My husband just sent me this pic of cookies he made with my kids today 🥰

by Anonymouse1011


  1. Anonymouse1011

    I am currently in hospital for 2 months+ and my husband made these to bring me in 2 days when he comes to visit with the kiddies; so sweet! Just thought you’d like to see them, they look flawless!

  2. Technical_Flight6270

    Sweet hubby, sweet kiddos, & a sweet treat! Here’s to wishing you a sweet recovery!

  3. CaitCatDeux

    They look perfect! I hope you’re feeling better soon.

  4. MawMaw1103

    I am so sorry to read that you are in the hospital for an extended period of time. I hope you are on the mend soon. I think it’s absolutely wonderful that your husband and kids are visiting you with fresh cookies! Kindness, love, and sweet treats from our family are always good medicine! Hoping you are home soon!💕

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