Worst dish you’ve ever had at a fine dining restaurant….

by foodwriterdan


  1. foodwriterdan

    I’d absolutely love to see the shittest dish you’ve ever received at a fine dining establishment please (I will x/post this on the discord as well, so sorry for the duplication to those who frequent both). 

    This steaming, festering turd of a dish was served at World’s 50 Best (top 100) and Michelin Starred Lyle’s in London…..and was just as bad as it looks.

  2. cmaassadfsdaf

    I keep clicking through those 2 pictures… it is like a car crash, I can’t look away…

  3. No-Establishment6240

    This looks insane. What’s the sauce?

  4. Kitchen-Programmer78

    So many dishes at Leo in Bogota. Worst of which was a cold, grey, gummy crab ball.

  5. kytran40

    Wish we could reply with pics

    Grilled pork from Momofuku Ko. Sat at the counter salivating as the cook expertly grilled it on the Japanese grill. Shit tasted like ham. Shittiest 2* I’ve been too. Deserved to close much sooner.

  6. burberrycondom

    Did they cook it with a space heater?

  7. Your__Pal

    I recieved a dessert dish last month with a big gaping hole in the middle of it. 

    It was an iconic dessert at a 3* Michelin restaurant, with pictures all over the internet. 

    And they decided to serve it to me with a big crack and a hole right in the middle of it. 

    It was still delicious but it was completely baffling. 

  8. theacgreen47

    Quintonil 2017. Sweetbread taco. The texture was very off putting for me. They weren’t crispy at all and felt like what you’d imagine the texture of them raw would be. My wife literally spit hers out

  9. Fun-Book-1848

    Went to Osteria Francescana around Christmas 2018. To this day, my wife keeps harping on this weird pomegranate risotto that they served. It was an odd ingredient choice for a risotto. Everything else was fine. But this one dish is the one thing we will always remember from our visit.

  10. BitterJD

    I went to a 1 star with a famous friend. I won’t name the restaurant or the friend. Both are good. But because of the famous friend, the 1 star was bringing out the extras and trying to impress. The problem is they were clearly crude, untested canapes which really detracted from the meal.

    If you’re going to try to kiss a celebrity’s ass, just bring out foie, truffles, or caviar. It’s not a license to cosplay as Top Chef Quickfire contestants.

  11. nobelini

    Had a wagyu fillet from Miller and Lux. It was absolutely horrible, cooked way too long (not per my order), and was tasteless. The low light of the dinner was good old Tyler Florence sat at the next table over cutting money deals with the heavy hitters while I tried to eat his garbage. The food sucked. A month later I went up to little hole in the wall butcher way up on the Sierra Nevada range and for 12 bucks (raw) I bought and cooked a fillet end that blew Tyler’s crap away. It was like going back 25 years when beef still tasted good. Will not tell you where that butcher shop is, cuz I don’t want his shop ruined by greedy millennial scum. Bottom line: don’t fall for big name “gotta go to” restaurants, the name doesn’t taste very good, and the price is always twice as much.

  12. ArgusRun

    I don’t have a picture of it, but back in the day I went to WD50 with some friends. The meal overall was disappointing. I’ve never left a tasting menu hungry, but I did that night.

    His famous “pizza pebbles” came out. Took a bite, looked over at the guy who was the same age as me (we must have been around 26), and we both said “Combos”. If you had ever eaten the filling from a pizza flavored combo without the shell, it had the exact same flavor and the same gritty texture. It was so stupid.

  13. mattvandyk

    Oh, I’ve got a couple from Inn at Little Washington. That was the biggest waste of coin I’ve ever made.

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