laa see if you guys enjoy being in grapes if I don’t move it then it won’t fall hello Daddy all right come here sit no sit good girl good girl let’s get your pill going a good girl come here all right Lea come here good girl okay you ready okay ready m this is a good girl okay open open m yes you like that peel don’t you lla all right back up on the counter okay get up there it’s okay it’s okay good girl look what I got you laa you want some of that is this what you want huh yep it’s lla all right so this is the other dog food we feed her it’s balanc diet no Pure Balance and it’s got chicken and vegetables and I think it’s got rice in it it’s got chicken vegetables and brown rice I don’t [ __ ] know you got to find out dog food is all dog food to me just so you guys know you add just a wisp of water because she likes the gravy and I probably look like [ __ ] and I’m sorry cuz I just woke up a little bit ago and had to do morning chores oh lla part of my morning chores is taking care of you and your little fluffy buns huh let’s chunk up your food a little bit I know how you like your gravy Lala I know how you like your gravy yeah are you hungry you want some of your food laa yeah look lla look lla look yum yums huh yeah you look like you’re about to have a heart attack hi foxy it is currently hold on it is currently probably about almost 11 o’clock so I can’t say I just woke up because I’ve been up since about 9 something and I had to start doing uh morning chores in the Ford of feeding kids cats Outside Inside fish Lala and then we spent I spent a good 20 minutes outside with Lila so she could lay in the Sun and go to the bathroom so yes but all right lla you want to try some of this yes here you go try your food are you going to growl at me huh you going to grow me this time bud huh eat your food eat your food eat that food eat it eat it eat it eat it don’t worry you guys this is just a game she’s never bitten me before it’s how she likes to do it she likes to be in charge hello Brooke you guys I’m sorry about the noises if you are disturbed by it it is just lla eating what lla what are you are you showing everybody what kind of dog you are huh are you actually not a poodle are you a Rottweiler dogs it’s okay it’s okay it’s all right lla relax damn dog supposed to be moving today but got pushed back they’re [Music] fixing they’re fixing tubs so maybe Wednesday how’s it going I think Daddy already moved if I’m a correct who you growling at lla nobody’s out here lyla’s on her own W damn it Lala you want me to hold your ball here there you go now you don’t have to worry she looks like the hunchback of Nota D like this the way she’s sitting just what I want a dog mukbanging in my my ear there you go good girl good girl Lyla no need to [ __ ] o you guys Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday it’s going to be in the upper hundreds I took the opportunity yesterday hello Full Throttle I’m am not enjoying my summer at all and I’m sure Kay isn’t enjoying her summer either she’s been in the emergency room for the last two uh she’s been in she was last Saturday no the Saturday before all the ways up until uh I think it was Sunday or Monday she was in the ER holy [ __ ] foxy are you done laa is that it no more can I finish your food and then again last weekend K was in the ER so I’m hoping these pills hi Missy come here you done oh a good girl oh yeah a good girl yes oh she got all her little Foods in the world um oh look at that you guys can see the dining room whatever that is I need to move so I can uh maneuver the camera around cuz I’m not in a good place right now um what the hell was I going to say so K’s been in the emergency room twice she spent two or 3 days in the hospital and then last weekend she was in the emergency room again and then we’re hoping these pills that she’s supposed to be getting from Walmart is going to keep her oh viven that’s a cute name we used to have a lady that lived next to us named Vivien but that was in our old house we’re hoping these pills that her doctor subscribed to her is going to help her but like I said uh until they start helping her we are not doing live streams until further notice um just because K will not stop she went back to work both times that she got out of the hospital um so I’m not going to be the reason why she asked to go through another surgery so until she gets to Pills and they start working you guys are just going to see these short little live streams from me and I apologize but um yeah hold on lla hold on there you go see you later bye oh okay let’s get it on my Donkey Kong how say you h oh I probably could Brooke but uh yeah um I’m supposed to be doing the bread today so we’ll see what happens I got [ __ ] face yesterday on I don’t know if you guys have seen it but we went to me and mom went to Walmart yesterday to get uh stuff for tacos and I was adventuring around in the alcoholic section where I don’t normally go but I wanted something and on the outer sides of the alleys there was wine on one side and then like um this it was like minute made Spike stuff on the other side there was a daquiri a strawberry daquiri one and then there was one other one and I’m like hm I bet you that’s going to be good cuz it’s from minute made and I’m like no it’s not Mick um and uh I’m like hm that’s going to be good so I bought it put it in the refrigerator I put it in the refrigerator and at about I don’t know 5:00 last yesterday I pulled out my my cup this is my dad’s this is my dad’s Mii cup that I got him for father day this is the Father’s