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egg sald recipe
roasted brussel sprouts
baja fish tacos
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#groceryhaul #groceryshopping
gluten free meal ideas what I eat in a day, what I eat in a week, going gluten free, how to go gluten free, gluten free snack ideas, the best gluten free recommendations , misfits market

[Music] hey guys welcome back I know it’s been a while since I uploaded a long form video like this but I have a massive grocery haul for you today so I hope it kind of makes up for it you’ll have to let me know everything as always is gluten-free if you guys are new to my channel I have so many videos about my gluten-free diet I have grocer tree hauls just like this recipes meal ideas recommendations inspiration that’s all in my gluten-free playlist so I’m going to link that below you guys can check it out but for today I’m collaborating with Misfit Market I am obviously working with them today but first and foremost I’m a customer and I’m a huge huge fan of what they do and what they do is offer groceries at a really sustainable level with their main mission being reducing food waste so what they do is work with Farmers that maybe have some vegetables and some fruit that a grocery store might not take because let’s say the tomatoes a little lopsided the Brussels Sprout’s a little smaller than normal but it’s still food and it still tastes amazing I think starting with trying to reduce food waste and trying to buy more sustainable groceries whether it’s shopping at your local farmers market or buying from a place like Misfit market so they take all the Misfits of the grocery store and sell them on their website and they also just have a ton of amazing gluten-free products amazing Brands you see all the time at the grocery store it’s nothing like offhand you know a lot of these Brands so it’s really great and I do have to say these items might be the Misfits of the grocery store but everything is so beautiful you’ll see my produce today is like unreal and everything is delicious I’ve been so happy with the quality of the meat the quality of the vegetables the fruit and then also just the brand selection so I’m going to have my link below you guys can save some money that’s also a big part of it everything is discounted that’s kind of the whole point you’re shopping sustainably and you’re saving money I’m going to get into the haul but just really quick I want to say wait till after the haul cuz I’m going to be sharing some meal ideas in this Spirit of reducing food waste I want to show you guys how I utilize all of my groceries and try to make the most recipes snacks and just kind of use everything up in the best way cuz I hate hate wasting food so without further Ado let’s go ahead and get into the haul I’m going to start us off with produce just because there is so much I mean look at this bounty of fruits and vegetables Misfits always has great seasonal produce so I really wanted to dive into the summer items I love summer produce I think the only thing I’m missing is some good tomatoes but I actually just started growing my own so hopefully I’ll have some of my own this summer but um everything looks just gorgeous so let’s get into it so first up we have some zucchini I did just make zucchini bread muffins for the first time and they were incredible and then I have some sweet potatoes I feel like I always have to get sweet potatoes because I just eat them so much they’re one of my favorite foods some brussels sprouts these are really small which I’m actually kind of excited about because I’m not going to cut them in half I normally like to slice them in half when I bake them so they get nice and crispy but because these are so small they’re like little bite-sized pieces I think they’ll just be perfect just to bake just like that and they’ll be delicious I even could try like the smashed Brussels sprout thing that people do and then some lemons can never have too many lemons I use them in so many recipes I’ve been juicing more so I always juice a lemon with whatever green juice that I’m making some limes these are Fuji apples I did get another kind of apple that I’ll share in a minute but I’m going to need to make like an apple pie or a cobbler or something like that because I have so many apples right now and just so much fruit and vegetable I don’t think I’m going to eat everything on time I need to like be strategic so that’s kind of what I’m trying to do today I want to kind of figure out how I can utilize all these things because I never like to waste food I like to think of a few recipes when I’m going grocery shopping and kind of come up with a meal plan of how best to utilize everything so there’s a minimal waste so I’m going to do something like that with apples stay tuned maybe I’ll share it in this video I have an artichoke which AR chokes are so underrated I grew up eating them my mom always made them and now I make them all the time they’re just delicious and I feel like a lot of people sleep on them so try an under choke and then I have two mangoes here which oh my gosh mangoes in the summertime literally chef’s kiss and I can’t speak any further without mentioning these cherries because I just have an abundance of sweet red cherries here I adore cherries and they just really hooked it up with the amount that they gave me so we have them overflowing and I mean a moment of silence for all this doesn’t look gorgeous gorgeous just this is a beautiful sight to me I’ll wash them put them in the fridge and just be able to grab them and snack on them that’s what I love to do with my fruits and veggies I just always have everything pre-washed so that it’s easy to grab and it gets eaten up more often and then over here we have some jalapenos I love this little one it’s adorable jalapenos is something I also just put in my garden if you guys follow me on Instagram if you don’t you should follow me I’m just planted a little herb and vegetable garden in my backyard and trying to grow some stuff but I’m not here yet obviously but miss Misfit is picking up my slack none of my jalapenos have come in yet they’re just flowers right now so we’ll see how they turn out but until then jalapenos for the summertime really love having a sliced Jalapenos in my Rosé because I really only drink Rosé