I present to you, my toad bread

by Dino-baker


  1. Not2DaySatan69

    Excellent!! I would love to see this in green.

  2. FUNwithaCH

    I love this but I wouldn’t want to eat him!

  3. Unhappy_Parfait725

    Reminds me of the iguana red velvet cake from that Julia Robert’s movie

  4. internet_sexplorer

    I love this 😂 kept its shape considerably well after the proofing!

  5. hungover-hippo

    This is amazing 😂😂great work!!

  6. MentalTardigrade

    “They were so focused if they could that they forgot if they should”, but this case you absolutely should have done a toad loaf, amazing! Congrats OP!

  7. Throwawasteofspace

    He is beautiful and precious and deserves a little crown 👑

  8. No-Atmosphere4136

    I need friends who make toad bread 🙁 I should be able to go to my friends houses, walk in and see toad bread and rock candy being attempted and or made😤😂

  9. mariposa337

    This is so beautiful I want to cry. ❤️

  10. cant-sit-here

    Omg what if it had little cheese filled balls you pulled of its back like those frogs with the babies?! It’s beautiful.

  11. hanadecks

    i love him. but i would feel bad eating him

  12. CalmArmadillo9626

    How are you going to cut that awesome guy up? What a fun thing to make great job!

  13. smalltownsour

    This reminds me of something that would be in a studio ghibli movie!! Accomplishing studio ghibli level bread is the dream

  14. Hilltoptree

    This will be triggering for some but stud some black olives on the back and you got yourself a Surinam toad 🤣😂(do not google this it’s that Trypophobia image you had seen before)

  15. TiredPlantMILF

    This is abtoadlutely delightful!! 🐸

  16. ScratchTechnical9281

    Omfg I need this. No. I need you.

  17. Willowdreams3

    That’s amazing, I love his little legs

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