Do you have leftover pasta and don’t know what to do with it? Follow along as we make this yummy pasta with feta, tomatoes and spinach.

#scratchcooking #recipe #cookwithme

Music: Created and owned by John Apostolides and cannot be used without written permission.

hi friends my name is Jennifer welcome into my home and into my kitchen I am on my lunch break from work and I wanted to throw some food together so that I would have something ready for dinner we have some leftover pasta from dinner that I made a couple of nights ago and I just wanted to get some um of the viral tomato feta sauce going all ready to pop in the oven when I’m done with work so that dinner is not going to be any hassle at all so I am preparing that like I said the noodles are already cooked they’re in the refrigerator I’m going to bring you down and show you how quick and easy this is something that you can do in just a matter of minutes and then the oven does all the work by cooking it let me bring you down [Music] [Music] I’ve got my dish here and I have kind of a day for leftovers I do have a block of feta that was left over from another dish I also have some feta crumbles that need to be used up so I’m just going to drop those in there I have some of cherry tomatoes from the garden that were in the freezer I’m just going to dump that over there and that got rid of a whole bag of cherry tomatoes for me which I’ve been needing to use those up I have some homemade basil salt and I’m just literally going to sprinkle that over the dish and that is basil from my garden and I also have a little bit more basil that I’m just going to crumple in here get this nice lots of flavor there I’m gonna drizzle some avocado oil over this I don’t really have measurements as you can tell this is just a quick dish that I’m putting together so that we can have a delicious meal tonight basically using things that were already on hand and then I have a bag of spinach frozen spinach that I’m going to put in there and I’m just going to eyeball it until and I I beat this bag up pretty good um because it was kind of one solid Block in the bag and there’s still a few chunks but as it sits in the refrigerator over the next couple of hours it will defrost a little bit and I’m making a mess all over my countertop and then just one more thing I’m going to add a little bit of seasoning salt even though I added that basil salt all of our salt mixtures are actually very low in salt because they’re homemade and we like to poch our salt intake here so I have the seasoning salt the basil salt feta cheese cherry tomatoes and some lettuce and drizzled that with avocado oil I’m just going to put some Saran Wrap or some aluminum foil over that and pop that in the fridge we all have those days where we’re busy we’re tired we’ve had long weeks and sometimes we just need to put a nice delicious meal together for our family and I just wanted to bring you along for that it doesn’t always have to be big and complicated I’m going to put that into the oven probably for at like 375 for about 40 minutes there abouts I will see with I will see how much the tomatoes defrost before I put it in there and of course I’ll bring you along when I take it out and put my pasta in it I have some bucatini left over from a dish that we made for Father’s Day and we need to use that up the leftover butini so I’m just eating leftover salad here and the bowl didn’t even put it in its own Bowl because why dirty more dishes than we need to and I am the queen of dirty uput bowls so I’m proud of myself for that one I’ll bring you along after this comes out of the oven so you can see what it looks like tonight right before we have dinner see you back when I do so I took this out of the oven and I’m just using a potato masher to kind of crush my tomatoes a little bit and I want to see where we stand with this now because the tomatoes were frozen and the spinach was frozen it did add some water in here which is fine it gave it a Saucy a saucy texture which is what we want but I think now that I have kind of smooshed everything together I am going to put it back in the oven for a little bit and cook it just a little bit more kind of let it reduce a little bit now that I’ve gotten that moisture out of the tomatoes they were whole still and I just kind of crushed them like I said that potato masher so normally I have to uh when I’m using fresh tomatoes I you do need to add a little bit of like pasta water so I’m not mad that the water released from the tomatoes in the spinach but just something to keep in mind if you are using Frozen tomatoes that they will release water and if you are using frozen spinach it will do that as well so it just depends on how Saucy you want it I probably could have had more tomatoes in here to make it a little bit more tomatoey but um no I’m not mad at this at all let me give it a little taste it’s piping hot but I do want to taste and see where we are with seasoning on this you know what I could use some pepper excuse me I’m going to add some this is white pepper here add some of that in there oh excuse me