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Thank you for joining me on my Health journey series!
I started on Optavia 5 and 1, eventually got into a rut and went back to WW with my best friend. I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers and know its a good program when you follow it. I had some limited success but I wasn’t seeing the results I’d hoped for. I know that OPTAVIA WORKS!! But I needed a mental break. I am counting calories with the LOSE IT APP but will be back on Optavia soon!!
If you are looking for some weight loss motivation, looking to get back on track with your health, or just want to join a community of positive minds with similar goals, WELCOME! Follow along on my journey to optimal health and we can do it TOGETHER!

In today’s video, I am sharing what I eat in a day to lose weight with the LOSE IT app and my recipe for the best breakfast casserole + MIKE’S SURPRISE BIRTHDAY CRUISE + MANDY’S SHOWER AND MY MINI SAM’S CLUB AND WALMART GROCERY HAUL!!


The Best Sausage Egg and Biscuit Breakfast Casserole


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I am an Independent OPTAVIA Coach
Average weight loss for clients on the optimal 5/1 health plan is 12lbs. In a clinical study, the group on the Optimal weight 5/1 Plan, lost 10x more weight than the self directed control group.








Subscribe if you’re NEW! I make healthy lifestyle videos and Optavia approved recipes 🙂 Thanks for watching!

Let’s Connect!
Facebook: Michelle Dennie Nedwick
Email: michellenedwick@gmail.com

optavia, optavia weight loss, optavia getting started, optavia lean and green meals, optavia 5 and 1 plan, optavia what I eat in a day, optavia getting back on track, optavia before and after, 30 day weight loss challenge, optavia restart, optavia results one month, what I eat in a day to lose weight, 1 month weight loss challenge, diet, fueling hack, Optavia before and after, weight watchers, fueling hack, unboxing, LOSE IT, CALORIE DEFICIT, WALKING FOR FITNESS, SAM’S CLUB GROCERY HAUL, INTERMITTENT FASTING

