These are the MasterChef contestants that almost died! Let me know your thoughts on these contestants down below in the comments!

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here’s a look at some of those times when the chefs in the master chef kitchen almost died wondering how and this Chef right here had it worse if you haven’t guessed by now I’m talking about this person right here oh Christian Christian Christian what a handful right well it all started with the Mystery Box challenge the contestants were tasked with creating one amazing vegetarian dish I’m talking a hardcore vegetarian dish and the contestants weren twoo thr about the idea it’s all vegetables I’m like well you have to agree making a vegetarian dish is far harder than cooking MX right is it just me who thinks this or what either way as a contestants got busy with the challenge there was this one contestant who felt threatened by gennifer’s culinary skills so what did he do well he just buried that feeling under a mountain of Cockiness I think she’s a and uh she’s going to get what she deserves and wait till you hear what he said next thinks that she can cook better than me I’ll cook her onto the table day of the week despite Christian’s confidence what he actually produced said otherwise individual who got tripped up the lack of protein no meat no fish but wait that wasn’t all put that person Into Obscurity the famous chef Finally Revealed who he was talking about and Christian’s face dropped to the floor Christian man it must have felt super humiliating to have served the worst dish especially after acting all high and mighty like he did and Ramsay definitely took him to task over it it wasn’t cohesive it wasn’t properly thought through but that’s not all and the whole sort of style of the dish was strange it wasn’t just Chef Ramsey who wasn’t a fan it never is is it we didn’t expect it from you it was really something subpar we were very disappointed oh man that must have stung real back however Christian decided it would be a great idea to fire right back I think you’re wrong I don’t think my dish is the worst dish here the nerve I tell you man I mean no one in their right mind would dare to speak against Joe or any of the judges for that matter especially after serving something as horrendous as this but what’s more Christian didn’t stop at that he decided to straight up throw more than a few people under the bus all the while trying to make himself look Superior as dish look pretty think what you want but Joe was just done with the nonsense and he put Christian in his place well you have a right to disagree but we’re telling you the way we see it and we thought the dish sucked however Christian main adamant with every single criticism that was dropped in his Direction he shot back with more and more disagreement the famous Chef’s patience was wearing then and it wasn’t long before he burst out when we’re trying to give you constructive criticism if you’re a man you take it on the chin what he said next I don’t know it just really hit the spot for me unfortunately your talent’s not matching your arrogance the dish was a let down and the story the famous Chef’s anger was totally justified the judges were there for a reason and they wouldn’t let anyone let alone a crappy cook like Christian belittle them but this argument was nothing compared to what happened in this next episode you know what work is okay I got where I got because I work now season 5 was absolutely insane as a baseline And if you’ve ever binged it like I have you’ll agree that it’s probably one of the most chaotic seasons ever and things got seriously heated all the way back in episode 2 which was the first Mystery Box challenge of the Season bananas strawberries blueberries Brandy lady fingers the contestants were tasked with preparing a dessert and the home Cooks had 90 minutes to whip up their dish the drama kicked off right from prep when jef Ramsey came over to Elizabeth station and asked her a pretty nerve-wracking question who’s going to screw up tonight why Leslie to make matters worse Chef rsey start to pry into the obvious tension between the two cuz he’s cuz he he he likes to Flap his jaws and and not cook so much oh Leslie was getting pissed and all you had to do was take a look at her face to see that and the next thing you know he decided to stand up for himself I’ve never said anything to you Elizabeth you want to get ugly let’s get ugly you don’t know where the hell I’ve been okay first things first Leslie’s reaction was completely Justified I mean he wasn’t getting into her business so it wasn’t fair for her to react like that but was she going to stop you know something tells me that she wasn’t live in Malibu oh however Leslie decided that enough was enough you want to know why I live in Malibu sweet Haun is because I worked my ass off you know what work is is okay no you don’t get to shush him you started all this nonsense and Leslie was not going to shut his mouth in the face of a little bit of shushing no I got where I got because I work I know she didn’t exactly digest the fact that he earned his place in Malibu it wasn’t just hand it to him I work so hard to get where I am obviously your wife works and you don’t so what’s the big deal if this guy stays at home while his wife works there are tons of stay-at-home moms out there and I don’t see anyone riding over them so why the double standard when it’s a guy huh what happened to equality isn’t that what we want plus let’s not forget that being a homemaker doesn’t mean that you’re not working hard those folks are juggling a ton of at home I know my mom definitely did it’s kind of funny how she keeps going after him with words like that it’s like she’s super insecure I mean if she’s just jealous why not just admit that as for Leslie he was beyond pissed don’t on your to me about where I live figure out how I got there ear muffs and well he just had to get it off his