Day Mii cup I got him but I got a cup almost like this but I guess it’s just a little bit smaller and I filled it up with ice and I put some of it in there and the first drink I took out of the straw I heavily gagged like you know how when a kid eats something they don’t like like and they let out this huge ass gag without throwing up that’s what I did yesterday I did this disgusting gag and I’m sitting there trying to figure out what the hell’s going on so I take another drink and I’m like [ __ ] this stuff tastes like you are drinking beer with a hint of strawberry so I took it outside to Mom and I’m like Mom I’m like you have to try this I mean it is disgusting I mean it is absolutely disgusting so she she takes a small drink of it and she’s like it tastes sour I’m like no ma it tastes like beer and so I come back in I come back in the house and I’m like this thing was this this bottle was like this bottle was like 12 bucks almost 13 this bottle was like 13 bucks I’m like I don’t want to throw this away that would be a waste so I walked over to our s soda pile which is over here cuz we do the two for two at Safeways in Albertson’s and we do um yeah so we do that every time in the two for three the last time we did it was Father’s Day or Mother’s Day or whatever holiday was last that allowed this I missed this time [Music] I missed I’m going to be missing the two for three this time for Fourth of July cuz unfortunately I overspent yesterday um but I took one of my Baja blasts out of the well I took two I shoved one into I shoved one into the um into the cup with the uh strawberry daquiri and mixed it around and waited a while and when I came back some of the Melt some of the ice had melted and the Baja Blast made it easier for me to drink now with making [ __ ] easier to drink that’s got so much alcohol in it you get [ __ ] face pretty easy so by the time I was done drinking that whole cup I was plastered I barely remember yesterday I remember putting it in my cup putting the Baja Blast in My Cup going outside with Mom to feed her fish where we found like 14 babies there are currently 14 little koi babies in her Pond outside right now um coming back inside and then waking up this morning now the lucky thing for me is it doesn’t matter how how much I drink I don’t get hangovers so I’m fine the next morning that I drink but other than that I don’t remember anything so there is like a whole slot between 6 o’ all the ways up until about 9:15 when I woke up this morning that I don’t remember I know I remember telling telling Missy at some point maybe when I came back in the house and started drinking again that I was you know I was may have been pissed faced or Tipsy because I know she said something about vodka maybe she was telling me to drink FKA hey hold on guys hey tips leave Harley Quinn alone tippies I’m gonna rip your face up I will be right back guys you’re going to get your butt kicked doodah doodah oh my God stop it outside good boy hello goodbye see you later all right Harley Quinn you’re free to walk the house maybe sometimes late at night when cats don’t rip up babies then we probably won’t have a problem but until then you got to do what you got to do you got to go save the babies oh look you guys dad brought home some table grapes from uh the uh the estate sale yesterday now these are unripened when they are completely ripened they’ll be purple but these are green I mean they’re turning purple like up here some of them are purple is but they’re still green mom’s got green ones outside on her uh on her deck but um yeah I still have dishes to do oh anybody who lives in a grassy whoever lives in a grassy area and has cats and dogs these right here these right here hold on I don’t know if you guys can see it but these right here there you go these right here these are killer for cats and dogs they will burrow into your cats and dogs ears their mouth their skin and they will cause cysts during the summer time when it’s really really warm outside these things are [ __ ] I just pulled this off Lyla cuz she was out in the front yard they’re called Fox tailes M gross foxxy why you playing with things you’re not supposed to play with huh I got to do hello CP how’s it going m I think today I’ll just chill cuz right now my stomach is killing me so I will eventually get to your bread Missy I promise okay I’m thinking about stuffing it with cheese like making the cheese or making the bread cuz I have a couple bread pans I want to hi Nona I want to uh put cheese in the middle of it and then I’m going to roll it up because I’m going to put cheese and bacon on the in the inside when I’m mixing it so I have two bags of bacon bits back there and I have a whole a couple hold on I have a I have like three blocks of cheese that I need to use literally oh no should I do it right now then Missy should I go pile up my [ __ ] and do it right now thank you currently just so you know oh God because right now I’m sitting in front of the um Bowl container well Missy you were going to have to read me off the recipe cuz I did not get it off your off your uh if you have the uh recipe written down somewhere I think this bowl will bfy just nicely Bo you’ll have to be my recipe lady so let’s go see what we need cuz I know we need oh man hold on guys my earphones just went through my bikini top okay cuz I know we need flour yeast which I have I don’t even remember if we need eggs I should probably have seen that oh man I’m such an [ __ ] hello there let’s see now cuz I got bacon bits over here screw your bacon bits I got better