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In today’s video I will be reacting to more grotesque tiktok food….
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#funny #tiktok #cooking #reaction

all right man so look the 4th of July was a couple days ago you know I’m saying Independence Day if if you will whatever you want to call it man you know what I’m saying maybe y’all had some good barbecue some good grilling going on but today we are revisiting some more Tik Tock cooking and let me be clear none the individuals I’m about to watch are invited to the cookout bro they’re banned permanently indefinitely for Life bro they’re not coming to the cookout you know what I’m saying so sit back relax like subscribe if you new join the family we’re going crazy 2024 takeover is in full effect baby but as I’ve advised in previous videos you know what I’m saying you might want to get some Tums get some you know what I’m saying any type of Pepto bismo for your stomach cuz these videos are absolutely horrible and egregious but let’s get to it bro I’m done talking all right man our first victims we got Josh and Mama y’all may be familiar with them y’all may not be you know what I’m saying y’all y’all going to see if you don’t know now you know Burgers today oh they were so good the last time hold on I start the video started a little wait hold on hold on and what made you want water Burgers today oh that was so good the last time Mama what is this bro what the bro this [ __ ] looking like the inside of a porta potty what why are you boiling Burgers first of all just raw Ass Burgers in a maybe she put me on though maybe it’s some method is is this the method I I don’t know I’ve never you know what I’m saying I’m I’m not familiar with your game it’s just like it might be like the fat from the meat or something let the burgers cook it’s going to be all right got me worried in here for nothing smell that from back here you don’t smell anything I he can’t she no she lowkey SP there’s no way you can smell anything there’s no there’s no seasoning no type of heart and soul in that meal at all bro like I said bro you making hemorrhoids in a in a pot but continue no you don’t these ain’t turning turning out right they didn’t look like they did look just like this last time look at that there’s nothing wrong with these Burgers oh mama about oh oh you barely saved it man hell no bro even if it’s cooked all the way through it’s not going to have it’s not going to have whoops any flavor you did nothing to all you do was toss in some water and say good day like I a even close to being do yuck bro is that sh look like a uh a Brill pad bro why’d you put it back in there I mean they don’t look bad they don’t little soggy so is this water you would pour down the sink or do you pour it outside cuz there’s so much grease in it I don’t know what I’m going to do it it again you seen the um space pictures of Jupiter that’s what that looks like bro and this exactly why you can’t eat everybody house bro cuz that cuz Bro Look at first glance they don’t look like hor like bro if that came in between two buns no didy if that came between two buns you know what I’m saying maybe some ketchup some some mustard some onions some pickles whatever you like on your burger you might not give it a second eye you know what I’m saying you might not you might not you know what I’m saying second guess it but when you buy to that [ __ ] and it tastes like regret hope and not hope it tastes like regret sadness and disappointment then you going to be looking crazy just with the beef bro yep might say that what yeah we can use this for like vegetable soup or something [ __ ] no bro why can’t I yes I can too you’re serious the vegetable soup yes bro like I said bro you need to be banished from every every Kitchen in America not even America every Kitchen on on the globe probably in the in the whole you know what I’m saying in the entire solar system I don’t want you coming anywhere near my cookouts anywhere near my grill um yeah [ __ ] you you’re done I’m scared to look in here it’s just chicken my that’s even scarier what chicken is submerged in that pale ass water what chicken what chicken could possibly be hiding underneath that murky ass water what are you making again chicken are wife oh okay Mama you don’t think I can War you’re just going to you cook the rice with the chicken yes that’s nasty it’s not nasty oh my the same thing as chicken bro bro bro some chickens were really sacrificed for her to just do some [ __ ] like this those pale ass chicken bro hold on let me run it back real quick bro these dog you can’t be serious bro you can’t be serious dog how how are they sitting in water and still somehow manag to look dry H literally how is that physically scientifically possible how are they sitting in water but somehow still look dry it’s not nasty this is the same thing as chicken bro okay and we cook stuff absolutely not absolutely not Abol thing is chicken bro why is it not it’s not a thing it is a