we’re spending a ton of money on that produce because we’re all trying to eat better and eat healthier for ourselves and thus you don’t want to have to throw it out so quick and obviously this is designed to help preserve it a bit longer um all right we are busy once again I think this is so adorable that everybody ized this guy and said oh my gosh they brought it back out and this is the new improved lettuce keeper the molds do break like I that’s one of the things that about Tupperware was like they responded immediately they’re like Deb we would love to give you that but we don’t that mold broke it was like 60 some odd years old after a certain period of time the molds actually travel around the world there’s not like a million molds they travel around the world the the the commitment to the color the we’re actually working right now in using recycled Plastics I mean they there’s so much about sustainability they’re about doing the right thing they listen to what you want they even offer money back guarantee who does that and stay in business and that’s only people that are really doing the right thing and a warranty and a warranty like the warranty is incredible that’s why well that’s why these things are passed down I mean literally have you received something from a mother a grandma maybe you’ve had something since you were really young and you’re still using I know our little salt pepper shakers which I love they really need to do the minis again I know that’s what please Tupperware yes we want the little ones we want the B these are the picnic ones these are the RV ones I love these so much they so cute I used to carry them around in my pocket as a little kid and put it on my tomatoes in the I I love tomatoes and I love hardboiled eggs this is great so if you’re and I like to bring them to work so I have the protein and put a little salt on them I’m a salt person I love that I am too I’m a salt you sold how many Jared oh sry how many have we sold okay 600 now ordered in the last 7 minutes and I have what 800 people trying to get it so once again yeah close to 800 of you are now on the line I got a ton more who are going to once again this is the way to do that um I want you to re explain the Pokey all right so it’s very important for you to understand that iceberg lettuce has this core in the bottom that is not edible it’s bitter and terrible and when I was little salad girl that was one of my very first jobs we would pound it on the counter and then pull the the the core out now what we’re going to do the reason that tall spike is there obviously you’re not going to have the plastic wrap on it you stick the spike into the lettuce and now the lettuce is not sitting in the bottom of the bowl why don’t we want that because iceberg lettuce has a lot of water in it so by sitting on this little tray on the spike the water will go down below like in this one like in this one see down below that Reservoir that’s where the additional water will go it’s not touching the lettuce so now my lettuce will stay crunchy and cold and delicious as it’s intended and it’ll last longer without browning because the liquid is going below it not touching it like in here you can see I mean just in the plastic wrap in the grocery store it’s because the moisture inside of the lettuce actually just causes it to brown right so you will find that your pro and now do you want this on everything you don’t need this for the Cabbage we did put it in there for the cabbage and the cauliflower but again we’re talking about the liquid going down below it doesn’t hurt but I do know for a fact when you’re using the Boston lettuce do not take the bottom out the little Roots I actually would want the root sitting in the water in the bottom of the oh it’ll keep it yeah it’ll keep it growing like Hydroponics but you’re not going to have that plastic container that can crack and break like like when they bu when you buy them in the store can we throw this on the dishwasher you can everything now can go in the dishwasher Aller dis yes not everything is microwave safe we have a different polymer that on some of the microwave pieces but everything now can go in top and bottom shelf and oh my gosh that’s huge guys and not violating the warranty all right so here’s what’s going to happen guys um in about 30 seconds we’re going to jump into another look at our phenomenal today’s special that we’re so in love with of course Deb’s you’re with me we’ve got a great couple of products from Tupperware next hour but then I’ve got more surprises for you because it is our birthday party

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