I took some of your suggestions from yesterday – still used the canned frosting I had but I added another layer of frosting to it and froze it for 20 mins. Base layer isn’t perfect but it’s better than before 😭 and what rly helped w the decorating was putting the frosting in the fridge & when I noticed my hands warmed it up too much putting it back in the freezer for a few mins again.

Thanks everyone!

by Interesting_Tap_5859


  1. TableAvailable

    That’s a lot of improvement and very nice work.

  2. Keeker68

    Wow, that’s a huge improvement! Great job!

  3. CatfromLongIsland

    That is quite a comeback! Great job!

  4. hiwizard420

    Looks awesome i saw the original post but didnt have anything to add glad to see it turned out great on the second try

  5. mariposa337

    You came, you saw, you conquered, honey!! Well done. ❤️

  6. crella-ann

    Bravo! That’s a huge improvement on a second try!

  7. WolfPrincess_

    Wow!!!! Great job!!! They both look delicious as hell 😊😊😊

  8. PunnyBaker

    If you hadnt told me the other cake was yours, i wouldnt have believed you were the same person. That is an incredible glow-up!

  9. Sharkstakovich

    That’s so much better! Well done 🌟

  10. anothertragic_case

    Your oops cake became a whoop whoop cake! Good job! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  11. firefaery

    I would have eaten both. Looks delish!

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