thing and I know what I’m doing it’s going to get all that stuff chicken broth this is not chicken broth when you cook the chicken in the water it becomes chicken broth probably strained getting all that nasty stuff stuff out when it gets finished you Ain even going to know what is it looking well the rice is almost done wait stir that up what is that this is what I’m eating that’s what I’m talking about facts facts facts I will take bro I will eat [ __ ] cuz I you know what I’m saying I don’t try to eat eat too you know I’m saying too unhealthy you know what I’m saying but I’ll take anything in that anything in the freezer TOS in the air man over any of this [ __ ] Bro without without a shadow of a doubt bro I’m taking any of them chicken anytizers frozen you know what I’m saying Heist and Sh bro before this rice and chicken right there now you pouring [ __ ] wood chips and [ __ ] on it man you you sad bro wow chicken oh look that chicken falling apart oh yeah it’s tender bro oh my goodness bro Lord have mercy I can do that why are you giving her idea this [ __ ] really how you made it and I would ate it what what did you put in it yeah what else did you add that barbecue sauce some random barbecue sauce and this is the yes look how the dog look yo no that was hold on bro look how the dog turned around and looked at her ass bro hold on that that [ __ ] said bro free free the dog bro free free the pooch from the restraints of the of this household bro absolutely not okay bro bro why is her session with boiling [ __ ] Bro everything we watch of our boiling Burgers boiling uh chicken breasts neither of which are seasoned this the close thing to being season is the the the powder on on these sour cream and onion chips but carry on I just want to try it Josh it’s not a thing why isn’t it not a thing everybody’s been tagging me on Tik Tok for this that don’t mean you got to try it bro if this is what bro if this is what [ __ ] that ass are cooking on Tik Tok bro like this viral trended I’m not T I wouldn’t know y’all got to put me on or something if this is some viral trended high calorie festar meal that’s on Tik Tok bro then then then [ __ ] this [ __ ] is doomed but flavored potato chips oh yeah sour cream and onion um mashed potatoes yeah oh you did you got my potato mash now what now we’re going to make it like regular potatoes oh you need your ass with bro you need your ass with with I [ __ ] Diamond studded belt this works who who check that expression dat before you do it Josh I just bought this milk this [ __ ] can’t get no worse it don’t matter if that milk is is is good or bad bro it it literally can’t get worse like that might enhance the flavor [ __ ] what’s the next ingredient oh bro that that [ __ ] is gave me [ __ ] Goose on watching her stir that [ __ ] it’s actually starting to look like mashed potatoes all right give us a taste test it may look like it hold on it may look like it but Everything Is Not What It Seems ain’t that what Selena Gomez said in that intro and um what n what that W is a Waverly Place everything’s not as it seems was that the words I don’t know I’ll watch that show in a minute but anywh who [Music] T like wet chips D she talking about it tastes like wet chips all you did was put some chips and some water thought you could add some some some old expired ass of milk and that would fix everything no no bro you’re done you’re done [ __ ] cancel cancel her bro not mad at them I’m mad at you now I don’t care if you mad at I’m mad at you you this needs to be erased from the internet bro like she needs to she needs to be stopped and this is Josh have we have we seen him before I don’t know if he show his face I can’t I can’t remember bro all these all these horrible videos just just blend together bro but this fake ass a sheing got the ner to try this [ __ ] and I bet you he going to cap talking about it’s good you can like tell it’s potato chips but maybe not maybe feel like you didn’t know they were potato chips they taste like an oldfashioned mashed potato like something I would eat a Cracker Barrel you still trying to doctor it up I was almost there almost got it bro bro like I said I knew he was going to I knew he was going to get in here capping for his mom bro you know rightfully so you know what I’m saying I’m sure he love his mom I’m sure she’s probably a nice lady but she can’t cook and please stop making these meals um we on to the next one all right bro this the last one we doing from Josh Mama this the last one bro and I see she got more chicken off the rib ooh what you making some stuffed chicken what you stuffing it with cheese mayonnaise and cheese yeah get all that stuff off let’s make you feel better yeah I think you C it too much this [ __ ] got bro this [ __ ] got to be considered animal cruelty bro even though this chicken is is long gone this [ __ ] got to be considered animal cruelty bro the the crimes that she is committing against this chicken got to be documented and that this this has to be enough to throw her in