The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Very cute
Awe 🥰😂 I read that you’re supposed to clip the first pepper off of the plant bc it encourages the plant to produce more. My peppers all seem stunted this year so I’m going to give it a try.
Mine isn’t even fruiting yet 🤣
No me too!!! Just had a teeny tomato started the size of an overcooked couscous. So proud. Sending you the bestest of sunlight!!
I’ve gotten a handful of strawberries one or two at a time over the past few weeks and that’s it for harvesting, but I have two baby watermelons starting and it looks like my zucchini may have been successfully pollinated! One day us late bloomers will have a bountiful harvest to post. 🤞🏼
I’ve been watching my first cherry tomato turn slowly red and it’s a thrill!
I got a widdle purple bell pepper, an oversized cucumber and five cherry tomatoes but I’m proud haha
I’ve grown hundreds of tomatoes but have no luck at all with peppers. Congrats!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Very cute
Awe 🥰😂 I read that you’re supposed to clip the first pepper off of the plant bc it encourages the plant to produce more. My peppers all seem stunted this year so I’m going to give it a try.
Mine isn’t even fruiting yet 🤣
No me too!!! Just had a teeny tomato started the size of an overcooked couscous. So proud. Sending you the bestest of sunlight!!
I’ve gotten a handful of strawberries one or two at a time over the past few weeks and that’s it for harvesting, but I have two baby watermelons starting and it looks like my zucchini may have been successfully pollinated! One day us late bloomers will have a bountiful harvest to post. 🤞🏼
I’ve been watching my first cherry tomato turn slowly red and it’s a thrill!
I got a widdle purple bell pepper, an oversized cucumber and five cherry tomatoes but I’m proud haha
I’ve grown hundreds of tomatoes but have no luck at all with peppers. Congrats!