I made my husband a fried chicken caesar sandwich with Cajun potato wedges for dinner!

by MelanieLanes


  1. Queasy_Lengthiness_2

    Wow. You have some amazing dishes. What a very lucky man to have such a wonderful person who takes care of him.

  2. HoldEvenSteadier

    How did you cook those potatoes? The skin looks lovely.

  3. WyrmHero1944

    Jesus people that have SOs that can actually cook are so fucking lucky

  4. ImAnAwkwardUnicorn

    Umm, could I bother you for the recipe of the chicken & sauce by chance cause that looks quite delish!

  5. Silver_Filamentary

    I love that Caesar salads or other dressed salad greens on sandwiches are trending right now. Soooo good!

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