How to recreate the iconic Ikea meatballs dish at home. Save yourself a trip to the store and enjoy the delicious flavours of Swedish meatballs in the comfort of your own kitchen. Perfect for a cozy night in or impressing guests with a taste of Scandinavia. Watch now and elevate your cooking game with this homemade Ikea meatball recipe!


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➖ Recipe ➖

Meatballs – 

2 Tbsp (40ml) – Olive Oil 
500g (1.1lb) – Beef Mince 80/20
250g (1.1lb) – Pork Mince 
1 – Brown (Yellow) Onion, Finely Diced or Grated 
4 – Garlic Cloves, Grated
2 Tbsp – Panko Breadcrumbs 
1 – Whole Egg
3 Tbsp (60ml) – Full Fat Milk 
1/4 tsp (0.1g) – Nutmeg, Grated 
1/4 tsp (0.1g) – Ground All Spice (Pimento)
Salt & Pepper 

Creamy Sauce – 

4 Tbsp (56g) – Unsalted Butter, Cubed 
4 Tbsp – Plain (All Purpose) Flour 
1 2/3 Cup (430ml) – Beef Stock 
2/3 Cup (180ml) – Thickened Cream 
2 1/2 tsp (15ml) – Soy Sauce 
2 tsp (10ml) – Worcestershire Sauce
1 1/2 tsp (15g) – Dijon Mustard 
Salt & Pepper 

Method – 

1. Add 2 tsp (10ml) of olive oil and the diced or grated onion to a pan over medium-high heat. Sauté for 5-6 minutes or until transparent and golden. Remove and let cool slightly. Put the pan to one side. 

2. add all of the meatball ingredients except the remaining oil and mix well to combine. Season well with salt and pepper. I recommend weighing the mixture and dividing it by how many meatballs you’d like. The meatballs are smaller than regular Italian meatballs, so you will yield more. Try aiming for 22-24 mini meatballs. 

3. Heat a pan over medium-high heat. Add half of the remaining olive oil and sear the meatballs for 6-7 minutes until browned. Do this in batches to avoid the meatballs stewing instead of searing. Remove and set aside. 

4. In the same pan, back over medium heat, add the butter and allow it to melt. Add plain flour, whisk to combine, and cook for 1 minute. This will create a roux. Add the beef stock and continue whisking until incorporated and the roux thickens. Season to taste. 

5. Increase the heat to medium-high. Add the cream, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and Dijon mustard. Mix to combine and bring to a simmer. Once simmering, reduce the heat to low, add the meatballs and any resting juices, and simmer for 4-5 minutes or until thick. Taste and adjust seasoning. 

6. Serve the Swedish meatballs with mash, rice, or pasta, or leave them plain and simple. Garnish with flat-leaf parsley and a spoon of lingonberry or cranberry sauce. Dig in.

