This is the best lasagna I have ever made and it’s the perfect portion for two. In this recipe video I will show you how to make homemade from scratch pasta and a flavorful meat sauce. This recipe can be easy and quick if you use store-bought premade ingredients. This recipe is my ultimate best ever lasagana recipe just a small batch portion for those cooking for 1 or 2 people.

This EASY recipe is ideal for:
Singles & Empty Nesters: Cook once, enjoy twice!
Date Night In: Impress your special someone with a romantic Italian dinner. 🇮🇹
Busy Weeknights: Skip the takeout and whip up this satisfying meal in under an hour. ⏰
Search for “lasagna recipe,” “small batch lasagna,” “easy lasagna for two,” or “date night dinner” and you’ll find this video!

Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more delicious recipes made for two!

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 large egg

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 lb lean ground beef
1 shallot
1 celery stick
1 small carrot
3 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp dried basil
2 Tbsp tomato paste
1/3 cup red wine
24 oz tomato puree (plus 1/3 cup water for jar)
1/2 tsp sugar (optional)
salt and pepper to taste

2 Tbsp unsalted butter
2 1/2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
start with 3/4 cup whole milk
salt and pepper to taste

fresh pasta dough for one divided in to 3 sheets
2 cups of meat sauce
bechamel sauce
1 1/2 oz grated Parmigiano Reggiano
4 oz fresh mozzarella
*I used a 13-47 Le Creuset 8″ x 5.5″ x 2 ” oval baking dish*
*bake uncovered at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes*