ones I got bacon bits smells like liquor in here I ra okay [Music] yum yay okay let’s see what we got so all I need is flour water warm water warm water honey and dry active yeast do I have to use the honey cuz I don’t know if hello red freckles okay um little we’re waiting for the dough to rise I will do the cheese cuz I got two things of reduced sodium bacon they’re real bacon bits I can use sugar okay so just a teaspoon of sugar you said right one and 1/2 cups hold on guys um one and one one and one2 cups of warm water one tablespoon of honey one tablespoon of dread yeast okay tablespoon okay hold on just a second let me go find my tablespoons [Music] let’s see you said one and 1/2 cups of warm water I’m making um I’m making Misty’s uh bread recipe it’s a 1 hour it’s a 1 hour French bread recipe hello Kevin one one2 cups one tablespoon of sugar come on Baby K come on come on oh God damn it one tablespoon of sugar and then we’ll okay hello crius okay so um one tablespoon of dry acting yeast yes is that what we’re talking about hold on let me look hold on yes one tablespoon of dry acting yeast now lucky enough he is lucky enough one tablespoon of dry acting yeast [Music] okay that there and then I’m going to stir this and then we’ll wait 5 minutes oh [ __ ] that stinks that stinks bad okay now we’ll wait for that to do what it needs to do hello Serenity okay so I got the sugar the yeast and the hot water in here so we’re going to wait five minutes it looks like it’s doing its [ __ ] and then while we wait for that I’m going to braid some cheesy wheezes so when you’re done you add 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of salt I don’t know if we have enough salt can it be garlic salt Miss see teaspoons 1 and 1/2 teaspoons I’m going to use garlic [Music] salt it’s got parsley in it that’s weird I’ve never had garlic salt with parsley in it the things you know the things you know sure let’s see if it works it should it’s garlic salt I mean it smells like garlic and salt looks like it’s got It’s got parsley flakes in it it’s course it’s coar ground with parsley it has salt garlic corn starch sugar parsley and it looks like carrots for for color so I think it should work okay [Music] that’s not doing anything just so you know it’s not doing anything yes we will I think I might have killed the yeast I think the water might have been too hot I think I might have to do that again can you kill yeast I think it might have been too warm Missy cuz it’s not doing anything uh I don’t think we have a thermometer to tell you the truth I did get it out of a water dispenser they have hot water cold water dispensers I got the hot water out of there so I can’t use the garlic salt cuz I don’t know if we have enough salt salt I have some seasoning salt will that work it’ll probably turn the bread red yeah I think I might have killed the yeast this is not really doing anything I’ve never made bread before just so you guys know cuz look look look hold on see it’s not doing anything it’s just sitting there see you guys want to take a dive in that my phone is water resistant I guess said I may have killed it you said three and 1/2 cups of flour a little bit at a time and one in one tablespoon well let’s go get the container and see what we can get out of that son of a [ __ ] one and one uh one and one half teaspoons so let’s see if we have enough cuz we’re like I mean we might have enough yeah we might have enough one that’s a half a teaspoon one teaspoon hello Jeffrey there’s one and here’s a hat yeah yeah I thought so which one am I can you not tell who I am Jeffrey lucky enough we do have enough and there is still some in there so kudos to me I’m bunny that’s pretty strange that’s kind of funny too yeah I’m going to have to redo the yeast you guys I’m just going to use uh sink water this time I think I might have killed it off very badly I’m going rinse this out okay so I need one tbspoon of sugar [Music] one tablespoon of sugar and I need and 1/2 cups of water right one and 1/2 cups of water yeah so let’s get the water as hot as we can [Music] one and a half Oho maybe and hack all right let’s do this again maybe this time it’ll actually work for me instead of being little jerk off okay one tablespoon of yeast let me take the sugar out of there I don’t need yeast and sugar mixed together unless it’s going into the freaking bread okay one two tablespoon of yeast oh [ __ ] okay mix okay [Music] now we’ll see if that makes a difference mix it with a whisk okay hold on let me find my whisk find a whisk okay there we go now we just need to let it get frothy froy okay we’ll see how this works you play hide and go seek over there okay now we’ll leave that for 5 minutes and see what happens CU it looks a lot better than it did before now what do we do okay let me shred my cheese into something completely different I need a couple different things I’ll use this [Music] one cuz I have three different cheeses I have pepper jack I have monor or I have Kobe Jack and I’ve also got sharp cheddar so whoopies there’s not enough of room on this [Music] counter you guys are just going to see the back of this thingy hey little kitty it’s getting effing hot in here [Music] ouchie ow think bit me okay okay [Music] [Music] okay on top of the flow all right let’s suck her down hold on sucker down and then go forth to Victory okay hold on you guys I need to move some [ __ ] around you back there with your little foaming ass oo yummy foxy that sounds good nothing like shredding your own [Music] cheese um oh there we go cool now it’s not