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Thank you so much to Shayla, Akom, Melike, Jeanelle, and Dorian for sharing your stories with us!

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My Spinach episode I mentioned:

Ube Butter Mochi:
Pembe Sultan:
Crni Rižot:
Achu Soup:

00:00 Intro
00:49 Filipino Ube Butter Mochi
05:04 Trying Ube Butter Mochi
08:48 Fijian Rourou (Spinach in Coconut Milk)
12:51 Trying Rourou
13:52 Turkish Pembe Sultan (Beet & Yogurt Dip)
16:59 Trying Pembe Sultan
18:49 Croatian Crni Rižot (Black Risotto)
22:24 Trying Crni Rižot
24:25 Cameroonian Achu Soup (Yellow Soup)
28:22 Trying Achu Soup

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Beryl Shereshewsky
115 East 34th Street FRNT 1
PO Box 1742
New York, NY 10156

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riddle me this what do a panther chameleon a rainbow eucalyptus and a box of Opals all have in common pure unadulterated color today we are looking at five dishes that ooze color no food dies allowed we are highlighting black purple green pink and yellow so get ready because you’re about to see colors Duke the colors colorb kid if you get that joke I appreciate you did you all know that I have a new show on PBS food it’s about two people swapping recipes from their culture to learn a little bit more about one another I’m so curious as how this going to turn out I’m a part of it we had a whole lot of fun using a lot of you subscribers I hope that you check it out the link is in the [Music] description hi barl my name is Janelle and I’m originally born in the Philippines I live in California and my family moved here when I was 8 years old and we’ve been here ever since the dish I want to talk about is for the color purple and it’s called U butter Mochi butter Mochi is a chewy sweet dessert that you can make in one pan so here’s the thing I’m trying to dress for each color I don’t have much purple I do have this cape it feels complicated to cook in a cape but Cape or no cape oh God see I’ve already it’s hard to have a a cape without trying to flourish yourself I want the cape but no cape no cape just the shirt bummed plain butter Mochi looks pale yellow this dish is purple because of the U extract and the U halaya or U Jam that’s added into it I need egg validation so I’m going to see if I can do this onehanded thank God that worked ubet is a purple yam from the Philippines not to be confused with purple sweet potato the extract is dyed purple but the actual Uber root itself is already a deep purple color this is one of those ingredients that I bought let’s all make bets as to how long this little jar of Ube extract will remain in my house a forever B 12 months to 24 months and c I will just forget about it and not realize it’s still in my house I love Ube butter Mochi because I grew up eating chewy rice base desserts called kakanin from the Philippines butter Mochi fits in that realm it’s not too sweet very chewy and I love the hint of flavor from the coconut milk the U Jam adds an extra layer of softness to the chewiness of the butter Mochi oh my God it’s so purple ah why am I so excited by every single one of these turning colors when that was the whole purpose of this episode it’s so purply it’s also easy to love butter Mochi because it’s so easy to make you just mix everything in one bowl this is the perfect dish to bring last minute to a party even though you’re using glutenous rice flour you can’t actually over mix it because there’s no actual gluten in this batter the connection I have with this dish is actually very interesting I learned about butter Mochi when I first visited Doug and his family in Hawaii where they sell butter Mochi in lots of shops I feel like the dough is fighting back it’s so beautiful though but like let me win this is what we train [Music] for I took a bite and I was instantly cooked it was like the desserts I grew up eating in the Philippines I find out later that butter Mochi most likely came from Filipinos specifically ilocanos who migrated to Hawaii in the early days to work Janelle said to use a Piping Bag for the U I have a Ziploc bag that I used to use for spinach and I’m going to use this as my Piping Bag any day now if you’re going to start baking butter Mochi is probably one of the easiest things you can make the one thing that would help is to have all your ingredients in room temperature because if you have a cold liquid like eggs and you add butter to it the butter will solidify but honestly I’ve done that in the past and you just mix everything together bake it and it turns out just fine okay going [Music] in the color of this dish is very purple so it automatically draws my attention basically if you like sweet potato flavored things you’d like this too the Cape is back so uh we’re going to dig into this cake my whole house smells amazing the purple color is so vibrant I love it the inside wait can you zoom in can you see how purple it is on the inside oh my gosh this is so nice reasons I love this cake number one it is not too sweet it has a really really balanced sweet flavor number two the texture of the mocho flour makes this cake super spongy and it has a very slight chew to it it’s not like a chewy cake obviously but it has like a bounce back in your mouth the ubby that we put in seems to have just incorp orated it’s oh wait here’s the here’s the Ube at the bottom the Ube at the bottom gives you that kind of burst of what you know perhaps a frosted cake would be in the middle but it’s not frosting which makes me very very happy and the top is crusty and crunchy the balance of Textures in this cake is honestly ideal I am not a dessert person and this cake if this was the first dessert I had I would be like I’m a dessert person it’s that good Janelle’s recipe was really fabulous because everything was in very easy measurements it was the whole can of the coconut cream the whole box of the flour that is so satisfying to not measure anything yay yay Janel for the recipe I didn’t have to do tons of measuring and I don’t have tons of leftover stuff except for the U coloring that I have a lot of and probably will for a while I got It On The Ground I think it will forever be on the ground that is not going anywhere well a memory I did want to mention that if you like seeing Janelle in this episode you should check out my new show pan Pals which I made with PBS she