[Music] well hello and welcome back to my channel where I am documenting my health journey to to lose around 20 lb hopefully uh before my daughter’s wedding in September and this video is going to be a weekend Vlog so when I last left you it was Mike’s birthday it was his 60th birthday and his celebration just keeps going and going so last night we went out to dinner and then to the House of Blues um we went out to dinner and Mike was surprised because one of his best friends flew in from Florida so he was really surprised and Mike and his best friend Bill worked together and one of their employes is also in a band he does a ban Joi tribute band and he does a band called pet the cougar which is Tom Petty and John Cougar melon camp and so um we had a great time last night and then I got up this morning and I had to place a Walmart order so let me tell you what’s going on this weekend it’s quite busy I don’t like my weekends this busy but today um I’m going to run out to Sam’s Club after I show you my little mini Walmart haul because my daughter’s bridal shower is tomorrow and I have to make two breakfast casseroles and I make these like every Christmas and they’re so easy and they are so good so I will show you exactly how I make it and that is why I had to get the Walmart grocery order so I’m going to show you that in a second um but then I’m going to come back and I’m going to get ready again now now Mike knows that we are all going to a restaurant in Cleveland called Shooters it’s right on the water it’s really fun they often have live music um so he knows we’re going to dinner at 6 o00 what he doesn’t know is Bill booked a tiki cruise ship so we leave at 8:30 p.m. and go out for a 2hour cruise yes lots of Gilligan references but um so and he has about 20 of Mike’s friends and uh family so it should be really fun but then I’ve got to get home get some sleep get up make my breakfast casseroles and get to Mandy’s shower which I will show you what I’m wearing to her shower and I’ll show you a little bit of the shower all right let me get back to do my Walmart grocery haul now mind you it’s a very small haul mainly to get the ingredients for my breakfast casserole so let me tell you what those ingredients are now the base of the casserole is um a can of these biscuits and what you do is you divide each biscuit into six like little six triangles and you put that in the bottom of a nice by 13 in greased baking pan and then you brown up some breakfast sausage now I always make mine with this turkey sausage it saves some fat and you cannot tell the difference and what I’m telling you is for one 9×13 in casserole I’m actually going to be making two so Brown this and then you sprinkle that on top of the uh biscuit pieces and then you put some cheese on there so I got some mild cheddar cheese it calls for 1 and 1/2 cups this is about 2 cups so I’ll divide this um because you put some there and then you put some on top when you add the eggs so then you whip up six large eggs with half a cup of milk so um how I’m going to do this and how I’m going to prep for this because you can prep prior to baking it and I like to do it the night before but since I’m going to be gone tonight I’m going to do that before I leave for Mike’s second surprise party so what what I’m going to do is I’m going to Brown up the sausage I got two of them um and I’m going to cut up the biscuits into sixs and I’m going to put them in separate containers so that in the morning all I have to do is put them together and then add the eggs so then you bake it for about half an hour on 375 I believe but double check because I’m going to link the recipe in the description box below and I highly recommend this casserole if you like biscuit egg and cheese and sausage breakfast sandwiches you will love this casserole and what I’m going to put the casserole in I have some 9 by 13in pans but what I didn’t have was this insulated case so I got this on Amazon it’s anchor Hawking it comes with um a 9 by 13in casserole d FH and a lid to go on it and it also comes with this hot and cold pack so you can heat this up or you can freeze it um obviously I’m going to want to heat it up and then you put that in this insulated container with the uh casserole and it’s easy for transport now unfortunately I only have one of these um my best friend Gina is coming tonight to Mike’s surprise party so um she has another insulated um carrier so hopefully I will be able to grab that um now I am starting this video at about 1:16 p.m. I have had my first meal of the day around noon and what I had was a piece of uh Dave’s Killer Bread toasted with some fresh avocado and a hard-boiled egg very simple very good I didn’t film it because I wanted to do this intro and obviously Mike was here for a little while and I didn’t want him to know about his surprise party so what else did I get at Walmart so I got the stuff for my casserole and then I got some other items that I just was running low on and um I got some more uh Veranda blend now I have an espresso machine and I make my own Nespresso pods and I’ve shown that in a couple of my videos but I’ll have to show that again cuz I’m running low so I have to make more Nespresso pods and then speaking of coffee I got my favorite creamer now my son and I both love this zero sugar creamer the uh Italian sweet cream it’s so good and it just needs a little bit and then I don’t need any sweetener or anything because it’s sweet enough and let’s see what else I picked up uh some more cottage cheese because I have been having a lot of this as I am trying to up my protein intake and I also picked up some reduced fat Fiesta blend cheese just to have for recipes and then so on this Tiki boat you’re allowed to bring your own Beverages and snacks so I picked up a little four pack of Peno ggio I’m going to put that in a little cooler and I picked up some um pepper jack cubes and some of these Triscuit thin crisps I don’t know if you guys have tried these but these are really good if you like Triscuits you’ll love these little thin crisps so that’s what I’m going to bring for snacks I have some grapes and I have some pepperoni and but we’re going to have dinner so I don’t think anybody’s