going to move so all I got to worry about is shredding my fingers come on no no warning bu’s about to I’m dangerous in the kitchen and also in the dining room just so you guys know ouch what the hell is that rare medium or well done beef Jesus Christ if you don’t know how to tell your beef is done at a certain point shouldn’t even be eating steak for okay don’t worry about it okay let’s check on this bad boy and see what he’s doing okay he’s foaming he’s doing what he’s supposed to do he’s being a little foamy boy okay so there’s one cheese I pack heat pads and so three and a half cups of flour oh I was about to shred my fingers off Nona I’m using dangerous materials over here yeah n of that smells like some good ass sharp cheddar so I’m going to use a half a block of sharp cheddar and a half a block of um no actually I’m going to use the whole block half of it’s going on the uh or in the bread and the other half is going inside the bread cuz I’m going to be making a cheese stuffed French bread also going to put some breaking in it yes I do what I do love when my Sharp Cheddar is freshly ground there’s nothing better m now that right there was a no warning I love sharp cheddar okay hi Darla all right so um I just grounded up some uh kobby Jack and some uh sharp cheddar now I’m going to do the pepper jack and then I’m going to check back with my bread and probably put the salt and flour in it and mix it around cuz it’s doing what it’s supposed to be doing so let me just finish with my cheese and then I will do what I need to do okay that goes here this goes here I’m not eating I’m not eating the bread tonight CP um I’m just I’m just testing out Missy’s bread recipe to see what it tastes like cuz when she made it on her video it looked amazing and I wanted to try it but she didn’t put Che she didn’t put bacon or cheese in her bread she made garlic bread with it so I wanted to know what it would taste like if I put cheese and bacon inside the bread before it baked this is just a uh this is just a trial run m I absolutely love the taste of pepper jack I can smell bread in the air I don’t know C I’m thinking about making a sand which out of it to tell you the truth maybe a grilled cheese maybe put some ham and stuff on it since it’s already got cheese in it I think I might do some uh tomato soup with it some ham and cheese some ham and cheese uh grilled grilled uh uh grilled cheese yeah I have some tomato I have some tomato soup in the uh in the cover all right my [ __ ] is nice and frothy so I stick the FL I stick the uh the salt and flour in there now Missy since it’s all nice and [Music] frothy so first okay it’s all first do I mix it around I’m going to mix it and then I’m going to add flour mix it a tad okay all right and then add flour a little at a time okay so let me pull the hold on you guys okay so let me put the flour in here so I need three and 1/2 cups and then we’ll go from there cuz I know uh bread is not supposed to be sticky yes I have sh I made sharp cheddar or I did sharp cheddar okay one [Music] two and three and now a half got to dry it out and three three and a half there we go okay just so you know I’m going to be doing this all by hand because I have no idea where the hell our mixer is just so you know so I’m going to be doing this [ __ ] by hand okay there we go stable enough good enough a little at a time mix wait until it all incorporates and put in more more [Music] workout time oh now this is where it’s going to get difficult I don’t have the shoulders for this [Music] Missy you gave me a recipe where I don’t have the shoulder strength for hi lean five minutes with a mixer by hand it’s takes you 10 minutes teer teer te oops all right time to go in with the [Music] hands because bread recipes require hams don’t worry I’m next to a sink [Music] it’s okay Missy or it’s okay Missy it’s fine I like I like making well when I do well my dad normally does I’m going to have to put some more flour in this it’s very sticky so I may have to add another half of a cup of flour just to get it CU see it’s very sticky and there is no more flour on the bottom of the bowl I no I don’t I do have a hand mixer but I just don’t know where the hell it is yeah I’m not trying to it’s just extremely sticky and I know it’s supposed to come together into a ball but uh yeah hold on just a second I’mma put just a tiny bit of flour in there hold on you guys let me get some of this [ __ ] off my hands cuz look I did very well see see it’s looking really good just needs a little bit more flour and then it’ll be good to go so which I was stupid enough to put the lid back on the flower so yeah yeah okay yep I’m going to here in a minute I just got to wash my hands yay for bread okay okay so what what’s going on okay just going to put a tiny bit of it on here okay about a half of a half of a half okay let’s make this in there we go that’s working a lot better let me drive my hands a little bit okay now that’s acting more like bread didn’t even need the full half of a cup just needed a touch more cuz now it’s starting to act like bread see it’s not sticking to the hand hands okay so at this stage now I’m going to use this I’m going to use this half of it goes in one half of it goes in the other one one gets bacon and cheese the other one just gets cheese okay this one is just going to have cheese so do I have to let this set Missy so I can rise or is it ready to bake now since it’s sacked of dry yeast I don’t have to let it rise I’m making Missy’s bread okay so I got them to the point where they are breed now it’s