chest I work you want drama I’ll give it to you you ain’t seen yet meanwhile Chef Ramsey who had been a Silent Witness this entire time decided to intervene Leslie yes sir what’s going on I’ve never even spoke to this girl and they say all I do is talk talk talk Leslie felt like Elizabeth was just jealous because he spoke to everyone else and not her probably she was just looking for a chance event or something but the famous chef wasn’t willing to let personal rivalry take the stage he decided to pull it together and remind Leslie that he was the eldest on the show and it was high time time that he started behaving so and like the mature man that he is he decided to do just that I’m sorry I’m sorry apology accepted yeah the man handled it like a pro and apologized right away it just goes to show that people who can own up to their mistakes are really the ones who are the most sure of themselves not insecure guys like Christian but I can’t say the same for my next pick if there’s one moment from season 5 that really stood out then it was definitely the intense showdown between Dan and cutter now this moment right here brought a whole new level of drama to the series series it was the elimination challenge and the contestants were tased with preparing something totally unique please head back to your stations as the winner of the previous challenge Courtney was tasked with creating seven teams in pairs of two and I’m sure you can figure out that it wasn’t going to be a common collected pairing process cutter with Dan wow to pair Dan and cutter was probably the worst decision ever and you’ll see why in a minute the challenge hadn’t even begun entirely and there was already a lot of tension in the air still making two separate you see I’m saying if you’re doing vegetables and fish I’m doing protein and meat we’re not marrying the dishes together these grown ass men couldn’t even agree on one protein without getting all frustrated so you can bet that the rest of the challenge was bound to be a total mess I mean here’s Cutter’s point of view he is not listening to what I’m trying to tell him these proteins don’t go together you need something to balance Dan on the flip side was totally stuff he just couldn’t decide he’s going in Dan shutdown mode he still can’t figure out what all vegetables he’s using so so when it was time to grab all the stuff from the pantry both cutter and Dan totally threw away their chance at getting enough ingredients for their surf and turf meal we have two proteins that do not pair together and seven items out of the pantry and when Chef Ramsey came over to their station during prep he could already see that things weren’t going so well and a warm tuna salce like a soy sauce with tuna chunks on it to go over top and eat it like shashimi style apparently they plan on topping their dish with tuna chunks Sashimi style and we all know how Sashimi is served Raw but Dan had different plans right why is it cook then are we definitely on the same page Chef Ramsey was obviously worried for them guys are we okay cutter it was this very question that finally did it for cutter and he didn’t hold back no I ain’t okay I ain’t going to lie no I ain’t okay Cutter’s frustration was completely Justified if you ask me I am just so pissed off at Dan woo right now because I mean he just does not listen but that’s not all he was concerned about I know I’m probably going to a pressure test because I have an idiot as a partner who just wouldn’t listen to me Jeff Ramsey had enough and told him to get it together cuz there’s no way these guys had any of chance of coming out of the elimination test safe and sound and while cutter was flipping out Dan was super chill and things aren’t going perfectly and I’m like let’s not worry about it let’s just put something on a plate it was time for the judges to taste and the reaction to the dish was shocking or maybe not so much what in the is that the pantry was Stu with all all the ingredients they could have possibly needed and yet this is what they came up with the famous chef was not impressed he needed an explanation and he needed it fast he has an idea I listen to him I told him I didn’t like it he just starts grabbing and this is what you get ran out of time in the pantry Dan tried to explain the situation as calmly as possible but cutter was not having it that neither one they’re both lean and they don’t go together we didn’t get enough ingredients to really make anything worse oh man he was really riled up that’s for sure you didn’t know have an idea you didn’t have anything real what you wanted to do you were just grabbing something your you CH to we’ll get it as we go seeing how things were Dan was willing to take responsibility for what they had made but just you wait till you see cutter side of the story decent through all the stuff I think it actually came out tasting decent uh I doubt that and well even Chef Ramsey agreed that is possibly one of the worst dishes in this competition so far plus oh by the way guess what Joe did when it was his turn to [Music] judge I gu guess you already know what he was about to do next huh do the [Music] honors Dan took full responsibility for the situation as cutter dreaded the upcoming pressure test now getting into an argument with a fellow contestant is one thing but a judge yeah that’s a whole different level of being messed up and guess which judge they decided to pick on oh Joe oh no anyway in season 4 Howard decided to spice things up a bit by rubbing Joe the wrong way it was episode 9 during the elimination round and the cooks were even given a detailed demonstration by none other than Lydia bassich herself smooth and buttery and soft you continue the needing yeah an absolute legend in the culinary sphere far more than her son will ever be anyway when the cooks got busy Joe walked over to Howard station for a quick update Howard admitted that he wasn’t very well versed in making pasta despite