🦀👩‍🍳 Chef Tammy Brawley from The Green Kitchen showcases a taste of Virginia with her mouthwatering crab cake recipe! Discover this hearty Chesapeake Bay classic from the Heart of the Home.

#VirginiaSeafood #CrabCakes #BlueCrab #HeartoftheHome #RealVirginia

hi I’m Chef Tammy broley from the green kitchen welcome to Heart of the home today I’m going to show you guys how to make crab cakes now just like 10 different chefs in a room you get 10 different ways to do onions cut onions 10 different ways to cook anything this happens to be my favorite recipe for crab cakes I’m going to show you how to do it we have a bowl here and we’re going to go ahead and add about a pound of lump crab I usually just dump it in um I had already started zesting my lemon so I’m going to finish that up right now so we’ve got fresh zest of lemon in here you know if you have one of these playing graters you’d be surprised how many people use it the wrong way and you actually want to turn the fruit in your hand while you’re zesting and the zest collects in the track so many people turn it the other way and you really don’t want to get any of the white part of the lemon in there because it is bitter so we’ve got all that nice lemon zest in there now what you don’t see in front of you here are any sort of measurements you want to look at your crab and and determine how um how much of the other ingredients do I want to add and you certainly don’t want to add too many because you don’t want these to be poy and you don’t want them to be a very um full of a lot of moisture you want them to actually have little binder in them so we’re going to start with just breaking that up a little bit beautiful crab there I’m going to add a little salt and pepper we’re going to go ahead and crack an egg in there just one egg is usually sufficient for a pound of crab meat going to throw a little panko breadcrumbs in there you know and breadcrumbs are easy to make on your own guys if you have a loaf of stale bread at home you don’t know what to do with it um cut it up and dice it put it in the oven um about 300 or so let it get nice and crispy and then you guys have your own breadcrumbs and then we’re going to just dollop in a couple of dollops of mayonnaise a little bit of Jon mustard mustard is your choice I happen to like Dion I like that little vinegary taste but you can use plain yellow mustard you could use a spicy brown mustard whatever you wish you want probably about a half as much of the mustard as you did the uh mayonnaise you also want a little bit of dry ground mustards I’m going to do about a half a [Music] teaspoon and we want some lemon juice in addition to that lemon zest add that in there don’t think we need quite all that so we’re not going to do it all and then one of my favorite ingredients to come back with on this is Believe It or Not par cheese so it adds to the binder part of it which I think is great don’t quite think we need all of that and then I’m going to set this to the side real quickly here because I just do want to chop some parsley when you see this recipe it’s going to tell you dried parsley it’s perfectly fine to use dried if you’d like I happen to have a prolific amount of parsley in my own garden at home so I’m going to go ahead and just chop up some parsley real quick set aside a few sprigs for um garnish at the end end it really when you use fresh herbs the flavors really pick up well in your recipe so anytime you can use fresh herbs I highly recommend it now if you do use dried herbs um a little rule of thumb would be half as much dried as fresh um but again when you see this recipe you’re not going to see measurements you um cooking is based on all of your senses not just what that recipe says so what you want to just do is eyeball what it looks like throw in a little fresh parsley there all right now we’re going to come back to it and then what I’ve got going on over here guys is I’ve got a burner on here and we have got butter and oil in it actually I don’t think I added the oil um butter and oil together uh the uh oil keeps the butter from burning and of course butter always adds flavor which I love so now we’re going to come back in here we’re going to mix everything together we have the egg we have the panko we have the parmesan cheese salt pepper we’ve got the mayonnaise and the mustard you can eyeball that does that look too too moist um I personally don’t think so and nine times out of 10 when you’re using a nice lump crab you’re not going to have um a lot of shells in that if any at all and you really don’t want to break it up too much you certainly don’t want to puree this while our burner is warming up over there we’re going to come back and start forming these now interestingly enough as I’m forming these I’m noticing that there is a lot of moisture in that I think we need a little bit more breadcrumb so I’m going to come back to my panko a little bit more once again you’re using your instincts guys when you look at this does it look too wet do I need to add a little bit more dry but you don’t want a lot of filler I can hear our fat is warming up quite nicely in our pan so we need to get ready to put these in there how big do you want these well you know Min sizes are great for parties um you know showers baby showers bridal showers dinner portions I would say you probably want about that size there this looks really nice we’re going to go on right into the fat with it let’s get a couple in there try to be consistent in your sizes you know a pound of crab meat with about 2 ounces per maybe three you’re looking at about um eight crab cakes six to eight these take a few minutes they’re going to get brown on the bottom we’re going to flip them over and then we’re going to eat all right so we’ve been watching the crab cakes we’ve got them flipped already once we’re going to go for this last one and all you’re looking for is that brown crusty exterior I think they look beautiful sometimes your crab cakes don’t want to cooperate if I haven’t had enough fat on that side of the pan this one seems to want to give me a little bit of a fit that’s all right we’re going to flip it anyway but we’ve got some some here that are already done so we’re going to go ahead and plate those couple on our platter here and there you have it some nice crab cakes with some Virginia crab I’m Tammy broy with the green kitchen we hope you’ll join us next time on heart of the Home recipes from the heart of the home can be found on the Virginia farm bureau website at vfb / recipes as well as on Chef Tammy Broly’s website at greenit richmond.com

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