jail bro let’s put little slits in it so you can stuff it I’m going to stuff that I don’t think you get what I’m saying what was the last time you made stuffed chicken man oh Lord average Celtics fans recipe mama bro not not not a lick of seasoning bro she season this [ __ ] with mayonnaise this is going to um or she using this as a binder y tenderize that chicken huh man hell no bro man mayonnaise will it tenderizes chicken there’s vinegar in it so yeah yes Joshua I ain’t never heard that s bro I’m far kind cheese did you go I’m far I’m far from a a a pro Chef [ __ ] n I’m probably far from amateur bro but even I can tell you that you have no idea what you talking about bro and now she going to use the Great Value Walmart slice provolone cheese proone cheese look at that at least you washing her hands shouldn’t be um all that whatever bro mayonnaise and cheese filled chicken what’s the [ __ ] she rub on the she she putting ointment on that [ __ ] bro she giving she giving the chicken a massage now bro what is what is this what is this this lubrication that she put on the outside hold on man no bro put in there for 385 how long are you going to cook it for about 45 minutes later something you’re AC like you just came up with that number off the top of your head well I’m G to start with 45 minutes oh God yuck bro that’s the you see you see all these that’s the dish screaming bro help help [ __ ] that’s a dis screaming bro man please stop volcano what that is the spirit of that chicken trying to leave is it damn bro oh that’s a cheat this is a fail the cheat bro the cheat m go it all came out there’s still some there look there’s still some cheese in there this didn’t turn out right I want to know where all this water came from E bro like I said how is a chicken sitting all all this all these liquids and still looking dry bro we going put that back you hold on but that cheese that’s that’s what happens you you [ __ ] with that Walmart cheese that’s going to happen bro she done made Spider-Man’s web in this [ __ ] this [ __ ] did not melt at all bro she got this Toby McGuire Andrew Garfield Tom Holland [ __ ] coming out her chicken bro we going to put that back inside the chicken y’all eating good today CLP so Mama they’re not eating my chicken thank you thank you for having some sense you I probably shouldn’t have done I probably should have not had wrapped it the whole time mhm you know what I mean probably yeah like left to unwrap yeah that way it could have baked a little bro that [ __ ] looks like an internal organ bro that is of a smoker that [ __ ] looks disgusting more yeah it’s good moist got a lot of flavor mhm no she way too long see he asked her if it had a lot of flavor she had to think about it internalize wait like 10 seconds to answer and then she talk about yeah that’s how you know she was lying hold on run it back turbo hold on he asked her good moist got a lot of flavor mm see she has to wait it took too long to answer we moving on to the next victim bro all right bro now we moving on to my Jane brain y’all familiar with her bro um I’m pretty sure she was one of the first people I started watching while I made these type of videos but uh off the rip I already feel like this is this is a hate crime she’s putting a chicken inside of a watermelon and she’s giving little teaser trailers at the beginning bro [ __ ] what bro this ain’t no movie Let’s Just Launch that right inside take all of these pieces of watermelon right on out of there it’s okay if you leave some juices behind but we want it to be nice and empty just like that wo all right let’s set aside our watermelon and bring in our chicken here let’s start with our mint sprigs I know that’s not your typical seasoning for chicken but just stick with me here and of course of course we are going to shove in some onion really important that it’s a red one it of course needs to be oiled up so let’s do some truff white truffle oil and then we are going to go in with some spices so I’ve got some chicken Salt some mixed herbs half that should just fell off the chickena that’s what’s going to give it this nice color and last but not least some cumin gently get this all mixed up into our chicken the idea here is that we just want to have everything nice and coated that way it’s tin juicy okay I I guess I mean at least she had SE or her [ __ ] so it ain’t going to be unbearable but nobody likes a dry chicken let’s bring back in our watermelon yeah bro couple onions this [ __ ] this [ __ ] got to be racist bro this is a hate crime this a hate crime these into quarters they’re the perfect bite size and our favorites some black olives now we’re not Oh I thought them was grapes boy I was going to get but I promise you I thought those were great just yet we are going to go in with our chicken guy here let’s just launch that right inside rest a perfect fit so it should look like that wow we are just going to go and add some watermelon juices this is going to make the most moist chicken you ever seen and of course you