Today after harvesting my first cluster of "black cherry" tomatoes, I decided to google them to refresh my mind on what they're supposed look like when ripe because I didn't recall them being red at all in the past.

Went down the rabbit hole and believe these are actually Midnight Snack tomatoes. Definitely explains why they've been so much more prolific than the black cherries I've grown in the past, outperforming all my other tomato plants this year, and producing nice long clusters of fruit! After sneaking in, they may have earned a permanent spot in my garden.

by DiddlySquat99


  1. professorfunkenpunk

    Those are much darker than black cherries I’ve grown. They tend to be more purple. Those are closer to black

  2. anntchrist

    They look like a Wild Boar Farm variety called Blue Berries – very prolific.

    Black Cherry are larger at maturity and more of a consistent chocolately color.

  3. ChefJballs

    Black strawberry, maybe? I’ve been picking them by the bag off one plant that’s going nuts. Looks just alike.

  4. Dapper_Blackberry728

    These look just like my midnight snack tomatoes. It’s my best performing plant too. A few have finally ripened, and they are delicious.

  5. WatermelonMachete43

    I literally just posted something about my black strawberries possbeing mislabeled. (I also planted black cherry…we’ll see what happens. )

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