that he planned on making a brace chicken and bell pepper filling for his anal which Lydia found rather unusual pay attention you know we talk a lot about texture and all of that I will do so what are you doing with the asparagus to make things worse when Joe quized him about the asparagus guess what he had to say I’m not sure yet wow all right good luck Howard thank you yeah no doesn’t sound very exciting not a single bit anyway cut to the tasting and Howard’s confidence took a nose dive he wasn’t feeling too sure about it but he hoped that the flavors would make up for it raed chicken and then it spiced with a little cumin yeah however Lydia wasn’t buying into his idea of adding cumin and The Taste was just like what she expected disappointing it’s not harmonious with a pasta dish like this she actually had to remind them to not go overboard especially with pasta however when it was Joe’s turn well he certainly did not inherit his mother’s sweetness the whole thing with you is you have this very Cavalier attitude you don’t know what you’re cooking the next thing you know Joe is showing Howard who was the boss around these parts and I got screwed up and I’m getting tired of it because if you were smart you would duplicate a plate damn that was brutal in fact Joe went as far as rambling about how ignorant Howard was being in the competition so far and guess what just as Joe was about to taste his dish Howard decided to interject you want 15 of the same dishes up here well it literally pushed Joe over the edge That Man simply lost it putting your spin on everything you make because you want to show us how cutesy and intelligent and nope once you Unleash the Beast there’s no stopping him well that’s going to get you a one-way ticket back to wherever you came from and then you could show your friends and the six people who told you were good I mean when a Master Chef judge drops a line like that you know they madean business so yeah Howard’s chances of getting the boot were definitely Skyhigh and Joe made it crystal clear that if Howard didn’t change his attitude he’d be stuck cooking at dinner parties while the rest of them shot for the stars and either became the next Master Chef or culinary powerhouses in their own right see the challenge was all about nailing the dish and then elevating it to the next level but Howard was only focused on the fancy stuff and forgot to get the basics right worse than a cook who can’t boil is a narcissist in full denial thank you for nothing but Howard wasn’t going to stop being his same old disrespectful self so soon ah Joe’s just this is a competition about flare about finesse about creativity honestly it just sounds like he was trying to cover up his failure anyway when it was time to send someone packing Chef Ramsey said it like it was one of you has reached the end of the road and guess who decided to make a bold move Howard yep Howard got got the boot for being too full of himself and making the worst annualy out there honestly it was about time anyway if you thought cooks and judges squabbling was uncommon then I don’t know go watch literally any other of my videos because you’re dead wrong in the meantime though here’s something that’s actually uncomon one judge throwing down against another yep so I’m talking about episode 19 of season 10 and the contestants were very close to the finale and you know what that meant the challenges were about to ramp up big time now tonight you’ll be making homemade sausages now I’m pretty sure that everyone knows by now that making sausages all by yourself is a task but Aaron stepped up to show everyone how to make a perfect sausage now we’re going to add some beautiful acid we have some cider vinegar Aaron was all gentle and precise making sure that each and every sausage looked and tasted the best now what we’re going to go ahead and do is add the bit that has the actual casing to it okay as for Dorian who was initially a bit nervous caught onto Aaron’s Vibe and got inspired it’s really amazing how seeing someone else do their thing with skill can really uplift your spirits watching cherron and seeing how he’s bringing his culture he’s making is definitely an inspiration sometime later Dorian was killing it looks like Aaron’s pep talk actually got through to her and it wasn’t just empty words after all this smelling good up here keep going thank you that is so good she decided to show off her Southern Roots with her dish she whipped up some beans and tomatoes with a hint of garlic and to get this she decided to poach her sausages in a sauce that’s actually inside the sausage why Wow who’ have thought of that even Aaron and Joe were impressed with the idea what I really like about what you’re doing here is that you’re reinforcing the flavors of the actual sausage into other components of the dish safe to say that Dorian was off to a great start and when it was time for the tasting she didn’t disappoint sausage looks hearty and that wonderful bean stew underneath it it’s got dive in all over it Dorian presented the judges with a wild boar fennel and apple sausage with canellini beans the famous chef hadn’t even tasted the dish and he was already a fan of it love that a of the The Toasted slices on the top it tells me it’s going to scream of texture and dark rich flavors everything on that plate was just perfection but Joe wasn’t exactly feeling it for some reason yeah I disagree I think the toast cheapens the dish Ramsey was obviously weirded out by his opinion I mean it’s garlic bread who doesn’t like garlic bread so you don’t serve garlic bread in your restaurants no that was just straight up offensive in Chef ramy’s book oh excuse there’s no such thing as garlic bread in Italy so I think it cheapens it and makes it less than it could be oh no the famous chef wasn’t having that that’s the kind of that’s the kind of restaurant you guys go I don’t want any but you’re such a snob the fact that he just called Joe