can let those get in there as well this watermelon needs to be stuck to the brim the fresh cucumbers now when they get cooked they’re kind of like zucchini I guess and now we can use the rest of these black olives this is just like a Greek watermelon summer salad all of that minty flavor can seat deep in Greek what I I look bro I’m not Greek um uh I’ve never had a Greek summer salad or whatever it is that she is referred to um I’ve never seen one before but I doubt that anything like this I I’m willing to put every penny I own that looks nothing like this but into the chicken let’s grab our lid and pop that right on top now our chicken and a watermelon is ready for the oven oh my goodness all right let’s get this big mama into the oven we’re going to put this in at 400° for about 5 hours I can’t even believe it got in there damn she trying to Nuke that [ __ ] here it’s been in the oven for what feels like forever let’s get this thing cut open time look at this [ __ ] bro you got this [ __ ] looking like a oversized pickle bro you got this [ __ ] looking like Jaba the Hut you you you disgusting salad be without some feta I am just going to shake in these little cute mini feta cubes and just top it off with some fig glaze let’s just go straight down the middle I think hopefully that chicken is cooked all of those flavors combined boy I know it smell in bro I know it smells inane in this household Bro Look at that I’m just going to grab some of this nice mint leaves pull our chicken right on out of there lay it on top look how they massacred my boy watermelon as well bro they she really wouldn’t bring us to a nice summer party I am bro I promise you if I brought this to any type of event function party get together bro and I brought this [ __ ] I promise you them [ __ ] would jump me before I enter the house the if I come on the porch with this [ __ ] knock on the door and they see what what the [ __ ] I’m holding [ __ ] they bro I’m I’m getting packed the [ __ ] up them [ __ ] are jumping me they they they they keying my car they slashing my tires they’re breaking my windshield um yeah [ __ ] you you you need to be exiled so excited to try this chicken make sure it’s nice and cooked wow got to grab a bite of this cheers bro you are a liar bro she got the ner be talking about like bro and like why do y’all cap about this [ __ ] like bro we know it’s not like Lally everybody watching know is not good so there’s no point of lying you ain’t tricking nobody you’re not deceiving nobody you’re not Hood wicking nobody just just just stop capping let’s start with our chicken leg right into our chocolate powder make sure it’s all nice and now we’re going oh bro not the Nestle powder bro she making some chocolate chicken and you going to wrap it in bacon to wrap that up and let’s add it to our dish now we’re going to add on some mixed herbs right on top of that bacon and I know it seems little backwards or combining the Savory with all this chocolate but this is what the Mexicans do with their traditional chicken mole this is what the Mexican no this what the Mexicans do bro hey Eddie Mexican Edie Mexican view this video uh that stumbles upon upon this video bro can can y’all confirm or deny if if this is is a Mexican if this is what y’all what Mexican people do I I don’t like saying that [ __ ] but the same add a little bit of cumin on there that [ __ ] felt racist add in a couple spoonfuls of tomato paste just go okay here we go back on top we go that’s okay can never have too much tomato paste this is going to add some of that moisture back in Beauty and of course some garlic you can totally crush this up yourself but I really like this creamy paste that they have here it just adds that nice flavor along with some sauce and the last guy right there beautiful this wouldn’t be a good chicken recipe without some red chilies I’m a little nervous for this we’re just like I said bro tiny bit I was waiting for you to spice it first at bro these like I said these had to be hate crimes bro the first video we watched you you you came at the black people now you coming at the Mexicans bro I don’t know who’s next may maybe some Asians I I don’t know but you you’re done bro mhm this is that Mexican flare was this [ __ ] making me thirsty bro just watching this [ __ ] we’re going to have that extra bit of kick promise you this is a real recipe I know it’s a little wacky but we’ve got some grapes or salanas whatever they have in this country we’re just going with it I’m pretty sure these are the same thing but apparently they’re just a little larger than raisins kind of a nice surprise when you’re eating that chicken talking about a nice surprise [ __ ] this is not Christmas she talking about a nice surprise I don’t want to be surprised when I’m eating I know what I want to know exactly what I’m ingesting into my body I don’t want to know some a nice surprise imagine you buy some chicken some raisins or whatever these other you know what I’m saying whatever it is that they’re called start