okay so do I let this do I let the bread rise or do I put it directly into the oven PR the oven uh it was 400° for 10 to 20 minutes right okay no need to Rice okay nope this is uh active dry yeast so it’s quick dry yeast it doesn’t need to be uh it doesn’t need a proof rice that’s I’m going to be oiling the inside of these because I don’t trust these pants just so you guys know oh no I need that no I don’t need that it’s perfectly fine trying to get [ __ ] out of my way okay okay okay now these are my two loaf pant that I’m going using I’m going to okay so let me see 18 to 20 minutes okay okay so I am going to oil the inside of these Missy is that okay I don’t trust these pans worth a [ __ ] or should I butter the inside of them well I want them to be loaves Missy that’s why I got love pants Crisco I think I do have I think I do might have some oil spray just give me a moment I don’t have oil spray but I do have have allpurpose food spray well yeah allpurpose food spray so I’m going to oil the inside of these [ __ ] allpurpose cooking spray cuz I don’t trust these pans worth the [ __ ] okay that want to go over there okay now here’s where the fun part’s going to happen you guys now I’m going to shove a bunch of uh cheese on the uh inside of it and also on the outside of it so I’m going to put some cheese in here so I can mix it into the bread and I’m also going to put some cheese on the inside of it now um my mom doesn’t like bacon so I’m not going to put bacon in her bread there we go I’mma flatten that out and put cheese inside of that this is going to have bacon and lots and lots of cheese okay so let me flatten this out just give me a minute you guys I’ll show you what I’m doing here in a minute yes disclaimer whatever I do right now with the cheese and the bacon is not what Missy did her recipe was fantastic she made garlic bread out of hers this is just what I wanted to do when I saw her recipe so if you want to follow either recipe it’s there but you might want to go off Missy’s because she has the whole recipe well we can use it we can use this recipe Kake it’s really easy and I didn’t have a pro well I did have a problem with it at first cuz I tried to use the water dispenser water to do my uh water sources hey’s it work okay so I took cheese I put it on the outside I also took cheese put it on the inside and what I’m going to do now is I’m going to wrap it up in the bread so now when it’s in the oven it’ll turn into a loaf of bread with cheese and cheese on the inside I hope you guys enjoy this this will be Mom’s ours uh mine K and Dad’s uh bread will have pepper jack um sharp cheddar and bacon there we go and when I talk about bacon I mean reduce sodium bacon so Kudos on me now I’m going to take whatever’s left which is sitting right here and I’m going to yeah I’m going to flatten it out I’m going to use one bag of bacon the other bag will be for me and K’s needs probably making cheese and bacon monkey bread at some point so we ooh that stuff smells good ooh that smells good okay this is that much bacon it gave me all the ways down there at the bottom of the pan and then I’m also going to put some pepper jack and some other cheese some pepper jack quite a bit of pepper jack about that much about half of the [Music] bowl and then I’m going to use some sharp cheddar there we go rest of it going to go in the inside of the bread well when you get home you can try the bread because I sure in the hell ain’t going to eat it right now now especially when my stomach is acting like it is I don’t know what you want from me I’m just trying to keep our Channel going okay you sure in the hell ain’t doing anything uh yeah you do you also have a sandwich that I just pulled out of the damn cheese drawer I don’t know what to tell you okay it’s not my fault okay all right here’s what it looks like guys here is the bread it is full of cheese and bacon like literally this looks like the best tasting bread ever I may have a piece after this is done just to try it for you guys but uh this looks fan frantastic I uh yeah I am super excited Super ass excited about this one I may eventually make another one of these but in a bigger form I am excellently surprised about that okay throw that [ __ ] in there cuz that’s all cheese and bacon there we go this smells [ __ ] good look at that [ __ ] this smells this smells effing amazing you guys this bread right here smells effing amazing this is probably going to be the best this is probably going to be the best effing bread I ever shoved in my mouth no it won’t quit being mean to me it’s my first time making bread don’t don’t do that to me okay don’t tell me my Bread’s going to be dense it’s not very nice okay it is not overmixed so some cheese right in the middle of it I’m going to save some also some of the pepper jack Hey listen if it’s over mixed then I will learn from my mistakes I’m good Amy how are you okay so what we’re going to do is we’re now going to roll the bread up into the cheese listen my first time making bread I have never done it before so if I did over mix it I apologize but listen I’m trying my best okay Positive Vibes Positive Vibes here is this one and here is the other one there we go we’re going into the oven for 20 minutes I will check it at 18 so just give me a minute guys I’m going to go throw these into the oven I’ll be right back [Music] um kitchen timer and 20 minutes I going to put that back in the refrigerator I well most likely if this works out and I like the taste of it and everybody likes the taste of it I will try and order some bigger