a snob on National Television Honestly made my day when I was watching this live and it’s for sure my guilty pleasure when I need a pigme up anyway finally Joe gave in once he dug into the dish he couldn’t help but compliment it for its unique flavors it’s sweet and uh tomatoes and Beans really work together sausage just self is a wonderful texture pretty wild right two judges just not seeing eye to eye doesn’t happen every day but poor Dorian right anyway could you think of more times when chefs lost it on Master Chef or hell even the judges but we’re only getting started here because what this next contestant did was absolutely vile well I can’t help but mention Mark tell me the dis what are you doing so I’m a Powerhouse guy so I need to start with a good breakfast in the morning so despite his initial confidence which he wore like a badge of honor this Powerhouse of a guy emphasized the significance of breakfast in his Daily Grind With A meticulously laid out plan in mind he envisioned a spread Fit For A King pancakes eggs bacon and all the fixings it was shaping up to be quite the hearty breakfast Affair or so he thought when Ramsay later questioned him about intimidation Mark boldly asserted his Readiness to win standing firm in his belief that victory was the only option I T around here I feel incredibly ready to win this whole thing the whole competition I I didn’t come here to lose he made it a abundantly clear that he hadn’t joined the competition to lose but let’s talk about Ramsey SAS it was undeniably entertaining but sometimes it edges towards the cruel side imagine this at a specific moment during a Master Chef episode broadcasted Nationwide Ramsey called out three contestants because they’re dishes stood out not exactly unheard of but humor me here hello I’m M I don’t know P let’s go I mean poor Mark also mentioned his prowess at winning advantage lost for words I feel like Aladdin on the carpet just floating by my competitors but well it turned out to be an epic clown moment for all three of them T night you three stood out for all the wrong reasons Christina stepped up to have a serious heart-to-heart with Mark expressing her disappointment starting with the undercooked pancakes pancak it has problems it’s undercooked seeing raw apple and raw banana I mean how does someone mess up a pancake when they’ve been touting the importance of breakfast in their day but what really stood out was Kate’s Expressions they were practically shouting out loud Mark’s incompatibilities next up was the hash brown as Christina pointed out it looked more like a piece of meat this was unexpected for Mark to say the least it was way below his potential I mean how can someone mess up every single item on one plate at least this guy had the sense to not argue but admit it so let’s give him that but nonetheless as Christina said it was overall underwhelming and disappointing feel like was the fourth quarter with 2 minutes left and I ran onto the field without my helmet or my jock strap I didn’t expect this turn at all they actually got a chance at Redemption with a new Pantry box and the exact same ingredients and guess what their goal was a much much better version of the dish that landed you in this mess in the first place to see if they could take the judge’s feedback and whip up an entirely new dish or a much better version had landed them in this mess didn’t execute the pancake properly and basically totally boned it I’m going to go back to the 28 sweep and nail that ex anyways Christina wished him luck and moved on however she suspected that Mark wasn’t taking things seriously guys F way to me it looks like Mark doesn’t hair I might one switch up let’s face it his dish didn’t make any sense at all even Ramsey couldn’t ignore the desperation in his cooking and it was pretty obvious why the atmosphere was thick with disappointment leaving everyone discussing where it all went wrong things got even worse when he decided to says something absolutely crazy to Heather Heather just do what I do and ignore them I don’t think that’s the best strategy wait did Mark just tell her to ignore the judges are you kidding me here I thought he actually gracefully accepted Christina’s criticism I mean why are these guys so full of themselves it’s like they are living in their own little bubble completely disconnected from reality it was absolutely necessary to show Mark where he stands is this a joke for you is this just a big show off for your mates no no we take it serious or take your Aon off Ser I couldn’t agree more it’s about time Mark understood the gravity of the competition moving on to the final judgment let’s talk about his food dusted with powdered sugar I’ve got baked egg with heavy cream frankly none of it looked appetizing to me especially the egg and regardless of his explanations for the combination it just didn’t seem to work but what struck me the most was the unwavering confidence in his eyes when Ramsey asked if it’s the best breakfast he could muster with all the time he had that level of assurance only highlights his shortcomings even more yes I successfully completed the 28th sweep I think I scored a touchdown and just when you thoughts it was all over Ramsey delivered the final blow B up put your plate down so are you hungry enough to become America’s Next Master Chef it was a last ditch effort to make him realize the severity of the situation but Mark’s nonchalant response of oh I am starving spoke volumes about his lack of understanding meanwhile let me jump to season 10 the challenge was set the contestants would have to cook for a crowd of former Master Chef contestants and other VIP guests in just an hour dishing out three superb Creations s s and Noah the team captains earned their spots from the previous week’s skill challenge Sarah took charge of the red team the pineapple drinkers while Noah rallied the coconut enjoyers for The Blue Team the judges picked out the menu