popping out and [ __ ] bro no like I said this is not Christmas bro this is not an anniversary it’s not a it’s not a bar mitx for bro I don’t want to hear about no gifts that many now we’re just going to set this aside while we make the rest of the marinade I’ve got 12 oz of hot water here and this is a nice quick half you don’t have one of those nice bins of chicken stock throw a cube in there we’re going to bring back our beloved Milo and I’m just going to get two heaping tablespoons of this chocolate p powder this is going to make our marinade nice and creamy that dissolves so easily let’s grab our chicken back and we’re just going to go ahead and start pouring our marinade no bro no bro pour in between it’s going to be rich creamy and flavorful absolutely not know how to do it [ __ ] at all perfect amount grab our just going to you can’t be serious paint the town red they said remember we have that garlic and the crushed chilies you got chicken such a spicy combo chicken chicken those are gonna get crispy under there oh yeah nothing oven can’t do there’s something about a good chicken chocolate recipe that I just can’t wait to eat you got chocolate chicken the oven you got Chocolate Chicken you mean Mo uh yeah same thing I have it at 350° for about 45 minutes or until all that chocolate sauce is soaked up the whole house smells like hot chocolate we got to get this out of here I can’t wait one more minute that is sizzling oh my goodness bro like one of the most unique dishes we’ve made let cool one of these hell no look how good that is no bro that smells so good perectly juicy onions wow get this amazing marinade and just really base that on top bro remember how last time I said it’s like some internal organs buto this this dead ass looks like the the liver of a dead [ __ ] like this is this this is insane and you guys never talking about put the marinade on just some [ __ ] chocolate sauce some let’s see how nice and cooked this chicken is cut and you got plastic Cutlery bro it doesn’t get lower than this this PS right off the phone cheers wow yeah wow wow is wow is Right wow is right last two Toasties there we’re going to go in with our pickles where are you going with this one and the last two pickles here don’t do it in with our whipped cream cheese this is going to be so tasty this will actually help hold up our pickles now I’m going in with my salami for the meat lovers you making you making a Savory cake something I’m doing right now and the last slice there I know you won’t like this Flay very much but we’re going for it just enough olives to spread one high now we’re just going to set this aside and take our mix SYM for next bro and what else be pissing me off bro is like they really be explaining this [ __ ] like [ __ ] about to be at home whipping this [ __ ] up nobody bro everybody that’s watching this is trying to clown you nobody nobody watching this is taking your advice I promise cream cheese these containers are so handy it’s the perfect amount for one cream cheese layer go in with one spoonful of chilies and another two spoonfuls of garlic paste just like that we’re going to mix this up now that this is ready we’ll get our cake back in here let’s pour this right on top what an epic layer slowly but surely the goods come out all right this layer is looking good now we’re going to go in I remember bro if you was here if you was if you was here earlier on bro you remember I I want to say it was it it was Jane Jane Jane and friends who made this [ __ ] uh they made like almost the same thing except said of pickles they use hot dogs like bro this this rain is to a baby shower I think wow a baby shower such a good idea I thought mom’s love pickles I did hear that was a common craving and the last pickle here can’t forget about our next layer of salami let go right on top all way around it’s really starting to look like a shakery board I mean I wasn’t going to tell you but that was my inspiration shuer and a cake this cream tree that was your inspiration [ __ ] you should just kept that [ __ ] to yourself bro you should just kept that as a thought bro it should have never manifested into into being an actual creation you were disgusting bro and you need to Bro y your page needs to be eviscerated expeditiously bro this smells so good I don’t know why they don’t have this flavor in the store how good does that look why does green cream cheese kind of [ __ ] from the camera to start doing anything bro I am loving the way that this is turning out I know you guys are going to think this is so cool I have our Jam in here and I’m just going to make cute little design just like this everybody has jam on their shoner board I mean I should really use a proper Piping Bag for this but I’m just using a sandwich bag sometimes you got to work with what you got and top it off with some walnuts in our little gaps here adds a nice little crunch now bro this arts and crafts uh [ __ ] [ __ ] uh kidss school project [ __ ] bro she trying to make this [ __ ] look cute by