going to be super hungry but that is what I’m going to bring for the boat and the other things I got at Walmart I have been wanting to make a quinoa bowl and I thought I had some but I couldn’t find it so I picked up some white quinoa and I picked up a couple four packs of Premier Protein now I still have the Fairlife Chocolate but I was telling you guys in a previous video that my favorite Premier Protein is the chocolate peanut butter so I picked up a four pack at Walmart and then I also picked up a four pack of the Premier Protein vanilla because I can use this in coffee and and in the shake that I make with the frozen strawberries um I would just probably put a container of this in with five or six frozen strawberries and blend it up um so I got that and last but not least I got Michael some of his favorite Pop-Tarts which is the cookies and cream okay so I’m GNA put this away and then I’m gonna head to Sam’s Club at Sam’s Club I’m going to pick up a big thing of cookies for the shower I’m not sure if I should get one or two of them I think there’s going to be about 50 or 60 people so I don’t know I’ll have to see but I’m going to head out there and I’ll take you along with [Music] me okay so I’m back from doing all of my running around as you saw I went to Sam’s Club and I’m going to show you um what I got I went there primarily to pick up some cookies for Mandy’s shower tomorrow she is expecting about 60 people so I got two big things from Sam’s Club now these are um oatmeal chocolate chip lemon blueberry strawberries and cream lime shortbread and peanut butter cup don’t those look good and then these are um I don’t think they have it listed on top but obviously we’ve got some chocolate chunk cookies some M&M cookies it looks like some white macadamia nut cookies and some regular chocolate chip and possibly oatmeal so so I got those all set for the cookies um now if you watched my previous videos you know that I bought a set of skirts for Niagara Falls and I absolutely love them as a matter of fact I’m wearing my white ones tonight and I love them so much I got another pair in Black from Amazon now these skirs were $30 and I found them at Sam’s Club for $12.98 so I grabbed um I already have the white and black so this is like a like a slate blue and I got some crap on it uh-oh anyway um I just love these Squirts and it makes me so mad that they were less than half the price of what I spent on Amazon okay if you saw my last Sam’s Club haul um you know that I bought Mike some steak strips for his birthday cuz he really likes jerky and we were blown away with how good these are so on the surprise Tiki boat ride tonight we’re allowed to bring snacks so I picked up a bag um actually I picked up two bags because I got one for Mike um it’s the birthday that keeps on giving so um so anyways I’m going to pack that and then Mike also loves cherries and um they had them at Sam’s in this big thing so I’m going to bring about half of these um cuz it’s a pretty big container um tonight um as our snacks and I also picked up some blue blueberries now these are just for me and Michael if he want some but I got that and last but not least um we have an intern at work such a cute girl so smart um but anyway she was telling me about these pillows at Sam’s Club um she just graduated from college and she’s going to do a year of service um with americore as she’s going to go down to Columbia South Carolina and teach and so she’s Furnishing her apartment and she told me that the pillows she said the best pillows in the world she got at Sam’s Club it’s these Hotel pillows and I am always looking for a good pillow and so I got this double pack it was only like $7.98 and they seem really nice I’m you know you can’t see what I’m doing but they’re really they’re really soft so I’m excited I’ll um probably put those on the bed tonight okay so for the rest of my afternoon I still haven’t eaten anything um I am going to have a uh Premier Protein I stuck one of the chocolate peanut butter ones in the fridge before I left so um this should be pretty cold by now so I’m going to have that and I am going to Brown my turkey sausage and cut up my biscuits so I will have that all done in the morning and I can just assemble everything whip up my six eggs with the half2 cup of milk and put my cheese on there and throw them in the oven so I will show you a little bit of how I am prepping the um biscuits and cooking the sausage and then I’m going to put those in um just some containers and stick them in the fridge and then they’ll be ready tomorrow when I go to put my casseres together and my last bit of running around I uh stopped at my friend Gina’s house and picked up her insulated 9 by3 in so now I have two and hopefully that will keep the casseres warm um because I’m supposed to go there tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. but the shower doesn’t actually start until 1 p.m. so I’m not really sure how they’re going to stay warm but I suppose we’ll figure it out I just um texted Mandy’s bridesmaid who kind of organized everything to see if she knew if the hall had a stove but we will see okay I am going to drink my shake and do my little bit of prep work and then I will get ready for my fun night out surprise birthday party for Mike [Music] no I got you back your batt I’ll fight for you when get heart Lay It All Me When You’re not strong enough to car on B you should know I got [Music] you know I got you maybe you should [Music] all right so I am getting ready to get picked up and we’re going to swing by and get my friend Gina and go to the restaurant Shooters and Mike knows about that and then uh but the surprise will be that he is going on a party cruise and I’m sure he will be so excited um I wanted to briefly show you my outfit I’ve got the um the white squirts and this is the shirt I got from Teemu and some matching jewelry and I have my cute little you can’t see them but my um actually here and I got my cute little shoes that I got on Teemu and I’m going to grab a jeans jacket because it’s actually going to be kind of chilly tonight so I will show you guys some scenes um from the restaurant and Mike’s Cruz but the next time you see me I will