in the summer and a few slices of Jalapeno in there try it just just trust me and then back here I have a few Portell mushrooms which I never buy porella mushrooms I always have mushrooms in my fridge I usually buy crini or baby Bella those have just been my favorites and my favorite to cook with but I want to start buying portella mushrooms more often and see what I can do with them let me know if you guys have any suggestions and then over here I have some green onions I love using it for garnishes toppings or just to cook with I think they’re just a great ingredient to always have in your kitchen um they just have so much flavor and I love them so in the summertime you could maybe do like a baked potato top with some green onion I love them on eggs with maybe some rice and some chili crisp and then I have a mini watermelon with which oh my gosh like speaking of Summer does anything scream summer more than watermelon I’m so excited for watermelon season by the pool at the beach wow and then back here we have some peaches which I’m really excited about because not only do I love Peaches I love all stone fruit but I recently saw someone post grilled peaches with some vanilla ice cream and I know that’s like nothing new or revolutionary but I’ve never done it before and I was like that is such a fun like summer barbecue dessert if I’m posting or just wanting to do something festive I’m really really excited about that so that’s my intention for these maybe we’ll try it this weekend we’ll see and then some avocados some more oops some more apples these are gala apples my personal favorite actually and then these are Fuji they’re just like a little bit bigger um but I have even more of these too I didn’t fit them on this entire thing I think I have like three more so I definitely have a lot of apples right now and then some red pears which I’m excited about I don’t feel like I buy pears very often but I do love them so we’ll see how these ones are and then lastly for the produce we have some mandarins these little easy peel sweet juicy snacks I love having these on hand also great if you have kids I don’t have them but I would imagine that these are just like perfect snacks to have did I already say avocado I can’t remember we have two avocados there and that is all the produce that’s just stunning and beautiful let’s move on to a few little snacks and some dairy products and then some meat so let me start with the dairy products so that I can get them back in the fridge first up we have some tillamuk cream cheese I’ve actually never tried their cream cheese it looked pretty good I just love T mil products I just think they’re delicious and great quality so this is the farm style cream cheese spread I just got the original and then also got their medium cheddar cheese snacks I love cheddar cheese and just like snacking on it like this is a great snack in my opinion again tillamuk love their stuff love what you’re doing um and then over here I have some cottage cheese this is good culture I usually get the lowfat one I don’t even know why but I have been told that I need to get the whole milk because I’m on this journey of trying to like cottage cheese and I have heard that whole milk tastes better so we’re going to find out right now I’m just kind of like putting it in things adding it to recipes to make something creamy I’m still not to the point of just like eating cottage cheese by itself or like putting it on toast I’m not there yet but I do really want to try making that cottage cheese wrap that everyone’s making on Tik Tok I’ll keep you updated if I make it for this video and then this is some nonfat Greek yogurt odds and ends is missfitz Market’s brand and I’ve been really happy with all their stuff I’ve purchased a few things from them before and it’s always great quality and I have no complaints so lastly for the dairy products I got some ricotta I’ve been wanting to make like some different style ricotta toast I feel like that’s such a thing on Pinterest I’ve been wanting to try it out so maybe I’ll do that with this but I do also love a white pizza with like dollops of ricotta cheese on it so I might make something like that at home cuz I just think it’s so delicious I love the flavor or maybe I’ll make lasagna like who knows we’ll see so these I’ve already gotten into this brand partake if you guys haven’t had them they make amazing gluten-free cookies they’re vegan and top nine allerg free I had never seen these vanilla wafers but I had to already dip into them because I was like I need to know what these taste like they don’t really look like the photo but they’re delicious great little bite-sized cookie to satisfy your sweet tooth so these are really good and then another sweet thing these are pipcorn twists they’re heirloom pipcorn snacks this is the cinnamon sugar flavor these taste a lot like the Taco Bell cinnamon twist to me and I was a huge fan of those so now as a gluten-free girl this is my gluten-free option they’re delicious then I also got some hot honey which I’m actually really excited about cuz I feel like hot honey is such a thing right now people drizzle it on Pizza on toast on I mean I don’t even know what else it seems like it’s on everything so I want to try some stuff at home cuz I was actually shocked to see how expensive it is at the grocery store and then when I saw this on there I was like score say less let’s get it and I’m excited so I might try something with that soon we’ll see and then I got some raw almonds from the odds and ends brand their packaging is just really cute as well so I’m a fan of that um so I wanted to get raw almonds for snacking but also I really want to try to make my own almond butter um I saw someone make it on Instagram and I knew that you could but I was just inspired for some reason and I’m wanting to make it so we’re going to see how it comes out and then I got some vegetable broth from the odds and ends brand as well I did want chicken broth cuz that’s normally what I cook with but they only had this or I think beef broth or bone broth and um I just did vegetable broth cuz that’s what they had and it’s just kind of nice to have on hand um so that’s it for this department let’s move on to the protein and the meat okay and here’s what I got for meat I’m really excited about the chicken because I