assigning similar dishes to each team the red team had their sights set on fried chicken drumsticks beer battered Cod and a bacon cheeseburger while The Blue Team aimed to impress with fried chicken thighs coconut crusted Cod and a turkey burger but amidst the chaos Suba seemed to be lost in his own little world with urgency you got to move what are you doing so is that no the the Grill’s not on oh he attempted to grill without the grill being on I’m not going to even expand on that and let you simmer into the sheer absurdity for a bit uh I don’t believe it’s my fault but that’s not a good thing Hey Big Boy adding to the drama Suba decided to wander around snacking in the midst of the challenge guys our first Big Challenge season 10 two amazing teams there’s no easy dish coutura gave him a hell of an earful for getting in her way even ramsy couldn’t resist jumping in with a witty comment of his own dude like dog always in the middle of the road get out of there what are you doing I I am and of course there was more hey go water my plant go water with plant in there middle one and the big palm tree as well do something useful in the end Noah’s team clinched the win although the judges labeled it an ugly win definitely not wrong there surprisingly despite the victory there was no immunity instead the judges demanded a nomination for the upcoming Elimination Challenge and to the surprise of literally nobody Noah nominated subha which still managed to cause a bit of an uproar Suba protested claiming it wasn’t fair but with team members and Ramsey alike pointing out how badly he squandered the challenge it seemed like subha was heading towards some serious repercussions now I don’t get the overwhelming ha he gets subha might not be the traditional Master Chef fit but there was something special about his culinary Journey what’s refreshing about him is his lack of drama or negativity he’s never shown any mean-spiritedness or pettiness instead he exuded positivity and support making him a genuinely nice person to root for in the midst of intense competition still I’m not about to let the way he handled this particular challenge slide while you think about that do you remember this next contestant from season 7 who made a huge mistake during a Team Challenge that left Chef Ramsey extremely Furious it’s crazy how things turned out because Manny Washington might just be one of the nicest contestants to have ever been featured on Master Chef although he was an amateur in terms of cooking many felt that Manny went home too soon one user wrote about his thoughts on season 7 and I couldn’t agree more I mean I think all of these contestants did leave the show way before their time they without any doubt have cooked for their family but cooking for a family and doing so in a competition are very different in a competition the cooks get a certain amount of time to prepare the food which puts a lot of pressure on them now if Manny’s mistake was because of pressure we won’t get to know that but one thing I could say is Chef Ramsey was extremely furious with him but before I tell you exactly what happened let me introduce you to what the Team Challenge was about 15 chefs were divided into two teams and Manny was placed in the red one both teams had to cook for the Air Force veterans and were given an hour to cook and another one to serve now enough of that let’s see exactly where Manny screwed up when the serving began the dishes were flying out from both kitchens and with that an equal number of problems landed on the red team shoulders Christina brought back a plate that had no mushroom bourbon sauce on it how could they forget it Chef Ramsey was annoyed there’s no sauce there’s no mushrooms and that’s what you’re sending do we have any kind of respect what’s going on can I have a proper complete plate yes Che and before you know Christina did a crash landing on them by bringing in more plates what was happening three are raw guys they raw we have raw Stakes look at that Chef Ramsey was Furious but when he learned that the stakes were sliced and served by Manny he got even more irate this was because serving raw food to people who keep us safe is extremely disrespectful Manny being a foreman himself should have known better and view viewers jumped in as well to point out his mistakes one YouTube user wrote that Manny was doomed the second he cut the raw steak and sent it out to be served couldn’t Manny make out that the stakes were raw I mean he sliced it and still made a huge mistake I mean couldn’t Manny just see that the stakes were raw like he was the one who sliced it and still decided to send it out now that’s a really big mistake well it’s sad that he had to leave the show early but did you know that Manny took part in Food Network star most of his fans were so excited to see him again a redditor even shared his excitement upon seeing familiar faces the user wrote and guess what Manny placed in second I’m glad that he finally got the recognition he deserved but what happened during Master Chef was definitely unforgivable what do you think make sure to let me know in the comments below but what this next contestant did to one of the judges will leave you shocked so I’m talking about season 10 episode 1 when one contestant who was unsure of his own skills managed to impress the judges during the auditions most people eat to live We Live to eat his name Kenny his game making a hell of an entrance because this guy decided to bring a dash of fun to the kitchen yep he managed to get the crowd dancing and chanting thanks to his energetic presence wow talk about getting things started with a bang my name is Kenny I’m 46 years old and I’m a carpenter for Kenny Master Chef was the ultimate opportunity to provide for his family and demonstrate his true cooking skills I’ve always wanted to give people the great food that I give my family this is my opportunity to do that when the judges arrived to check in on