It came out like this

by Comaparadigm


  1. PuzzleheadedPlane648

    Oh boy.
    Depends on the restaurant. Just because they have steak in the menu doesn’t mean they know how to cook it.
    If this is a steakhouse, it should be burned to the ground. 😂😂

  2. WastedNinja24

    The “best” part is, if you send it back you’re likely to end up with a super rare steak in its place.

  3. maybeinoregon

    Yea, we went to our favorite place a couple of weeks ago. And the food was prepared just fine – they actually told us their meat serving temps – but the quality of the filet wasn’t as good as we use at home.

    We were expecting it to knock our socks off. But we had a good wine, and we didn’t have to clean up! lol

    It’s kind of a bummer when you reach the point of better at home haha.

  4. Stanky_Toes44

    I will rarely order a steak at a restaurant unless it’s high quality dining. Even then, still pretty rare, they never get the cook right.

    Recently we ate at a nice restaurant for our anniversary. I hesitated ordering a steak because I don’t trust that they will cook it right. It was a nice place so I decided to give it a try. The waitress and I had a laugh and she thanked me for trusting them with getting it right. I ordered medium rare and it came out medium almost medium well. Luckily they apologized and gave me a discount. The steak was still good but it reaffirmed, restaurants will almost never get it right

  5. That photo makes me want to cry, even more so knowing that was a filet. Poor cow. Poor *you!*

  6. AWildLampAppears

    Most important questions are, did you leave a tip at the end? And, did you tell them your steak was over-cooked?

  7. sarasleftovary

    Send it back. It will probably come raw. Get a container and take it home and cooks it properly. Don’t go back.

  8. Zerosdeath

    I have seen the movie Waiting. I am not sending anything back!

  9. DJBrnTrn001

    This is why I can’t ever order a steak at a restaurant. I can just do better at home

  10. uncertainusurper

    Go into the kitchen and shove it up the grill guys ass.

  11. EthosMaster

    They did you raw. No lubes either. How sore are you?

  12. globehopper2

    Terrible. Leave them a bad review on google

  13. Renbanney

    And that’s why I never order steak in a restaurant

  14. 43848987815

    I’d scale three tables, roll under a fourth, smash a carafe of sangria on a gazebo strut and swan into the kitchen, calmlyly requesting a re-fire because it’s shocking

  15. deadinsidebrownsfan

    I at a place in my life where I won’t be quiet about that anymore, especially with steak prices at restaurants these days. If it’s a bit under from what I like it’s whatever. I’ll just eat it but if it’s overcooked especially that badly I’m sending that shit back. Or I just tell them to take it off my bill. I’m not eating overcooked steak🤮🤢🤮

  16. Dangerous-Lettuce498

    I got told by people this sub yesterday that a steak that looked a little under this one was medium rare. Lots of morons on this sub

  17. unpopular-dave

    I wouldn’t even bother eating it. Id just ask them to take it off my bill and eat somewhere else after the meal

  18. FuzzyPay3650

    I only ever order steak out at a proper steak restaurant to avoid disappointment…

  19. JohannesLorenz1954

    That’s medium, wife and I ate at Jeff Ruby’s recently. Steaks arrived incorrectly done and the sides average at best. I just ate my dinner and moved on, which appears, you did as well.

  20. -_-_____-----___

    What a rapid-thawed-from-frozen disgusting piece of meat.

  21. Calledthewolf

    That’s a true medium well. They should have fired another steak for you or discounted your bill or offered a consolation of sorts.

  22. ThadTheImpalzord

    Over cooking a filet is wild, easiest steak to grill imo

  23. Treyred23

    Is it outrageous to order medium and ask for the chef to error on the rare side ?

  24. Mammoth_Stallion_938

    Ok bro, next time, go get yourself a couple of nice thick ones. Fresh veggies, couple of Idaho potatoes. Leave the bad boys on the counter and hour minimum after having salted them just on one side. Don’t add the steak spice before searing as it has pepper and papper burns. So while it’s on the counter, pour yourself a good bourbon or whatever your poison is. Start your oven, 350, put them taters in foil and in the oven they go. . oh? You were thirsty and you crushed that drink? By God son, have another. Now, after an hour or so, take a pan out and heat sum butter in it. When it’s melted and BEFORE it goes brown, sear those steaks, 1 to 2 min should crust them bad boys real good. Then I can add your steak spice. Put the pan in the oven for about 10. As it cooks, do your veggies, make ur salad, pop the wine bottle, pour it but let it breathe for a few. Take your steaks, potatoes out . VOILA! Dinner is served son! No fucken waiting after service and a perfectly cooked steak at half the price. Bon appetit!

  25. SweatyIngenuity652

    I almost never send food back unless it’s an overcooked steak. It’s an unforgiveable sin.

  26. Remote_War_313

    and you’re still expected to tip 20%+ 🤣

  27. That is what you get for going to the cremation society restaurant

  28. Capt_Mogan_Freeman

    My rule tends to be this. If you’re surrounded by ocean. Order seafood. Lakes? Order trout or walleye. Big rivers? Trout or salmon.. surrounded by cattle farms or slaughterhouses? Pork and beef.

  29. phirestorm

    That is on the high end of medium well. Close but the exact opposite.

  30. RongGearRob

    I think this is where the saying originated…’There’s a place in hell….’

  31. This is why I never go out to eat on weekends or holidays.

  32. JCuss0519

    You ate more of it than I would have. I would absolutely send that back.

  33. im_scytale

    I’ve given up on steaks at restaurants. I got a beautiful tomahawk this weekend for $55 dollars, smoked it, seared it, knawed on the bone like an animal. Fed 3 people and I had leftovers the next night. Go to your local butcher people!!!

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