be here in the morning scrambling around trying to get ready for Mandy’s shower so I’ll leave you with some clips from tonight and I will see you in the morning [Music] a [Music] o [Music] w [Music] good morning and welcome to my weekend Vlog where I left you off last night night was on the tiki boat cruise that we had for Mike’s surprise 60th birthday it was a load of fun and Mike was really surprised about the boat he knew about dinner but he didn’t know he was going on a birthday cruise so it was really really fun and the weather had cleared up it was supposed to have torrential downpours and it didn’t it was beautiful so we had a really good time and stayed out late I am telling you this weekend is way too busy I am looking forward to relaxing next weekend but speaking of busy I um just got up a little while ago I have my coffee as you saw and now I’m going to put together the breakfast casseroles so you saw yesterday I already cut up my biscuits and browned my sausage so what I’m going to do is just throw it all in there um with six eggs and 1/2 cup of milk and some salt and pepper and then you bake it in the oven at 350 for about 30 to 35 minutes and again I’m linking the recipe below so I’m going to do that get those put in the oven and then I’ve got to get ready for Mandy’s shower all right I’ll turn the camera down so you can see exactly how I do [Music] it beide you if the end is near just know that I got you I’m your armor when get tough no I got you back your batt mind to I’ll fight for you when things get hard lay it all on me when you’re not strong enough to car on baby you should know I got you maybe you should know I got you BBE you should know I got you maybe you should know I got you maybe you know I got you I know the world can be a crazy place I here beside you we can tonight leave it all [Music] behind if the end is near just know that I got you I’m your when things get t no got you back your batt don’t I’ll fight for you when things get hard let it all on me when you’re not enough to car on baby you should know I got you maybe you should know I got [Music] you well okay I’ve got my breakfast casseroles out of the oven and I’m going to put them in the insulated bags and drop them off at my friend Gina’s and she’s going to bring them at 1 I am supposed to be at the hall by 11:00 I’m going to be a little bit late um I want to get Mandy’s present together and I wanted to show you what I got her now I asked her what she wanted for her shower and she wanted money for her honeymoon so that’s not very exciting so when Mike and I were in uh Niagara on the Lake um we stopped at this Christmas store and I got this um Christmas ornament personalized for them Mandy and Cole 2024 so I think she’ll like that I’m G to wrap that up I also got her a bottle of wine and a check so let me get her present together so that I can get out of here and I’ll take you guys along to the shower so you can see how nice it is I have a feeling that her maid of honor Lisa has way outdone herself all right let me get out of here and I will check back later [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m getting out of bed reaching for the water glass I need to cool my [Music] head yeser evening all i m and I know you’re still in town okay well my long and exhausting weekend is over and if you hear that background noise that’s a plane flying overhead sorry so I’m back um from my daughter’s shower I am actually at Mike’s so in my last video I told you about the fact that I have to have a biopsy well it is tomorrow morning I’m having an endometrial biopsy and Mike took off work to take me and the um place where I’m going is very near his condo so I’m just going to stay here tonight I am just unwinding I’ve got one more day to get through and then I am looking forward to July I know this video really wasn’t a uh weight loss video at least not on my end but I am definitely going to get back and to my healthy routine because I feel so good when I am eating healthy and walking and that’s what I plan to do for the month of July all right guys if you like this video please like it below and subscribe to my channel and tick that notification Bell so you are alerted every time I upload a new video and please please please if you are not subscribed to my Channel please subscribe I am 10 people away from getting to a th000 and it’s been a goal for a long time so I’d really appreciate it if you would hit that subscribe button all right guys I’m going to relax for the rest of the evening so that I’m ready for my uh medical appointment tomorrow and I will be sure to let you guys know when I find out if anything is wrong I’m going to cross my fingers because I think everything will be just fine all right good night and I will see you next time


  1. That tiki cruise looked fun! And when I saw Gina, I thought to myself: I like that woman in the flamingo top 😀.
    I prefer low-key weekends too. Even though busy weekends are often a great time, they can feel overwhelming.
    My favorite recipes are usually the easiest with the least amount of stress. I make a macaroni salad with red peppers, carrots, bacon bits and a mixture of 1000 Island dressing, mayo and milk.
    Mandy's shower was so well-done, and I loved the ornament.
    How old is Michael? My husband loves that same creamer.
    Sending hugs to you on your biopsy day.

  2. I make my own Nespresso pods, too! I bought reusable pods off amazon and foil recaps. Saves so much $$$. Occasionally, when there is a new flavour, I will purchase official pods.

  3. What a busy weekend, looks like you all had fun! Sending good vibes to you for your biopsy, hope it all goes well. My favourite recipe is very simple, love steak and salad with baked potato or roast lamb. Have a great week x

  4. Wow Michelle… You had a very exciting (and exhausting) weekend all at the same time! Mike 60th birthday celebration looked very fun, and Mandy’s shower looked beautiful. By the time you’re reading this, you will have your biopsy completed and waiting for the results; so I am sending big hugs and lots of good wishes (and prayers) that everything comes back okay. 💗💙🙏🏻

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