The best lasagna I’ve ever made!
How to make authentic lasagna from scratch

today I’m going to show you how I make homemade from scratch lasagna for two people this could also be for one with leftovers let me show you how I do it I’m going to start by making the meat sauce here I’m chopping up one stick of celery I’m going to add some carrot this is one small carrot I’m also going to chop up one shallot you could use some white onion just dice here I’m going to slice up three cloves of garlic I’m going to start preheating a pan and I’m going to add some some olive oil maybe like 2 tablespoons here I’m going to add my carrot celery and shallot and I’m going to start to sauté this I’m going to add a pinch of salt just to help the sauté and you’ll want this to become translucent and softened I’m going to add 1 lound of lean ground beef this is an 8515 meat to Fat ratio and I’m just going to break that apart and brown I’m going to add like a teaspoon of salt I’m also going to add some dried basil maybe like a half teaspoon here I’m going to add my cloves of garlic I didn’t add them to the sauté because I didn’t want the garlic to burn so now I’m going to break apart the meat and cook everything here I have 1/3 cup of of red wine I’ll say that’s optional you don’t have to add red wine to this but it does add great flavor to the meat sauce I’m also going to add like a tablespoon and 1 half to 2 tablespoons of tomato paste I actually should have added this and sauteed it with the meat before the wine it is what it is I’m just going to go with it okay so I’m just going to mix that in and continue cooking and Browning the meat I’m going to be adding 24 oz jar of tomato pure I’m just going to pour that in you could use your favorite pasta sauce that works as well so at this point you’ll want to taste it for salt and seasoning and adjust to your preference here I’m going to add a little more salt and I’m also going to add like a half teaspoon of sugar I’ll say that’s optional here I’m going to add some cracked black pepper give that a mix and I’m going to let this simmer over a low heat for about 20 minutes or so I’m going to cover with a lid and just turn the heat down and let it simmer for my lasagna I’m using a bashal sauce so I’m I’m going to start with 2 tbsp of unsalted butter and I’m going to add 2 and 1/2 tbsp of allpurpose flour this is going to be the Rue and the base of this bamel and it’s very easy so after I add the flour I’m going to mix and let this cook and combine over a medium low heat for about a minute and a half so now I’m going to add 3/4 of a cup of whole milk if I need more I can add a little bit more later and I’m just going to give this a really good mix and you’ll let it gently simmer until it thickens here I’m going to add a pinch of salt I’m also going to add a dash of white pepper sometimes I add a little pinch of nutmeg it’s up to you I’m just going to give that a mix and see how it has thickened once It Coats the back of the spoon it’s done so I’m going to shut off the heat and this is what I like to use in place of what some people might add ricotta cheese also a bashel is easier to adjust to a small portion of lasagna and like I always say you’ll want to taste it for salt and seasoning and adjust to your preference so I’m going to show you how to make fresh pasta for one which is the perfect amount for this recipe so homemade pasta I’m going with some all-purpose flour you could use a higher quality flour and I’m going with a 1/2 Cup this is about 75 G of all-purpose flour in the middle I’m going to create a well this is where you’re going to put your egg okay going in with one large egg and I actually let it come to room temperature I don’t know if that makes a difference but you know it’s a room temperature Egg that I’m working with and I’m going to crack it right into the center and what I’m going to do is just take a fork and I’m going to break the yolk and just sort of beat and scramble it right in the center you want to make sure you keep it like in a bowl of flour you don’t want it to spill over the wall of flow that you’ve created in this well know this is what you want to do you just mix and mix and it’s sort of going to create a paste you gather a little bit of flour and you don’t want to break the wall or the well that you’ve created you want to keep it right in the center and then when it becomes thick enough you can sort of start mixing in the rest of the flower on the sides but just keep it in the center and you’ll notice as I’m mixing it it kind of gets thicker and thicker so it’s a lot easier to handle because if I let it spill all over my surface it kind of gets hard to keep it together so just sort of start cutting in the flour into this past likee mixture in the center and the more that you mix the flour the thicker it gets and then you’ll be able to work with it with your hands and that’s it literally half a cup of flour one large egg and you’ve got homemade pasta it’s so easy and I’ve had comments in the past that they want to see me cook for one or two people so here we go making pasta for one for those of you that just moved out those of you that are empty nesters this is a great ratio to follow if you’re making homemade pasta half a cup of all-purpose flour and one large egg and if you want to make this for two people double this recipe but today I’m showing you how easy it is to make pasta for one from scratch at home okay so I’m going to stop talking and I’m just going to let you see how this comes together I didn’t really cut away but I did speed things up for those of you that just already know how to make pasta you can kind of skip through the video but this is for my people that are beginner cooks and sort of want to see the process so here we go so here I’m going to take just a little pinch of all-purpose flour and work that into the dough and at this point you’ll want to knead and work in all of that flour until your dough is smooth on the surface like this this is as good as it’s going to get for me so now you want it to rest so my pasta has rested and the best part about this and some of you might not like this a lot of you do love your kitchen gadgets and just want to press out and roll out the pasta with the machine not I I love working with my hands so dust your work surface with some flower and press it out and we’re going to use a rolling pen and I’m just going to roll this out into a thin sheet of pasta by the way for those of you that like recipes that are for one or two people in the comment section below put some of the recipes you want to see me recreate in smaller portions it kind of gives me an idea of what can be helpful for those that cook for one or two people okay so I’ve rolled this out into a thin sheet of pasta and the surface area of this sheet of pasta dough is enough for my lasagna re recipe so here I have a small round or oval baking dish that’s the size on the back and I’m just sort of going to press this into the pasta dough and I’ll just cut these oval-shaped pasta sheets and I actually should have like shaped it on the other side to make room because I’m going to do three oval sheets of pasta and I will have excess pasta you definitely can boil that or save that you kind of dry it out and store it for a lat use I am just going to use it today for the lasagna okay so I cut that out and that’s the first sheet I’m going to do two more okay so the baking dish is here I’m going to add some of my meat sauce and place the first sheet of lasagna on top of that little meat sauce and now let’s start building this here I’m going to add some more meat sauce by the way my husband and son sort of ate some of the meat sauce so for those of you making this at home you can use it for this lasagna for two and save the rest for later so now a spoonful of the bamel and some Parmesan cheese I’m going to grate that on top and that’s how I’m building the layers here I have another sheet of pasta going down the meat sauce and you’ll spread that out and some of the bamel on top it should be enough for three layers some of the parmesan and then again this is the last layer sheet of pasta you go with with the meat sauce the Basham parmesan cheese and then I’m going to top it with fresh mozzarella cheese the key to the no boiling of the fresh pasta is to make sure there’s enough uh moisture or water content or liquid to cook the pasta as it bakes you definitely can pre-boil your fresh pasta boil it in salted boiling water for about 2 to 3 minutes shock it in an ice bath remove it from the ice bath and let it hang out until you’re ready to use I do the no bake version and it works well but it really is up to you so going on with the mozzarella this is about 4 oz of fresh mozzarella going on top and I’m just sort of going to break it apart and puzzle it together on top to cover the surface area I’m baking this in a preheated oven at 375° F for about 25 minutes or until it looks like this just bubbly ooey gooey deliciousness it smells amazing looks amazing and it’s perfect for two or for one with leftovers by the way I love a good leftover lasagna so I’m going to let this set for about 15 to 20 minutes and then it’s time to cut the First Slice so I’m ready to dig in and the pasta cooked perfectly you can serve this with your favorite crusty garlic bread and a side salad it’s a great meal so I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching


  1. That roux needs to cook a bit longer before adding liquid. Or not, but I hate the taste of raw flour

  2. I appreciate the smaller portioned meals. It's shameful as to how much food I end up throwing away. Great recipe and I can't wait to try my hand at making pasta. Thank you.

  3. I think I'll go to an Italian restaurant, if I did that I wouldn't wanna eat , I would be too aggravated When do you eat this a week later.

  4. You are BRILLIANT! What a difference you make with your recipes for 1 – 2.
    I might add that you are one of the only YouTube creators that I find tolerable to watch cook. I had a restaurant for 40 years and it was very successful in our small town. We left a legacy of 3 other restaurants with the same recipes and menu we started with in 1967.
    Good luck in whatever your goal in your endeavors are. You’re definitely one of a kind.

  5. Making your own pasta is the bomb for me, I’ve never made or understood how to, now I’m gonna give it a go. Oh yeah, the rest of the recipe is brilliant as well!

  6. We’re empty nesters and it’s very difficult to find recipes that are developed for 2…I don’t like recipes that ask for a half can of something, etc.

  7. Can you make pozole for one person? I LOVE Pozole but, I am the only person in my house who will eat it. And unless I share with my coworkers, it goes to waste.

  8. Could you make homemade Ravioli for 4?
    Really 2 but leftovers for lunch the next day?
    4 large servings.
    I really would love to make my own Ravioli from scratch. ❤

  9. I tried this recipe for dinner tonight. I did the half hamburger and half sausage and it came out soooo delicious!! Thank you!! ❤

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