is in one of the episodes with me it’s super super fun there are going to be 12 episodes we travel all around the United States different people swap recipes to learn about one another’s culture it’s wholesome it’s funny I’m really really proud of it and I’m leaving a link for you to watch it below I would like to thank rocket money for sponsoring today’s episode rocket money is a personal finance app that will help you cancel subscriptions lower your bills and manage your personal finances better since starting my YouTube channel and having to sort its ingredients from all around the world sometimes shipping them from around the world I’ve had to keep a better eye on my finances and I’m not going to lie sometimes it gets pretty overwhelming one of the best features that rocket money has in my opinion is their subscription cancelling service they will go through all of your expenditures and find recurring charges and help you cancel them within the app itself this also includes signing up for a subscriptions for things that I definitely want at one time and then I kind of forget about them because you’re doing all of the cancellations within the app you don’t have to worry about customer service calls which can be very intimidating and I hate doing them and I never even want to be on the phone rocket money even saves users up to $740 a year and total around $500 million in subscription ions have been canceled through them which means a lot of us are paying for things that we don’t actually want they also have a budget tracker feature which I find really helpful and one of the reasons that I really love this finance app if you’re interested in trying out rocket money go to Rocket barel and you can try it out there for free I’m also going to leave a clickable link in the description for you hi everyone Hi Barrow my name is Shayla and I’m from Vancouver Canada my family is of Indian ethnicity but we lived in Fiji for several Generations before coming to Canada the dish I’m going to be talking about is called roro this is a green Fijian dish that is essentially just tarot leaves stewed down in quicknet milk it has many variations and changes a little bit from household to household this is one of my favorite tools I use this all the time if you’re like hm I really want to add clutter to my kitchen but something useful get this there are also variations of this dish that come from Hawaii Samoa and other Pacific island countries Tera leaves are what makes this dish so special to me personally because I find them to be so distinctly heating they have a certain bite and texture that I don’t really find often with other leafy greens especially when they’re cooked down so much another fact about tarot leaves that’s important to know is that they must be cooked really well due to a toxin inside of them that can make your throat itchy and it can be harm to you if you don’t take the time to cook them properly so this original recipe uses tarot leaves which you have to cook otherwise they will make your throat itchy but I could not find them in New York City and Shayla said that spinach is okay and if you’re like oh that’s a lot of spinach I have an entire spinach episode so you can use it in a bunch of other ways also this is large spinach not the baby spinach the green of the tarot leaves and the green that seeps into the stew are what makes this dish overall a very green prominent dish I have a lot more spinach to do so I’m calling in Leia everybody round of applause thank you thank you all right let’s do some spinach all right come here give me give me give me give me give me some spinach also I have a new house guest this is Shifu hi he’s very little you’re so small oh my God using a little bit of baking soda in the beginning of the cooking process can help retain the green color but it will still be a green dish without it it’s smooth and it’s creamy but it also has a light and healthy feel because you’re really only eating a handful of ingredients cooked together this dish isn’t really Indian so instead it honors the uniqueness of my heritage and the experiences of my ancestors who left India to come to work in a foreign land and get used to this entirely New Island environment this is smelling so amazing it’s really reminding me of Indian food with the cumin seeds and the garlic and the onion but I think the coconut milk is going to change up that and adding baking soda later will also be really interesting but right now my kitchen is smelling delicious so green isn’t usually a color that I associate with an appetizing dish this is definitely giving me flashbacks to my spinach episode like how is this all going to fit I know it’s all going to fit because I’ve done this before but how is this going to fit spinach continues to blow my mind but for me when I think about the green of this particular dish I think of the Simplicity it reminds us of something that is light and it’s healthy but it doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s still a rich creamy and FL flavorful dish the green says that you can feel good about eating this dish whatever that may mean to you typically we think of fruits when we think of tropical flavors but for Fiji you can also think of hearty root vegetables and there’s still plenty of deliciousness even though it might be a little bit foreign to some pallets thank you bye this dish reminds me of a poock dish from India the coconut milk is the only thing that’s a little bit different well this is amazing and Incredibly simple to make this is so flavorful I’m curious obviously what it would have tasted like with the terara leaves but it just was not possible for me to find I’m going to try it with a bit of the cassava yum cassava is something that I don’t eat very often but it is so starchy that it gives you potato Vibes but it’s h honestly way better than a potato it has more flavor to it together this kind of gives you the feeling that you’re eating it with bread or rice but you don’t have to be the vibrancy of the green is also so beautiful I feel like it really exemplifies a green dish which I love and I just love how simple it was to make [Music] hello everyone my name is Milik I’m from tur and I currently live in anara which is the capital city of tur the dish I’d like to talk to you about today is called pamb sulan in Turkish which literally translates to Pink Sultan Pam suan or