I've been vegetarian since I was a kid, and I always said I'll give up dairy the day vegan ice cream is 90% as good as the real thing. That day is sadly not today.

It might do the trick if you haven't had full dairy chocolate ice cream in a decade on account of a special diet or allergy, but otherwise, I don't recommend. The base just isn't good. It's chalky. It almost tastes like protein powder, I think from the lack of milk fat in it. Best enjoyed with toppings methinks.

I've tried probably ten or so different vegan "nondairy frozen desserts" out of curiosity, and imo the fruity flavors tend to be better. Maybe it's best that vegan ice cream companies embrace flavors that already work dairy free, because poor imitations like this are kind of a bad look. If I was a closed-minded carnivore and this was the first vegan ice cream I tried, I probably wouldn't try again. And that's a shame for our mutual cause! Anyway, next time I want something dairy free it's back to ol' reliable (talenti sorbet).

by pieterbruegelfan


  1. FizicalPresence

    I love almost all of Oatly’s vegan ice creams. Guilt free, better for your body, better for the environment.

  2. FarAcanthocephala708

    I prefer coconut or cashew milk based. I like Nada Moo a LOT, but it’s getting harder to find by me. Their chocolate is nice and rich.

  3. temporary_08

    Unfortunately, suger free and dairy free ice creams have a long way to go my friend is diabetic and he tried like every suger free ice cream out there (not every but a lot) he said non of them come close to regular ice cream.

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