uh bread pans now let me go back thank you red freckles ooh blueberry Buck Buckle coffee cake nope so we’ll see what happens I did not put anything on top of them so I’m hoping they don’t get dried out I do have another bag of uh bacon so if this does turn out good um then we’ll uh we’ll make some uh we’ll make some bacon and cheese uh monkey bread thank you so much Missy for the recipe if I ruined it I apologize like I said I have never made bread before we have only made um pizza dough and it never works for us it never Rises like it’s supposed to and uh yeah oh yes I will be smothering the top of it with butter ah so excited exciting yes I did Coupe I just don’t know what came through your doggy door I didn’t get to read the rest of it because I’m on my phone uh I will have to try that then Missy I guess I will have to make your pizza recipe it’s hot it’s so hot it was a bullfrog you had a Bullfrog come through your dog door well you did say it was flooding there there I’d be surprised if Bulldogs didn’t bullfrogs not Bulldogs bullfrogs oh God I’m not looking forward to the hot weather this week it’s in the 80s and it’s already effing hot the oven’s on and it’s just making it hotter in [Music] here or the Bulldogs the size of crocodiles is Lou actually a bullfrog and not a crocodile did you just m mistake him for for uh a crocodile and he is actually just a really huge bullfrog oh that’s cute Mountain Mama well as long as as long as as long as nobody as long as nobody bothered him I’m pretty sure he would have just chilled right there got cool and then went back outside and was like yeah this is going to be a place oh it’s going good um Campbell’s wife I am actually currently making bread I am making um one of our subscriber uh it’s Zena who I call Missy uh it’s her bread recipe I hope I didn’t screw it up because um um smelling that bread was fan freaking stic like I said if I made it correctly and it turns out nothing nothing to do with uh nothing to do with um nothing to do with uh anything Missy did it’s all my fault if it doesn’t turn out I mean I’ll still freaking eat it um me and K’s going to make some uh bacon and cheese uh monkey bread that’s funny holy [ __ ] red freckles that’s hot it’s supposed to be in the upper hundreds this week I think our lowest temperature is 100 and our highest temperature is about 110 lucky we still have our AC put in so all I got to do is turn that [ __ ] on when it starts getting hot dude this heat is not good for my hair so uh yeah it will be a very big learning experience you are getting me out of my you’re getting me out of my comfort zone cuz I don’t normally make things like that damn yucky so there’s currently 11 minutes left it looks like I can’t really see from here but I’m assuming cuz it looks like a one one so I’ll go over there and check on it in a minute it’s smelling good I can smell it from over here I’m going to go look at it really quick guys I’ll be right back enjoy the view of whatever is over there like the watermelon oh hell yeah oh hell yeah it’s got 10 minutes left you guys and it smells effing fantastic I just opened up that damn thing and it is puffed up almost to the corners of both pans and it looks beautiful it looks absolutely beautiful well you’re going to see a lot more of them you guys um I want you guys to start sending me in different recipes that I can do very easily here at the kitchen counter um baking wise that I can do right here that I don’t have to you know so I want you guys to start sending me sending me in easy recipes that you guys that I can feed the family remember case got a uh sugar um intolerance so she can’t have a lot of sugar so both of those breads both of those breads have one tablespoon of sugar in it which will not bother her at all cupcake pans actually I think I want to ooh I have ideas thank you Mountain Mama and thank you Missy I have ideas I have ideas I need to see if we have a bump pan I know we have cupcake pants and I know we have some cool things in the dining room I can use God damn it you guys I know what I’m going to do I need to what are you talking about that’s fine with me no no it’s just it’s just the sugar I don’t have any sugar intolerance I just eat uh sugar-free stuff for K like barbecue sauce and other stuff we try to keep when when we’re when we’re eating together when we’re eating to I want to try the Meatloaf uh cupcakes too that’s one thing I want to try but when me and Kay are eating together I like to keep stuff either sugar-free or low sugar just for her but if I’m eating alone then I don’t worry about the sugar content I have so many things I want to try [Music] going the bread I’m going to leave it in for the rest of the time it looks almost done the top of it is still white the cheese is coming out from the inside of them but they smell and look amazing so freaking amazing honeysuckle jelly I don’t know if we have any honeysuckle around here to tell you the truth I’ll have to ask so we’ve got about six minutes and then you guys will see the bread I am super excited it looks freaking fantastic yay thank you Amy um I’ll have to see if I can’t find like some honeysuckle uh nectar that they sell at a store and try to make some jelly out of it cuz I think all of our honeysuckle is now dead because of the heat I’m sorry excited to show Mom my bread I hope she likes it she’ll be home in about 2 hours uh I’m so proud of myself but it is so freaking hot in here oh my God I wish that could NOA I really wished I could because this stuff smells effing fantastic especially the bacon one