pink Sultan as the name suggests is a very pink dish rather than being a whole meal itself it actually is a mes it’s like a side dish oh no oh oh it got me it got me good I was trying to be so careful all right I need an apron I need an apron more beats to come God I love this shirt straight to the wash pison is actually a very easy dish to make if you’ve got a little bit of yogurt some garlic and beetroots at home it will probably take you less than half an hour to put the dish together this is the ugly truth of how my drawers look and I barely have tools as you know oh come on baby come on got it okay let’s blend some beets as you put the beetroots in the yogurt the yogurt starts becoming pink and the more it stays in the dish the more pink it gets and what makes the this dish so special is that the more it weits the darker the pink color gets and it becomes so fun to eat mil said to use Turkish yogurt which I couldn’t find and she said that using Greek yogurt was an okay substitute you just don’t want one of the thin watery yogurts so you know Greek yogurt I think is a good solution wow I was actually really nervous to do that but I wanted to prove it this dish is is quite common in our culture you can have it in your home or you can have it in local drink houses called mayane mayane is basically a drink house where you can select the different types of mzes you want to eat to accompany your drink and the drink we usually have is called this dish the Pam suan always reminds me of my childhood the good times that I got to share with my family s and the long talks we had pink is not a color that dominates the Turkish Cuisine and if you’re someone who hasn’t seen this dish before you may not know what to expect and you may not find it appetizing you may not be sure whether it’s going to be a Savory or a sweet dish but it’s actually a combination of both and I think the uniqueness of this dish is what makes it so special if you’re looking for an unusual pop of color on your dinner table then make sure to give pamba sulan a try I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it very much I didn’t exactly have a pink shirt for this but I the closest I had was this pink unicorn with a slightly depressing phrase on it bad news travels fast you can’t outrun the inevitable ding I love beats I know that they can be a bit of a decisive vegetable but for me no question love them okay hello [Music] that’s delicious that is beautiful the Beet flavor comes through so you definitely need to be a beet van the mint on top sometimes I put a little decoration thinking like who can it hurt it just makes it look nice but the mint with this is really really nice m k made it clear that you don’t want the dip to be super smooth you want it to be chunky chunks chunks chunks that is a word you only have to say three times in a row and it loses all its meaning chunks kind of my new favorite word right now and I think it’s nice because you get these little pops of the juicy beets beets to me are one of the most dangerous vegetables I feel like no matter what you try to do you’re going to get the red juice on yourself on the counter on your dog on your friends it’s just it’s not safe now I’m like scared of them I’m so scared of it so don’t be like me immediately put on the apron if you’re going to make this yourself I do appreciate that nowadays you can buy the pre-boiled beets because peeling a beet now that’s no fun I think a lot of people would enjoy it the color is beautiful I think it totally exemplifies the theme of this episode this is pink Hello my name is Dorian I live near zadat C and today we’re going to be talking about a seafood dish which is namely black risotto or as we call itot it’s a cuttlefish and cuttlefish ink rotto that is usually prepared hot either as an appetizer or even as the main course the key ingredients are cuttlefish cuttlefish ink and the rice why did I do that why did ow okay I just pounded my that is not how you do it oh my God what brain fart well it worked but I’m in pain yeah what to me this dish doesn’t have the usual Seafood taste it has this strong but not overpowering cuttlefish taste if you don’t know how cuttlefish tastes like it’s similar to squid a little bit more intense this dish can be eaten all year round we usually if not always eat it during the summer so it’s very reminiscent of the summertime to me my will prepare this dish for our guests as an appetizer and they are always amazed if fresh cuttlefish is not something that you can find Dorian did say that I could substitute it with the canned stuff but what you do need to remember is that you still need squiding so that it becomes black Black is Black I’m wearing the color of the food this rice is one of those vacuum sealed ones and sometimes you can hear it I’m going to put it near my m like a tiny fart along with the Main Ingredients uh also includes some diced onion some garlic cloves some fish stock or even uh the vegetable Cube stock some white wine uh and parmesan cheese and parsley for garnish and now I’m also going to add the wine a little for the rice and just a little for me it’s not a dish that you’ll come across every day it looks interesting and it tastes amazing the dish right now is like not that black but we are about to add two Squid Ink packets and I’m pretty excited you ready you got We Ready is the filming ready I want to show you these are the ink packets there’re these four G packets which is about a teaspoon oh boy this is so black oh my God this is goth rice [Music] black that’s what this Rice’s uh inner inner sound is okay holy smokes I am shocked that ink did its job personally speaking I love how it’s silky and creamy that silkiness and creaminess along with the tender cuttlefish Pieces Just creates this amazing mix of flavors and textures and that’s why I’m sharing this recipe I want everyone to try it if you like seafood or rortos I highly suggest you try it C the rock music for this metal rice done okay talk about a food representing the color black this is Black is Black it’s so good though the rice is just a little bit Al Dente so it still has bite to it and the squid has a really nice flavor cooking it with the chicken stock means it’s very well seasoned you can also do this with fish stock but I have a lot of blue young cubes in the house so that’s what I went with the squid ink in my opinion adds