his progress Joe immediately recognized Kenny’s Bostonian roots and affectionately referred to him as the Italian Stallion a New York strip Bol Lai salt and bua stuff with and we start with the proper pronunciation however all the fun and Fanfare aside during his presentation Kenny forgot a crucial element Kenny you got the cup of cheese over here the cheese oh my God the cheese the cheese Kenny How Could You Kenny was blown away by the energy in the kitchen that he forgot about the cheese however despite this minor setback with 20 seconds remaining on the clock he managed to Plate his dish just in time and boy he was brimming with confidence hopefully my signature dish is good enough I’ve been looking to hang up my hammer for a spatula for a long time and well he had every reason to be happy because just take a look at this New York strip boltini salt Uka on a bed of vegetable risoto if Joe wasn’t already impressed he was super curious to go deeper into Kenny’s love for cooking and Kenny was happy to oblige I’m a guy that has a fa a spoon and a knife painted on the back of my boat that says Viva panare under it I can tell you confidently that he won the judge’s hearts with that statement alone I mean this dude was bursting with passion and the dish he presented had a story to tell it’s called the hey M what’s up because when I go to my mother’s house I open the fridge and I go hey Ma what’s up with these chicken cotlets well it looks like Kenny has his way with people people he had just managed to make the audience Swoon for his energy but would he be able to snag the apron when the judges walked to the table they were immediately in awe the presentation the brazal not student tomato sauce it’s basically a grilled stuffed steak in fact Joe was so moved by the visual appeal of the dish that he couldn’t help but share his admiration for it so this is an interpretation of what would be classic Italian the next thing you know he was digging into Kenny’s dish and his facial expression said it all and it wasn’t just Aaron and Joe Chef Ramsey also remarked about its perfect texture I’m amazed you got that texture from a New York strip although the famous sha thought the risotto could have been a little bit better Kenny’s honesty swept him away it does need homework on that risoto I needed another 2 minutes Kenny just wasn’t the kind of guy to hide his flaws he was here to cook with his heart on his sleeve and this trait wasn’t lost on any of the judges I can taste the passion that’s evident for me is an absolute yes meanwhile Joe warmly welcome Kenny to the master chef competition and he did it with Italian flare thanks to his dedication Kenny walked out to share the news with his family Dawning the apron with a proud smile on his face but here comes a moment for Master Chef Australia which to me was the epitome of wholesomeness so I’m talking about season 12 episode 1 of the spin-off where 24 past contestants were back in the kitchen for another attempt at claiming the title as the contestants arrived they were shocked to find a newcomer to the judges panel oh yeah Chef Ramsey was in Australia looking for a taste of greatness but little did he know that one contestant would end up making his visit one to remember Reynold all eyes are on you my friend bring it up I’m talking about white noise a dish with a ton of intricate elements Jasmine gelato coconut Frozen ganache white chocolate crumble like I’m speechless you guys and I’ve watched this clip over and over again strawberry gum jelly yogurt jel and little white Pebbles with a strawberry conme gel as Reynold described his dish Chef Ramsey couldn’t help but shake his head in disbelief how could anything look so perfect it’s almost like being in a science lab it looked breathtaking the famous chef couldn’t stop singing his Praises for the dish as he went deeper and deeper into dissecting every single inch of it it makes you want to dive into the bowl TR rare we see a dessert looking so beautiful it’s safe to say that Reynold’s White Noise had left Chef Ramsey hungry for more so F solely on this competition honestly the judges were thrown into a dilemma where the hell were they even supposed to start there were so many elements to the dish that the judges were having trouble deciding but Reynold decided to make things easy for them go for the little white Pebbles okay and as he cracked it open the judges were taken aback absolutely gorgeous wow now who saw that coming a burst of red right in the midst of this Immaculate white dish each of of the judges took turns to taste a dish one after the other but none of them were willing to share their feedback as of yet with every second that passed Reynold’s heart was racing with the judges like the taste the texture the overall feel in fact it tastes actually better which is very hard for dessert when so pleasing to the eye jock went all in and quickly described what worked for him best and it was only compliments all the way your Technique throughout all the components is perfection well done mate but wait till you hear what Melissa had to say this is the kind of ephemeral art that we expect from the best pastry chefs in the world meanwhile Andy came in with his own feedback praising Reynold for his impeccable finesse and execution hugely In Contention to get a pin today the only pin so well on that all eyes were pinned on Reynold as he headed back to his station but there was one contestant who felt threatened by Reynold’s Flawless [Music] performance while generally everyone was applauding Reynold’s feet Jess felt devastated [Music] as she looked at her own dish she was washed over by a wave of insecurity like what an act to follow right so honestly who could blame her my dessert hasn’t got that theater of the pink petal that I wanted and yeah she was unfortunate enough to be called up right after Reynold who completely stole the show still Jess bravely stepped up to face the judges but jock was