if I sneeze I feel one coming on there and I feel like it needs something else what I’m going to do uh like I just said I feel like it I I could have had more tomatoes in here I’m going to go ahead I’ve got some tomato powder right here I’m going to go ahead and sprinkle in this will also thicken it up a little bit so let me start with one tablespoon I don’t I use this tomato powder mostly to make tomato paste with um I could also make tomato sauce with it I’ve not used it just straight up like like I just did in here just to add a little bit more tomato flavor I think I might need a little bit more I should taste it but going to add he another heaping teaspoon the first one wasn’t as heaping as that one was and this is let me show you the bottle again so this is just a tomato powder um pardon my nails I’m missing a nail there uh tomato powder it is a certified organic uh this company Frontier Co-op I buy a lot of herbs that I can’t grow myself um some of my tea from from them and honestly I just get it from Walmart Walmart has a whole bunch of their products online uh Amazon has a lot of their products online and then or you can just go directly to the company website and that’s Frontier Co-op I they really good prices uh that’s where like I said I’ve gotten a lot of my spices and and loose leaf teas and things like that so that looks like it’s mixed in there good let’s give this another taste and we’ll see if it needs anything else that’s wonderful all right I still am going to put it back in the oven for a little bit let that tomato powder really hydrate in there and give it a little bit more time to cook maybe about 10 minutes is all it needs and we’ll be back then so this was in the oven for about another 10 minutes and let me just give it quick Little J here and I’m going to go ahead and put the pasta in here and like I said I’ve got leftover bucatini noodles from dinner a couple of nights ago and I they’re still cold out of the refrigerator so once I get this Blended I may need to put it back in the oven for a little bit so that this gets all Incorporated now normally I would feel much more confident about blending all this up especially because these noodles are big and fat if I had it in a bigger bowl but like I said earlier I’m the queen of using a ton of bowls and I’m trying to just make this to where I’m using everything that I have using up some ingredients some leftovers and not make a bunch of mess and it’s working it’s loosening up those cold noodles are loosening up in the heat of this I don’t know about you but this just looks delicious to me and I can’t wait to get it in my mouth now I do make this pasta or this feta and tomato dish quite often um my husband doesn’t care for it as much as I do but like I said we had the leftover noodles that we needed to use up and I thought I would try it with this rather than just a regular marinara spaghetti style sauce um we had uh I I’m going to probably pronounce this wrong but um ptit Sada on Sunday for Father’s Day and it called for the Tini noodles uh that is a Greek dish it was the first time I made it and I will definitely be making that again and next time I will bring you guys along it was delicious very flavorful so I’m just kind of giving this a little bit like I said of and then I am going to put it back in the oven right now for another 5 to 10 minutes and then we’re going to make a bowl or a plate or whatever I decide to put it on be right back we are almost ready to eat here so again I just pulled this out of the oven I set the timer for 8 minutes it’s nice and steamy so everything is nice and hot look so good and of course you can adjust this however you like if you don’t like spinach don’t put spinach in it if you want a different kind of pasta use a different kind of pasta um you could you know customize this to how you want to do it and to your taste that’s the nice thing about making dishes from scratch at home is you get the ingredients that you want so at first I just used to do just uh tomatoes and feta and then I started adding vegetables in it and if you wanted to you could put some chicken in there or something but tonight I’m just having a a vegetarian meal uh and we’re going to give it a try these noodles are big and fat so this is going to be a large mouthful it’s steaming see if I can do this gracefully that tomato powder was a good idea I’m so glad I did that and added just a a little bit more punch of tomato flavor that it needed I hope you pull some inspiration from this quick meal that I put together threw it together on meal prepped on my lunch break and it literally only took five minutes and then the longest hardest part was waiting for it to cook taste adjust seasonings however you like and put in the things that you like leave out the things that you don’t friends thank you so much for spending your time with me today I greatly appreciate it I hope you come along for the next Journey that we do together I hope you have a great day I hope you have a great week I’ll see you next time take care

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