perhaps a little bit of flavor but in general I feel like it’s just kind of here for a good time it’s here to add color in a natural way without using black food dye and it doesn’t necessarily give it a lot of taste I really like the addition of the cheese it gives a little bit of saltiness and that just extra push to make the whole dish feel a little bit more well-rounded not just a rice dish I think I always thought that risoto was really hard to make but the alburo rice honestly you just have to give it a lot of water kind of as you go I needed to add more water as I was cooking it because it sucked it all up so the rice is a little bit dry um it just doesn’t have much liquid left already so I’m just adding a little bit more but you don’t want this rice to become gloopy you want it to still maintain the individual like rice bits of it but it is a softer rice it’s not like a dry basmati rice but it’s definitely not sticky like a sushi rice it exists somewhere where in between I was immediately thinking of stranger things but that makes it evil and it’s not like that but it’s just like the in between upside down world of it I think if you’re scared of calamari I don’t wouldn’t be scared of this dish it’s got just like a very light flavor and using squid in is super fun you can buy it in the tiny packs you do not have to go all out on the bigger jars which that’s just like a lot of squid in you know so if you’re going to make it look for the tiny packs [Music] hello my name is akom and I am cameronian the dish I want to talk about is for the color yellow and it is ATU soup ATU soup is made by mixing together palm oil and a potage solution and then adding in ATU spices the potach solution is made by dissolving wood ash from the Fireside or burn planting peelings or dissolve Limestone I’m going to be honest tripe is not one of my favorite foods I find it just to be a little too too chewy however I’m very open to trying it this way because I’ve only tried it a couple of times and as I’ve shown on my show before just because you don’t like something in one preparation doesn’t mean that you don’t like it overall so tripe it is the etra spices are mix of different spices which are usually roasted and ground this is the lining of a cow’s stomach in case you don’t know now we usually buy this already in the powder form just called atual spice this dish is y yellow for mixing the palm oil which is red and the potach solution which is gray combining those two together in the right proportions makes for a vibrant yellow color and we always have it during family meetings so it reminds me of family when I was watching videos about how to make this the woman squeeze the tarot out by just opening it a little bit oh my God that’s very cool I like this dish because of how earthy and unique The Taste is oh that totally worked I wasn’t sure what would happen it’s like the stickiest mashed potatoes you’ve ever felt that’s so cool I would say this dish is pretty popular in the uran areas of Cameroon it is actually my traditional meal we can definitely file this under things I never new existed African Limestone it says that it can be a soup thickener and a tenderizer what it’s like L it it doesn’t really smell like much this is so surprising I don’t know what I’m going to do with this entire bag of it after this but this is cool oh my God so it must be found in every cultural celebration this dish I like how unique The Taste is I actually don’t know of any other meal in cameronian Cuisine that tastes like it I like how unique and earthy it tastes and also I like the fact that the ingredients comes from the earth literally how is this supposed to turn yellow I do not understand I don’t understand I’m trusting the process but I don’t know if I trust the process so the wood ash that we use in cooking you fire wood ash from it you dissolve it and you mix it with your palm oil or you burn planting fings 3 2 1 please work yes it worked it’s so yellow I was nervous I just like the aspect of it it’s like literally from the earth this dish has good memories for me because we make it during every family meeting it’s a moss you have to have ATU soup and ATU during the during our meetings a meeting just cannot hold without a soup I think you should try this dish because it has a very unique taste I would say that this dish was not necessarily difficult to make but was very outside of my comfort comt Zone from the preparation style I think I need to cut the tripe or should I cut the tripe after I think I’m going to grind it just a little more though so it’s really smooth to the ingredients the spices W can you see that what what if it doesn’t turn yellow there’s a lot going on here this is really hard to clean up so uh yay when I watch videos of this online it seems quite like fuu where you’re going to take the tarot and kind of eat it with everything that sauce tastes really good it tastes like nothing I’ve ever had before this is very [Music] interesting it’s got a very earthy taste to it I wonder if that’s from the Limestone but then the beef stuff that we made was so so so good I’m going to try the tripe okay a lot of Heming and ha for nothing it’s very soft it’s not chewy at all I feel like when I’ve had tripe in the past it was very chewy maybe putting it in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes and then letting it naturally release was really helpful I don’t feel like it has that much flavor but I am not offended by the texture at all I’m actually going to go in for another [Music] piece there’s kind of actually a sweetness to it I feel really happy that I tried something that I was nervous about and it turns out that I liked it I feel like the color in here is beautiful it looks like a beautiful natural yellow color how it got here I was super surprised I did not believe in myself or the recipe I should have well it all worked out I did have to buy a couple of new ingredients but I did not have to buy the palm oil I’m an international food content creator of course I have a large thing of palm oil in my pantry I hope that this episode has inspired you and perhaps one of these dishes has tickled your fancy to make yourself at home in the meantime I’m leaving you with my spinach episode which is full of gorgeous green colors and I’m leaving you with a fruit episode because it’s summertime here right now and fruit is abundant


