A little grilling action from yesterday… How did I do?

by RideDisTongue44


  1. Brian-88

    The fuck are these little bikini bottom slices of cheese?

  2. DavesGroovyWaves

    You better be joking with those cheese slices.

  3. Musician_Gloomy

    Please help us understand the cheese situation…. Everything else looks great

  4. Primary_Jellyfish327

    Half a cheese slice? This guy needs jail time

  5. Dangerous_Brush_3556

    Cheese shortage where you are?

  6. RadiantAd3866

    You did great ! Everything looks so good!

  7. misfits9095

    Sometimes you run low on cheese. Gotta do what you gotta do.

  8. RideDisTongue44

    I appreciate all the comments lol… The reason for the cheese situation is because the wife n kids don’t care for the whole slice and I’m suiting to their wants! 😂

  9. Informal-Fly4609

    It ain’t about the cheese, it’s about the meat… Looks spot on to me

  10. Kindly_Pass_586

    Looking good. Those cheese slices though lol. I recently joined this sub and drool constantly. This is a drooler photo.

  11. Lucid-Machine

    Maybe the family doesn’t like American cheese?

  12. TheeDragon

    You run out of money in the budget when you hit the dairy aisle or what? Get a full piece of cheese on those burgs.

  13. Frankenstein859

    There is literally nothing worse at a BBQ than the griller trying to conserve cheese. Full slice, hell even 2 slices per burger or don’t even start the grill up.

  14. Mysterious-Cup-738

    Made me hungry looks tasty 🙂

  15. notonrexmanningday

    I’d like one of the grilled dicks please.

  16. Pretend-Cucumber-711

    Meat gods are happy. Cheese gods, however, want a word with you.

  17. MitchLGC

    Picture quality is terrible lol

    But the meat looks quite good

    The cheese should have been edited out of the picture

  18. Fozzy2701

    Makes me want to grill some chicken! Well done

  19. frogbxneZ

    yooo let the man eat as much (or as little) cheese as he wants. ya’ll are buggin lol

  20. Ok-Safe7953

    Only thing I see missing is; my plate.🤣👍

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