quick to notice that something was a Miss come here that’s all right hey hey it’s fine H don’t we all miss this guy jock you were a gem of a person and Master Chef will never be the same without you rest in peace man you see the fact that jock noticed her crying even before walking up to the front says a lot about the kind of person that he was he always looked out for his contestants like his own family and he proved time and time again that he’d always be there for them it was truly heartwarming to watch Josh Embrace Jeff and comfort her exactly the thing she needed before presenting her day right thanks to his encouragement in a staunch competition for Reynold’s White Noise Jess presented her pink petal and what’s missing the temped chocolate was supposed to look like a flower is that the bit you’re upset about yeah Jess’s dish wasn’t complete at least not to her expectations but Chef Ramsey always speaks his mind always the petals okay that is delicious damn what a turn of events Chef Ramsey’s comments immediately lit up Jess’s face and boy did she deserve it I didn’t travel 12,000 mi from petal let me tell you and no he didn’t stop there nothing to cry over except tears of joy I love it meanwhile jock and Melissa also shared their feedback and just couldn’t believe her ears you set out to achieve nine elements on the plate and they’re on the plate you nailed this I mean what more could you ask for but what happened next was truly heartwarming 21 God bless her yep that’s the spirit of Master Chef for you now keeping up with the The Same Spirit let’s head over to this next episode from episode 20 of season 10 when the top eight contestants were faced with a unique and daunting challenge all right so make sure you stick around because this challenge is about to take an unexpected turn and when I say unexpected I mean it so at the start of the episode the judges went around asking each of the contestants the driving force behind their passion for cooking and one contestants reply managed to tug at their heart strengths I have to do it for me opportunities don’t come often like this as tears weld in her eyes you could see that Dorian meant every single word that she said but let’s not forget that this was the elimination round and the stakes were as high as ever no matter how many tears everyone was crying DNE Oz stepped up to the front to present the Mystery Box challenge and it was nothing like you’ve ever seen before LIF hey the challenge was to create a mind-blowing dish but it had to be a one pan wonder and it had to be in an hour while Bri decided to make a pan seared salmon M took a huge Risk by making a Cracked Pepper crusted fileto in the cast iron pan but as the clock ticked down Aaron and Joe were quick to point out that M was going to be cutting it real close when they asked me what I wouldn’t do SI a filet and a cast iron Pam you’re taking a big risk here Michael you know that and oh I forgot to mention the best part the top dish would be featured on the Family Circle website meanwhile when Aaron and Joe paid a visit to sub station he was busy preparing a classic Indian shrimp d Dash you will see me very calm today today is your day SAA yes good luck and Noah was working on a Chinese frittata a dish that dhany seemed to really enjoy but Chef Ramsey however had more than a few concerns seems a little bit simple especially on night like tonight this is going to be elevated in a way you’ve never had a fata moving on to Sherry she decided to make an Indian chickpea Curry wanting to reconnect with her Indian Ruth however not everything was perfect my biggest worry is just timing when you’re cooking everything in one dish timing is crucial over on the other side of the kitchen Sarah opted to make PH down sweet potatoes with steak but guess what not a single home cook was even halfway done with their dish and this got the judges really nervous It’s tricky to be able to do all this 1 hour one pan are you kidding me it’s like really hard however Ramsey came back with a quick reply come on I could do this in half the time if you can do it then do it don’t say that to speak cuz I’m going to go and do it I mean of course who are we trying to judge here right if the man says so he’d do so but Joe was about to throw a hell of a curveball Gordon thinks he can do a one poot Wonder in 30 minutes yep you heard that right Chef Ramsay’s time had officially begun leaving him with only 30 minutes to do what everyone else was struggling to do in 60 where’s the cooking behind us oh my [Music] God while Joe wanted to see if Chef Ramsey would succeed Aaron was soaking in every detail of watching the chef busy at work curious to see what he was cooking up check this out lemon pepper chicken pot pie so it’ll be a nice short cross on top to their Delight Ramsey revealed that he was making a mouthwatering chicken pot pie the famous chef though was running short on time how is he going to get it reduced and caramelized if he can really get that developed flavor I’d be really impressed as the final 60 seconds approached detention in the kitchen was palpable the contestants were busy plating their dishes with a sense of urgency while Chef Ramsay waited until the very last second before placing his delectable pot pie on the stove 2 head hands in the air and then it was finally time for the tasting and Chef Ramsey walked up to the front with his dish Delicious lemon scented chicken pop pie 30 minutes like he’s such a show off he put leaves on his pie of course the judges couldn’t believe their eyes it was simply unreal Joe couldn’t hide his amazement Ramsey had pulled off a fantastic dish in record time I’m actually a little bit surprised at how you were able to do that it feels like really as cooking for 3 hours good job well of course there’s a reason why the man is at the top of the culinary scene huh challenging the famous chef only to have him completely destroy it is something Joe is not going to