  1. @BerylShereshewsky It must feel strange to hear a hurricane named Beryl since the name isn't common! You're much better than a hurricane!

  2. You should make Labskaus. It was extremely popular in the Hanseatic league port cities of Hamburg, Luebeck and Bremen in Germany. There is a kind of hash comprised of mostly potatoes and jarred red beets. The latter gives this a very bright, red wine color. Additionally there is a fried egg, a pickled herring and some gherkins. Look it up and see what you think.

  3. Pembe sultan is delicious, I also highly recommend beet hummus. Colourful food is the best, great idea for an episode!

  4. That Fiji dish is very similar Masiyel in South India and the Turkish Pembe is a Beetroot Raitha and This shows that the world is connected. Thank You Beryl for making these videos because We love your dishes.😊

  5. Dog vision is not typically monochromatic! They have only two types of color receptors, so the world to them looks a lot like it does for humans who are red-green colorblind.

  6. Add in some peaflower tea and you could have blue as well. The downside is it can't have any acid added, or it will turn purple-to-pink. Natural blue is very PH sensitive. The tea also tastes like peas and grass.

  7. Ube❤
    Also Rourou looks like a Filipino dish called Laing which is Taro leaves cook in coconut milk.

  8. 9:30 I use a vegetable chopper like that because my hands are messed up and cutting vegetables very fine can rapidly become excruciating.

  9. I think you will forget the ube extract since you might not use it too often.😊 I also wonder if you could use collard greens in place of the spinach or taro leaves in spinach dish.

  10. Hi Beryl, just so you know – dry taro leaves are available in Filipino stores. You'll need to clean them first by washing with water and then drain before cooking.

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