Rocco DiSpirito talks with Sara Gore about his new Southampton pop-up and more. He even makes one of his beloved pasta dishes.


well we wish you could smell what’s going on in here in the studio courtesy of Roco Topo so he’s here sharing a great summer Dish and also how you can sample some of his cooking yourself this summer welcome back to see thank you so much so happy to be here I’m so excited you’re always asking me where can I come try your food I know so you’re going to pop up in southon yes that’s right IL pelicano in Southampton all summer long you can come in try these dishes frala vongal I call this the Italian BLT barata lettuce tomato and this is our halib bit with orange B Blanc and Moroccan olives and Pimon there’s so much good stuff happening there honestly I don’t know what I would order of I probably order all of it um so that’s the best way order it all you do you have to you have to order everything talk to me about this that we’re making here yes so this is one of our most popular pastas it’s fragala which is a a Sardinian dish that you hand roll it’s made out of semolina and water chestnut flour I tried to make some gluten-free options so uh it get it’s water chestnut flour water chest of flour Isn’t that cool yes so a little bit better for you and uh it’s got a lot of clamps so the thing the bong that people always want is more clam flavor and you just got to add a lot of clams while you were over there with Mark talking about cocaine I was over here cooking I put in a quart of clams I’ve got now a quart of Manila clams now you ever add the clam juice from the jar I know I use it all the time the CL juice from the jar is a savior every Chef will tell you uh in an honest moment that they definitely used that also the C CL it too and you’re a chef you’re a great chef I I add it to like I’ll do all the clams but then I’ll just add a little more with that right but it’s hard to get clam flavor so anything that helps so you have that you have wine in there so yeah there’s garlic olive oil clam uh chopped clams I use chowder clams and then I add the pasta then I add um a little bit of clam juice canned or fresh and then the the cockos so what’s the key to getting them clean I think that’s what people are really scar good point very good question um soaking in water for a long time so you need at least 30 minutes to 4 hours of soaking in water we call it chipping you add a little salt to the water and they Purge all the sand and does it have to have ice in it cuz I ice it doesn’t okay all right well people can also see you because you’re going to be at the um the taste of two Fork do you remember when we hosted that two years ago so fun yeah we did that together two years ago uh Dan’s Taste of two forks it’s the only time you can get the North Fork and the South Fork of Long Island together for a little friendly competition that’ll be July 6th hopefully you’re coming I well I wish that I could be out there I’m not going to do that for that one but I am going to come to the popup what what do when you’re doing these events do you go around and taste everything or I mean I know that I seen you at these events too though you’re very busy you’re signing books you make it sound like it’s such a hard job to go around and taste her I go around and eat as much as I can possibly stuff in my face it’s uh free to me first of all and uh and it’s also delicious yeah so I definitely go around I try to eat as much as possible I’ve seen you too you do the same I do you know I’m I’m an eater I do love to eat and I’ve been I’ve been um cooking all the recipes from your cookbook oh thanks York Time bestelling cookbook still going strong so I made the bougie salmon oh you did which was amazing and then I the not Tik Tock version the not Tik Tock version and then I made the um brown sugar miso C oh that’s a good one that’s a good one it’s so easy though too thank you I’m glad you think so I I designed those recipes so that they would be easy for busy moms and parents and I’m glad you’re finding out that it’s working out that way well can I just tell you when I said in the office today that I never follow a recipe I just look at cookbooks and I just get inspiration CU I I don’t ever do that right but I will follow your recipe because I always know it’s going to come out good thank you so much you also on out shft yes isn’t that fun Network so wait were you surprised at the level of talent I was really surprised uh she was extraordinarily Talent she gave me a run for my money and a lot of Sask by the way I don’t know if they I know they captured all she had me Running Scared a little bit U and but I’m glad she went cuz they only need one vote and they get five grand so was really that’s so nice all right well be sure to visit Rocco at IL pelicano Southampton all summer long and of course visit Jan for info on the taste of two forks event it’s coming up this weekend Rocco thank you so much so much always wonderful I always know that I’m going to eat well when you come too all right we’ll be right back thank you

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