With chimichurri, steak fries, and garlic aioli.

by acheeseegg


  1. GuyWithAComputer2022

    I need to stop looking at this sub when I’m hungry. Looks delicious.

  2. YogurtclosetBroad872

    Internally perfect. The crust looks mostly cracked pepper and seasoning as opposed to crusty meat but overall really nice temp and consistency

  3. Excellent_Tell5647

    looks perfect. nice crust whats it made of?

  4. How did you get such good crusting and such little gray zone?

  5. SnooCheesecakes4577

    Is anyone else bothered by the floating cleaver?

  6. stephen250

    Cook it more. Well done would make it a 8/10. It’s a 5/10 now.

  7. scottyTOOmuch

    Horrible…don’t worry I will take it off your hands

  8. Aggravating-Bug1769

    It looks like my corned beef, but if it’s nice and tasty like prime rib then you have a winner 🏆

  9. rolex_monkey_50

    Probably one of the best steaks I’ve seen here in a while, amazing

  10. louisvuittondon29

    we need an r/steak and an r/trees colab because im always seeing the most immaculate steaks while with the munchies😭

  11. Horror-Customer4835

    I would like a picture of this hung up in my foyer. However, I do not have one, so all I can say is, it looks delicious

  12. Careless_Fondant3388

    Will give head for that😩😝🤤

  13. Dry_Inflation_861

    I would not let you near my girlfriend

  14. This looks like a banger of a steak!

  15. wutwut970

    This is really as close to perfect as i can imagine

  16. LifeCondition4931

    You should have squeezed it on a live video like the brisket idiots do

  17. geriatric_spartanII

    In bed now and my boxer briefs just got a little tighter. 🤤🤤

  18. Pocusmaskrotus

    You know damn well that’s a perfect cook.

  19. ozmartian

    Both the steak and the camera angle are divine!

  20. joebadiah

    Needed about 90 more seconds. Would need to see the full plate before committing to paying for it. You asked.

  21. BeyondDrivenEh

    A shame there wasn’t enough heat or time to cook the rest of it. 🙂

    Looks delicious for those who like their meat on the rare side.

    Don’t mind the floating cleaver at all – remind me I need to get me one of those.

  22. Mediocre-Ad-4881

    Sous vide, then quick flash in the pan?

    I couldn’t even imagine how tender that would be.

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