putting some weak ass design on there bro man get this Bubble Guppies ass recipe out of here bro lay down some sprigs of Dill right on top of there all right it’s been a couple hours it’s totally ready to be eaten by our guests so let’s get this out of here guest oh see bro see it’s one thing if you make this for yourself to try to make other people eat this [ __ ] yeah pop this open can you see all the pickles that’s crazy okay you ready to see this here we go wow that looks crazy bro literally looks like some some [ __ ] a three-year-old will throw together bro literally looks like you just let your yo your toddler run rampant in the kitchen and he make some [ __ ] make some [ __ ] like this talking about here Mom me man [ __ ] no get that [ __ ] out my face [ __ ] for I put your ass up for adoption [ __ ] and I feel like the only appropriate way to to eat this is like so cheers wow bro why is everything just wow bro why is everything just wow we know you don’t like it start by taking out the center of our top sirloin steak and then we’re going to grab it and place it into our hot pan grab our egg and place that right in the center we’re just going to drizzle on some of this veite sauce veite oh brother now let’s bro I never had Vis M I heard that’s like an Australian thing I believe um I heard like I heard a lot of people think it’s nasty like I said I can’t confirm nor deny I’ve never had it but bro what was the point of putting the egg and you a face bro this [ __ ] is so childish bro you just wasting food at this point bro Marin for steak and like you had the ner to put a smiley face on this [ __ ] bro he is not enjoying his time it is fully coated I like to do the front and the sides kind of look like Nutella Nutella on steak that’s a story for another day that would be an interesting one don’t give me any ideas grab a bag of cheel I don’t like you bro I don’t like thing you can find that’s orange cheddar in this country and this is going to make our side dish oh are they in Australia she say only thing that’s orange and cheesy or cheddar or whatever in this country so are they in Australia then it will start to make more actually no it don’t make more sense I take that b is done at the exact same time the cheel are a little dry so let’s give it something to cook in we’re going to add in some oatmeal we’re just going to sprinkle in some of this white cheddar this is going to melt down and give it that nice creamy texture we’re looking for think of it like cheel mashed potatoes except way better as if the steak wasn’t salty enough it could always use a little extra sea salt and we can’t forget to crack on some pepper that’s just going to make sure all the nice flavors come out since we’ picked a really good cut of beef let’s add some hot sauce I like everything spicy this one has some triple in it as well well let’s just drizzle that in this is so flavorful you really don’t need that much but it’s going to add that nice color pretty much going to match the inside of the steak since of course we’re cooking at medium rare I think it’s time to masch this up a little look at that I have no wores bro I’m be honest like I’m deadish just sad tired confused and definitely ready to flip distraught he’s getting nice and steamed up so let’s just put them aside for a second wow perfectly golden brown and look how tender let’s grab our little egg guy back in there he’s getting nice and steamed up so he needs to stay in a little bit longer and of course we can’t leave this side out it just needs a little drizzle of veg Mite and one last time just give that a little sweep around that is going to make everything so nice and juicy and see on this side you can already tell this is we have these fresh chives about the mini ones this time and we’re just going to go ahead and chop those all around and I like to put it in right before I take them out that way they have just a second to get all the flavors in there all right let’s grab a plate we’re going to start with our eggy guy here and now let’s grab our steak wow wow congratulations [ __ ] you made a monster truck wheel you you need your ass look bro backing you go buddy these cheel turned into the perfect mashed potatoes so creamy and delicious bro mashed potatoes wow we’re chefs we’re chefs we’re actually chefs hey hey [ __ ] y’all Che I’m I’m I’m Gordon ramsy I’m uh uh damn I went blank but I’m going Ramsey [ __ ] if you if you if you if you a chef if this is all it takes to be a chef yeah bro I’m five star uh um boy let’s give our egg guy a little crack as well holy Bobby fle I’m Bobby fle look at that egg perfectly poached that way you can just grab your steak and dip it in and that is part of complete breakfast cheers wow shut the [ __ ] up bro if if you she talking about breakfast if you bro if your day starts off like this bro man yo you you done bro you are in for one hell of a ride bro if if you wake up and your breakfast consists of anything like this yeah bro you’re you’re in for a wild one all right bro last but not