forget anytime soon I mean who’d ever dream to see Chef Ramsey as a contestant right anyway it’s now time to turn up the Heats and who better to do it than Gordon Ramsey himself just touch it it’s freezing it’s the second time okay take it from me you guys you’re in for a treat with this one in season 12 episode 17 the remaining six chefs stepped into the world of Wolf Gang Puck’s prestigious restaurant SPO we’re out of the master chef kitchen so we have to be doing something somewhere that’s really upscale Chef Puck set the bar really high demanding nothing but the utmost professionalism and the best dishes from the contestants you’re going to put the reputation of sparo on the line I expect only the best the teams were chosen by the judges with Christian and Willie leading the red team and blue team respectively Christian’s red team consisted of Emily and D while Willy’s blue team included Chena and Michael and what was their mission each team will be cooking two appetizers and two Entre from Spargo world famous restaurants no pressure right to help them along the way Wolf Gang puug demonstrated the preparation of the first appetizer and that was crispy scale Bass with glazed dong Buck Choy grilled mushroom Dashi and the contestants were gawking to see the man himself at work so we got to bring G and there you go the most amazing pan Ros sculps I mean talk about a culinary master class for the main courses the chefs had to make a choice between duck breast with smoked parsnips and maake mushrooms or paner V chop with shelling beans black garlic and veju both dishes sound absolutely Divine but it wasn’t going to be a cakewalk far from it plus Chef Ramsey claimed that none of the dishes would leave the kitchen without his approval Hell’s Kitchen style I love when I have somebody yelling for me so you look like a nice guy right Chef to add to the excitement Wolf Gang Puck himself would be dining in the restaurant tasting your versions of his dishes there was literally zero room to hide if someone wasn’t up to the task it would be glaringly obvious while the red team started off strong with her seab bass things quickly took a turn when Dar served up some ice cold fish just just stop now it’s undercooked it it won’t even separate that’s not what Wolf Gang introduced to any of us and the famous chef was really digging into his Hell Kitchen roots with this next move I’m firing up another SE free fire yeah that definitely had to be a wakeup call for the red team on the other hand the blue team was struggling with getting their scallops cooked to Perfection I’m being pushed to push out scallop and I know they’re not ready I cold who put that on the plate get one more in please let’s go but the blunders didn’t stop there Michael’s incomplete plate of scallops led the team in hot water just touch it freezing like are we sure this isn’t a lost episode of Hell’s Kitchen with time Chef Ramsey’s frustration grew further as he urged The Blue Team to nominate a new captain or get out of the kitchen entirely your voice is not existent your timing is way off and your standards are zero finally Willie got his act together and stepped up to the plate he took charge and reorganized his team before they even thought about sending out the Entre however even with the reorganization The Blue Team encountered another setback when Wolf Gang Puck himself criticized their real dish it’s oh how we doing Chef look at that raw okay yeah that’s got to sting huh despite their efforts to reorganize and pull themselves together as a team the team fell short with a whole lot of undercooked duck sorry shf no just just stop just stop that’s not right as the tensions continued to rise in the blue team sheno was frustrated at Willie and believed that Michael and herself would have been better off by themselves we cannot have the owner of this restaurant wait’s out and get it right in the end it wasn’t really surprising to see Christian’s red team sweep the win as Willie was asked to leave the competition then and there you see all it takes is one wrong call and it could send you home packing while Willie didn’t spare a moment to drive Chef Ramsey up the wall here comes a contestant whose seafood stew left Chef Ramsey in splits aside from being the king of the culinary game if there’s anything Chef Ramsey is known for then it’s for how Savage it can be but trust me I never imagined he’d be capable of something like this there’s two things I like about this dish it’s white and it’s round hilarious I know but at least he said it to her face right so that’s something but the next contestant who walked in had a lot of promise right from her smile to her attitude she was radiating confidence however Joe wasn’t exactly impressed with what she brought to the table while initially he found it confusing he couldn’t help but spit it out behind her back but Hey Joe often exaggerates more than necessary even on a good day but this time it was Chef Ramsey’s turn to steal the show Ramsay first congratulated the contestant for her extraordinary dish and you have to see her reaction congratulations thank you oh yeah she sure as hell looked excited I mean this is what she came for after all but what jef Ramsey said next crushed her on the worst dish in this competition so far yeah even for Chef Ramsey that was really cruel so could you think of more times when the judges were at the top of their game make sure to let me know in the comment section down below who knows I might even feature your suggestions in my upcoming videos you could also leave me a message on my social media pages and as usual don’t forget to drop a like subscribe and turn on my post notifications and hey if you thought this video was insane wait till you see the next one since it’s even crazier


  1. I like how Joe says there's no such thing as garlic bread but his mom made a garlic bread and even has video on YouTube.

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