the bacon one it smells like I want to make some bagels I want to make some freaking Bagels you guys bacon and cheese Bangles dude Bagles yum hold on you guys oops uh vegetation fire looks like like the ve there’s a vegetation somewhere vegetation fire somewhere all right I’m going to take the bread out of the oven [Music] oh [ __ ] well that was good well no crap all right sh now okay [Music] [Music] whale all right I guess I’m going to have to learn my lesson this time the bread was still raw the middle so I may have put too much dough in these um this one came out fairly well just a little bit of dough on the side this is the one that yeah I didn’t oil it enough so now like yeah it’s all stuck on the bottom of this so um the bread is back in the oven it’s at 3:50 I just got to wait until the uh middle of the uh bread bakes so it’ll probably be in there for a little bit longer yep the insides of them are still raw cuz the the cheese one broke in half this way and the inside of it was still raw so um I’m just going to have to learn how to make bread and how to do [ __ ] I really thought that would take um not this much time I thought it would have been done by now but um I guess the hell not but they’re now on cookie sheets so then the he can get all around them I’m pretty excited though I mean they cooked on the outside they just didn’t cook on the inside sorry you guys at least I’m not making muffin tops I no I’d still add the amount of cheese probably more cheese than what I added today because what I just tasted cuz I took some out of the bottom pan I mean there’s some of the one from the other one hold on cuz what I tasted this stuff tastes fantastic so thank you so much um Missy I will forever be grateful to you in your recipe cuz it tastes like cheese bread it don’t taste like anything weird it tastes like cheese bread and the other one from the bottom the one that I put the pepper jack in the bread is a little on the spicy side which I don’t care but I absolutely love it and I will do it again don’t you worry your pretty little heads cuz Mom will probably eat the [ __ ] out of the cheese one but yeah what I just tried here was spicy and it tastes like bacon and it tastes like bread and I’m super EIC excit I’m super EIC I am super if you can’t tell I’m effing excited I’m really excited see this is what the bottom one looks like this is the one that I put the bacon and the cheese in it got all crispy M tastes like bacon and cheese I am going to make some breakfast bread well no missy don’t be proud of me you should be proud of yourself because your recipe was extremely easy to follow and I didn’t even have to do I didn’t even have to do all that stuff that you have to do to make bread letting it set letting it rise kick it down and then you have to need it and then you have to let it rise again and then you have to let it proof and then you can finally bake it this was mix everything together and then you put your ingredients in it form it into whatever and then put it in the oven you didn’t have to proof it a bunch of times you didn’t have to kick it down but um what I was going to say is I’m going to use uh Miss’s recipe for her bread I’m probably going to do this within the next couple of days and I’m going to make breakfast cupcakes what I’m going to do is I’m going to use her bread I’m going to make some eggs I’m going to use some bacon and I’m going to form them into the cupcakes and then I’m going to bake them now you know me when I do my [ __ ] it has to be cheesy so I might have to wait until I can get some more blocks of cheese because I used almost I used almost all of that cheese all the Koby Jack is gone and this is all the sharp cheddar and the pepper jack I have left I just rolled off onto the T counter now the small blocks of cheese is not a problem they’re just a couple dollars which I’m fine with because I normally buy blocks of cheese in cases of emergency that I want some other cheese because we only get the 5 lb uh blocks of cheese in Kobe Jack so I will be doing that here at the counter in the next couple of days um so that’ll be another recipe you guys can um follow along with like I said it’s going to have bacon and cheese in it so this bacon right here will be part of the cupcakes um I will probably only use Kobe jack cheese cuz that’s what I have this probably will not survive the night so there probably won’t be any of this but if there is I actually think I will do it tomorrow cuz nobody’s going to be here because Dad’s got an appointment in mefford and K’s got an appointment with her um for her followup from being in the hospital so I might do it tomorrow I’ll leave some out I’ll leave some out without bacon in it because mom doesn’t like bacon so I’ll leave some of them out that don’t have bacon in them so then Mom can enjoy the eggs and [Music] cheese I’m going to go over there and poke at the bread a little bit see what it looks like I’ll be right back you guys [Music] Okay so the cheese one is done the bacon one is taking a little longer the bacon one is taking a lot longer so we’ll have to leave that one in there and it looks like it fell apart the bacon and cheese one kind of fell apart okay there you go there’s your cheesy ass bread here’s the cheesy one as you can see hold on yeah it’s done as you can see I don’t know if I uh if I folded it correctly but where I un where I unfolded it to put the cheese in it it fell apart so yeah but I did my best I will try better next time I promise this was just a uh yeah so it kind of looks like it’s just two pieces of