least we got Janelle and Kate you know what I’m saying they playing music in the background you know I’mma add some more music you know when I’m Ting but for now you know what I’m saying we we we just got watching Silence man okay um okay hold on keep is that some type of oil olive oil avocado o what okay bro okay bro you added hold on you added brown sugar syrup honey and now you’re adding butter you add some type of oil I at least I think that’s what that was bro what garlic [Music] salt bro you can’t you can’t be dead ass bro H and that [ __ ] did absolutely nothing bro so you added all that sweet ass bro so you trying to give a [ __ ] diabetes and high blood pressure at the same damn time you added all ass salt all them other you know what I’m saying Seasons whatnot and then you added syrup you added honey you added but bro you try and clogged arteries clogged arteries diabetes and um um um high blood pressure you know that [ __ ] not good bro you know that [ __ ] not good and like I said it Ain even really do nothing to the corn um I bet it added little to no flavor but you know what I’m saying we move on and prosper bro oh no no off the rip off the rip not only are you about to do whatever bro bro she hadn’t wine to this [ __ ] bro you just took it directly out the pack you don’t rinse it all you don’t clean you don’t do you just straighten to or maybe she is maybe she put in the sinks maybe she is going to wash it off but that’s the least your concerns why are you putting all this [ __ ] in the sink okay okay at Le W seasonings I guess a not the bushes baked beans damn whole industrial bottle of uh sweet baby rays hell no bro was that root beer yeah bro she she that she just bro she she just got a bunch she’s trying to clean out her refrigerator she’s got a bunch of extra [ __ ] that that ain’t you know what I’m saying she trying to she she playing it in here bro there’s no way there’s no way no bro no bro and you want no no we’re done we’re done we’re done we’re done we’re done bro then you going to wash your hands off and um bro hold on uh Josh Josh’s mom whatever your name is bro I might take by everything I said she might not be capping is this who she got that recipe from bro I might take by everything I said about her bro I I know this was like I said a an occurring thing I a know that people mashing chips up no bro we just wasted two entire family siiz bags of La potato chip to make some [ __ ] that nobody’s going to eat to make this papier-mâché ass recipe bro oh bro looks like looks like a [ __ ] with with all with the flu just sneezed all in this [ __ ] this this crockpot bro this this is insan Saye work by you okay bro allergic to seasoning bro like that having a chemical reaction more wood chips bro yeah bro hey I think I figured it out bro I think I figured it out her uh Janelle and Kate my Jane brain and uh Josh’s Mama they all in a group chat together and they all send each other that that’s that’s what it is that’s literally what it is they’re all in the group chat sending each other these nasty ass recipes bro it’s got to be it’s got there’s no other there’s no other logical explanation unless y’all got one drop it down below but that that’s only that makes sense to me bro cuz there’s no way those three different individuals are all think of the same nasty [ __ ] they got to be sharing it amongst each other bro oh my gosh bro this she playing with this [ __ ] like it’s some Barbie dolls bro like you yuck bro yuck yeah and we’re done bro we’re done wrap this [ __ ] up bro cuz my cuz my stomach is it’s starting to it’s sending that warning signal bro it’s sending that warning signal we done bro yeah bro bro we’re done bro um thank y’all for watching thank you’all for rock me um like I said these continue to get worse um and like I said my my final my final hypothesis bro is that they all in a group chat together send these amongst themselves bro there’s no way three different individuals are thinking this gresly bro but like I said with all that being said thank y’all for rock with comment down below you know saying anything want me to watch anything y want me to react to uh we going to keep the heat coming um it’s still summer baby you know I’m saying we got a lot of a lot of heat coming on the way thank you’all for allowing me make these videos for y’all bro I’m truly blessed um all glory to God thank y’all for everything bro but thank y’all for rocking with me I hope this video finds you in good spirits I’m G grimy it’s been real I’m out I love y’all peace a


  1. As I will always say, this man will never fail us, not even the summer heat could be a match for defeating him.

  2. As a Mexican with a Mexican mom who cooks some banger meals, I can confirm that the “food” that Jane was whipping up is definitely not a Mexican meal.

  3. Ngl I'd try that watermelon chicken. It'd probably be weird but worst case scenario it'd taste *wrong*, but not necessarily inedible. I'd take a bite at least

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