got some party wings I was actually kind of thinking like maybe I could do hot honey flavor maybe like a parmesan garlic or something raised with no antibiotics pasture raised and from a small family farm so I’m really excited about supporting that the same company I got chicken drumsticks these are 2 lbs as well these have actually been really enjoying cooking in the air fryer because they get nice and crispy and cuz I always feel like whenever you barbecue drumsticks they’re always like a little bit underdone they get a little chewy and rubbery they’re just kind of hard to nail so I found that the air fryer just works wonders for them so and then I also got some wild cot Pacific Cod I’m really excited because not that long ago I made some gluten-free breaded fish tacos with some cod and they were delicious so now that I know that recipe is good I want to make them again soon and this looks really great you always always want to do wild cot over farm raised this is what my dad has taught me and also the internet so I’m glad that these are wild cot over here we have some red meat this is ground bison 90% lean 10% fat no antibiotics and no hormones so bison is just a great protein kind of nice to switch out from the traditional beef that we do so often I even like to do a mixture of beef and bison for burgers so I’ll do that very soon and then here I have a small chuck roast this is 100% grass-fed beef which is awesome so this is does it say 16 oz so for this I’m thinking of doing some shredded beef tacos sounds amazing I found a recipe that I really want to try so I think I’m going to use that maybe tonight honestly and then lastly I have a beef ribeye it looks really delicious and I’m sure it will be so I’ll be making that soon um so that is everything for this haul I really hope that you guys enjoyed I mean oh look at this this just boosts my serotonin like all these colors all this freshness it’s just doing it for me now we’re going to share some meals that I’ve made maybe some meals and some snacks that I’ve done with all of this food to give you guys some ideas and just to also share how I’m trying to limit my waist and make sure I get full use out of all my groceries I made the most amazing dinner I steamed these artichokes and then made a little lemon garlic aoli they were delicious and then I also made these drumsticks in the air fryer which I did mention earlier in the video they came out so crispy and delicious but still tender and juicy on the inside I made them with some smashed potatoes these are like smashed sliced potatoes and it was a really good summer dinner this isn’t a meal but if you’re not washing and prepping your fruit for the fridge so you can snack and grab you aren’t doing it right making use of the green onions and my cottage cheese that I got in this order so this is a Mayo free egg salad all you use is yellow mustard Deon mustard and cottage cheese to make it creamy and for extra protein it was really really good actually I was impressed and I know I said I was going to make smashed brussels sprouts but I just ended up roasting them in halves like I always do I have a foolproof recipe that I use on Pinterest every single time I make them I will have it linked below the most unreal dinner using the Cod that I got in this order gluten-free Baja Fish Tacos you guys these were incredible I made them one other time but this time they were just especially good the fish was so fresh and everything just hit the spot fridge cleanout green juice using some of the apples and a lemon from this order refreshing delicious getting veggies and fruit in can never go wrong this order unlocked a new obsession for me avocado toast with hot honey oh my goodness I love it so much so I did two different toasts I used the teut cream cheese I also like to do a squeeze of lemon on the Tomato cuz I kind of like a lemon pepper tomato toast situation but for the avocado toast I’m just doing some seasoning with the drizzle of the hot honey and it was so good like the sweet and salty with a little bit of spice wow next up we have some burger bowls I have a recipe like this on my Instagram the only thing I did different was use the ground bison for my protein and it was so satisfying very filling and super super tasty the party wings were unbelievable I did like a sticky sweet sauce with some sesame seeds the meat was so tender and everything was just amazing I’m really happy with quality of the meat from this farm so I’m definitely going to support them again next time I purchase for Misfits speaking of unbelievable I made Marcus and I these RI I steak sandwiches with a horseradish sauce moonster cheese and grilled onions these were so good I will definitely be making them again I’m very into making mini gluten-free peita pizzas right now this flavor was artichoke with a ricotta cheese sauce so I used the ricotta that was in this order and the flavors were unreal the creaminess of the ricotta was really good with the artichoke my last few things I forgot to take videos of but I do have some photos so I use the zucchini in a few different ways I made this really delicious side with sauteed mushrooms and zucchini garlic onion it was so good I ate it with some pesto chicken and some mashed potatoes the flavors are on another level and then my new obsession I have a few from this video a zucchini slice oh my goodness this has sweet potato chicken breakfast sausage zucchini of course eggs eggs cottage cheese what else is in there there’s a lot I’m going to link the recipe below but you can stuff so many veggies in here and it’s just such a good hearty filling and delicious breakfast try it lastly not really a meal but had a little snack plate poolside with some white wine with my best friend we had some watermelon some chips some cornnuts from the farmers market and some of that til Muk cheddar cheese and it was perfect the watermelon was actually really tasty and that brings us to the end of this video I really hope you guys enjoyed if you want to see more this style grocery haul and then meal ideas please let me know I would love to do it for you guys so thank you so much for watching thank you to missfit market for collaborating with me on today’s video and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye

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