bread with cheese on the inside of it um next time I’m going to have to maybe when I’m mixing the flour and [ __ ] together maybe I should stick the cheese in that way so then the cheese is combined in with the bread instead of like this cuz that may have been my downfall there’s TR there is currently cheese coming out of the back of it and it currently smells like bread um yeah so there’s that one now we’re just waiting for the uh bacon and cheese one I think I might have I think I’m think I might have messed up on that one since it’s still quite raw in the middle and there’s still cheese that hasn’t melted cuz look it’s fluffy on the inside so it’s not dense it’s very fluffy yeah I just thought of something even better bacon and cheese pizza crust and then what do you put on the top of those oh yeah I am super effing excited see fluffy tastes like cheese tastes like bread no weird aftertaste M I’m so excited we’ll see if Mom’s excited too I’m going to have to get some stuff together you guys and tomorrow we’ll probably just play on live stream I may eat something I may just sit here and chill I don’t know who that is if they want me they’re just going to have to leave a message and I’ll get back to them when I’m done um yeah good ass cheesy [Music] bread so we’ll just wait for the bacon and cheese on to get done I will try it for you guys oh you messaged me okay what about bacon and cheese pizza crust with barbecue sauce hamburgers hamburger meat like like um or cheese sauce and hamburger meat and then you do like your lettuce tomato and whatever you want on your cheeseburger uh yes please oh my God man I’m going get some [ __ ] together within the next couple of days it may happen um when I go shopping next I may have to do I may do an instacart delivery I’m going to do that pizza I’m going to do it I’m already super excited you have no idea so it’s going to be bacon and cheese uh pizza crust and then on top it’s going to be yeah I’m going to have to uh when you when you pull out that video Missy of you making it and barbecue Pizza that would be good too you guys this pizza crust has definitely definitely yeah yeah I am now super excited I’ll be right back guys you’re going to look at the ceiling for no don’t let this going I’ll be right back I got to leave the room and I don’t want the cats getting up on the counter and knocking [ __ ] over for for for e did you miss me okay you guys I’m going to go check on the bread really quick hot for okay so hey [Music] all right what did I miss all right here you go guys I pulled a piece of it off a piece that was uh done it looks like it’s going to take a lot longer I have it on a lower temperature oh my God oh my God as you guys can see it got very crusty po but it looks really really good and from what the hell I tasted Missy you need to put sharp cheddar and bacon in your bread and do this you are never going to look back and I’m telling you that right now because this bread is effing fantastic K and dad probably won’t get any of this cuz I’ll probably have it eaten before they even get home um I’m making more of this screw the pizza dough or screw the pizza dough right now I am making more of this and I am going to make it in a bigger batch we have bacon in the freezer maybe K I’ll call okay to ask her to pick up some more sharp cheddar um yes please do it Missy do it it tastes like if cheese was to get underneath pizza dough and make crust and there were pieces of bacon on it yeah yeah don’t even get me started don’t even get me started oh my God you guys should try this if you guys love bacon and you love cheese and you love bread you guys need to make it it tastes tastes like you know what this tastes like the inside of a freaking hot pocket this tastes like the inside of a Hot Pocket we might have some up there oh yeah this tastes like a freaking hot pocket now I’m even more excited cuz I think Misty found the bread recipe for hot pockets I like fried zucchini you guys look at this just straight up crunchy ass cheese and then on the other side is bread and bacon and cheese oh yeah I will I will be staying tuned for that oops sorry guys hold on there we go I never tried chocolate zucchini bread before might need to try it zenity didn’t tell me she made zucchini chocolate cupcakes yum that was really good I think Mom’s going to enjoy this one cuz it’s really soft on the inside she may not be able to eat the outside it’s a little rough but um yeah I think she’ll enjoy that and I know for damn Jer K and Dad are going to enjoy the other one and stay tuned CU I’m want to try to make some hot pockets and when I say try I mean try they’re going to be cheese bacon and um egg I’m going to use Missy recipe and I’m going to use the bacon bits and cheese and we’re going to see if they turn out but um that was it for today’s live stream it has been 2 hours 10 minutes I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope you guys enjoyed yeah Hot Pockets um I hope you guys enjoyed me watch watching me make bread for the first time time um using somebody else’s recipe besides Kay and I making pizza dough and I absolutely loved it I really really did um stay tuned because probably on the next episode I’m going to try to make Hot Pockets so uh I love you guys thank you for joining us thank you for liking thank you for commenting and remember your body your rules except for K she sold her body to the ER because she can’t stay out also remember I love you guys and my name is bunny and I’m bitching out bye everybody

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