Has anyone seen a “cake roll” made of concentric circles like this instead of a spiral?

by howardcord


  1. Huh this is the first time I’m noticing that but I’ll keep an eye out.

  2. cricketjust4luck

    I kept seeing the same god forsaken churro cheesecake cookies from account after account

  3. AmbiguousDinosaur

    And the Oreo/cookie peanut butter cups? Sadly it initially appears plausible if you don’t inspect it past a surface level glance.

  4. twattytwatwaffle

    Stuff like this shows up here fairly frequently.

  5. BrianMincey

    Facebook is a cesspool. I have a group there so I venture in one in a while and am horrified by how bad it is.

  6. Prestigious-Bus5649

    I’m getting ads for eggs and cabbage recipes constantly. Big cabbage is after my money!

  7. Spare_Step_3729

    Omg yes! I was just saying if I see another AI cheesecake I’m gunna scream lol

  8. AntmasEve

    Not to mention the circles don’t match up.

  9. bitteroldladybird

    I see so many AI food pics and those stupid crocheting grammas

  10. MaleficentGoal5660

    interesting…. I’ve seen the churro cheesecake cookies as well!!!

  11. DiscussionDue13

    I don’t have Facebook but I have noticed a lot of AI desserts and haircut models on Pinterest

  12. amandatoryy

    It’s SO ANNOYING. It’s bad enough I’m seeing all of these random pages but the AI generated blueberry lemon macaron pancakes with perfect frosting are driving me nuts. And all of the comments are like “wow looks tasty! Recipie?”

  13. Doodledoodledet

    Yes and it drives me crazy! The worst one was this steak and shrimp pasta and the steak filets literally transform to shrimp tails at the end. It’s very disorienting.

  14. Green-Cockroach-8448

    I don’t have Facebook so I haven’t seen it there, but definitely on Pinterest and just in general. I’ve actually had people send me inspo pics for cakes that are AI without them realizing it. Some are really obvious but some are hard to tell, especially if a person isn’t familiar with how real frosting etc behaves.

  15. BenGay29

    How can you tell when it’s AI generated?

  16. k80bakes

    Was just tagged in one by my future MIL 😆

  17. Truman_Show_Place

    AI generated images are being used everywhere these days. While baking photos are relatively innocuous, the other AI images now are quite worrisome. It’s a scary time we are entering.

  18. Slow_Opportunity_522

    I’ve never made a log cake before, do you actually roll it and then unroll to add frosting? Or is that an AI thing??

  19. Mfkfisherstevens

    Oh my god, it had me fooled for a second. I need a nap.

  20. Available-Egg-2380

    Same thing is happening with crochet. It’s so annoying.

  21. iknowiknowwhereiam

    Using trustworthy sites and cookbooks is increasingly important

  22. OutAndDown27

    Ok but is the recipe any good, like would it work?

  23. cluelessibex7392

    I am only on facebook ti look at my town’s drama. Facebook FLOODS me with every kind of AI images. Houses, flowers, crafts, but especially baked goods. It’s driving me up the fucking walls. If anyone knows a way to stop getting posts reccomended I would be eternally gratefull

  24. KitKittredge34

    Instacart has a recipe feature and it’s flooded with AI! I haven’t clicked on any of the recipes that have AI thumbnails but I’m sure the recipes themselves are AI too

  25. superhotmel85

    Happening across all kinds of hobbies/crafts. Etsy is fully of AI sewing patterns and AI art on fabric. So many AI crochet patterns around too. You have to have a real critical eye for things these days

  26. Weird_Vegetable

    The crumb on the cake gives me the creeps, I bake… it doesn’t look like that.

  27. Soapboi2223

    If you use instacart almost all the recipes are ai now.

  28. smalltownsour

    I can’t guarantee how true this is but I heard that some of the AI stuff is used as a way to identify good targets for facebook scams. People falling for it and commenting/sharing indicates poor tech literacy, meaning they’re more likely to fall for a scam.

  29. MeanderFlanders

    Gawd, I so tired of my mom falling for these recipes and wanting to make them in my kitchen. Another one all over FB are the meatloaf “muffins” topped with mashed potato “frosting”

  30. Berfulferd1

    I’m having a sad after reading all this. Damn.

  31. ObligationScary3482

    I’ve seen a couple of instagram accounts with high end modern pastry that I suspect are AI generated because the images are too perfect to be real. Perfectly cut mousse cakes that receive plenty of enthusiasthic comments. The user generally presents himself/herself as a “pastry artist” or “recipe developer” but no video whatsoever of the process. I agree that it’s something that doesn’t hurt anybody but I hate it. The only thing I can do is check the username and try to find out it it’s a real pastry chef

  32. Lepke2011

    Just dessert photos? It’s everywhere. Now I’m even seeing celebrities in AI.

  33. LilGreenOlive

    Yes! It’s so bad, and some of my friends cannot sus the difference between the real and AI stuff.

    I’ve had a raspberry/peach cheesecake recipe shared with me where the “photo” has that weird, shiny cleanness that only AI pictures have. The recipe listed with it would not yield at all what the picture shows. The recipe itself made sense, so I think that was legit, but it was just like someone took the recipe name and plugged that into some AI prompt to get the picture rather than making it themselves.

    Overall… I had to actually leave a cheesecake FB group because the AI generations were just clogging the whole page.

  34. thislifesucks3

    i don’t use facebook but i use pinterest and it’s infested with ai pictures

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