Video Uploaded By
Jack Ovens

#meatballs #swedish #meatballrecipe

now I haven’t been to Sweden but I have been to Ikea let’s make Swedish meatballs and we can’t forget the lingan berry Jam as per usual we’ll start off with a brown or yellow onion slice off the tip slice it in half peel it and then we’re going to dice this into small pieces try and get this as small as possible and trim off any excess flesh from around the root to avoid any waste along with that great four cloves of garlic along a microplane to create a paste you can also roughly chop it as well if you do do that just make sure it’s nice and fine let’s then heat a pan over medium high add about 1 tbsp of olive oil and add in that finely diced onion along with a little pinch of salt as well as some cracked black pepper give it all a really good mix through and sauté the onions for about 5 to 6 minutes until they become translucent and nice golden color and you should have something that looks like this then we can remove it from the pan and allow it to cool down for about 5 minutes or so in the meantime add 500 G of beef mint and 250 g of pork mint into a bowl that is also 8020 beef mins by the way add in the garlic 2 tablespoons of panco breadcrumbs 3 tbspoon of full fat milk 1/4 of a teaspoon of ground oil spice also known as pimento crack in one whole egg then we’re going to gr about 1/4 of a teaspoon of fresh nutmeg as well you can use preg ground if it’s all you have ADD in the diced and cooked onions that we’ve cooled down a little bit along with a nice big pinch of salt as well as cracked black pepper 20 cracks worth then get in there with your Clean Hands mix up all of that meat should have this nice big clump of meat and the more you work it the harder it is going to get and that is exactly what we want we don’t want this to be loose just because it will fall apart when you cook it now once you have that done I recommend weighing the whole amount and then divide it by how many meatballs you want you should get about 16 to 20 meatballs out of this and that depends on the size if my camera decides to finally Focus I might be able to show you the size that I’m using and I actually ended up getting about 16 meatballs out of this you will also get more if you make them a lot smaller I know that traditional Swedish meatballs are quite small but try and pack these as much as you can that way they will hold together when you cook them and don’t do I did and think that the tray is full and then decide to use another tray and only get four more just waste of dishes don’t be like me if you’ve learned anything from this video now that we’ve got that all done in the same pan that we cooked the onions in over medium high heat added another 1 tbsp of olive oil then add in the meatballs I recommend doing this in Bates if you don’t have a large pan and a powerful stove top because you will just end up stewing the meat and you won’t get that nice Golden Crust going to sear these for about 5 to 6 minutes just turning them over Browning them on all sides and once that’s done remove them and just place them onto a tray to rest don’t need to cover them and repeat with any remaining batches reduce the heat of the pan to medium add in 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter that’s been cubed and give it a whisk around to allow it to melt and once it is melted we’re going to add in four tablespoons of plain allpurpose flour what this is going to create is our R we’re going to mix this through and cook this for about a minute to a minute and a half to cook out that flour taste this is going to thicken up and this is a natural thickening agent that restaurants do use to thicken sauces and we’re also making a brown R which means taking it to a really dark color without burning it increase the heat of the pan to medium high and add in 1 and 2/3 of a cup of beef stock mix this all through really well and that thickening agent or the rot is going to thicken that beef stock it’s also going to deglaze the pan as well ripping up any flavors that may be stuck and we’re going to cook this for about 2 to 2 and 1/2 minutes until it has a nice thick consistency let’s then add in 2/3 of a cup of thickened cream also known as whipping cream two and a half teaspoons of soy sauce two teaspoons of wierer sauce and one and a half teaspoons of dejon mustard to create that really nice depth of flavor give it all a really good mix through you’ll notice that traditional Swedish meatball color starting to form it is then a good idea to just taste and double check the seasoning adjusting if necessary with salt and cracked black pepper I did end up adding a little bit more of both add the meatballs back in along with any resting juices turn them around a couple of times just so they can pick up the flavor of the sauce as well as the meat BS releasing their flavor into the sauce we’re going to cook this for about 3 to 4 minutes allow that sauce to thicken this is also going to allow the meatballs to finish off cooking because that initial sear wouldn’t have cooked them the whole way and after 3 to 4 minutes the meatballs are cooked through the sauce is delicious we can hit it up with a little bit of flat leaf parsley which is completely optional it’s just roughly chopped then remove it from the stove top now the amount of serves you’re going to get out of this depends on how big you made your bowls and of course how hungry you are this recipe will easily serve three people four if you’re pushing it maybe but it does serve three comfortably and once you have them in make sure you top it with that delicious creamy gravy there is so much flavor going on in there and it’s a good idea to drown them a little bit if you wanted to hit it up with a little bit more flat leaf parsley and of course some cracked black pepper and what we’ve just created is these Swedish meatballs they’re delicious they smell fantastic and they look brilliant too with everything done there is one thing left to do and that is of course we can then dig in there is quite a few flavors going on in here but it balances out really well the creaminess of the sauce you know I love cream sauces just goes perfectly with this and then the flavor in the meatballs has also put itself into that sauce just to increase its flavor even more meatballs are really soft not falling apart they have held their shape and they have that nice little sear on the outside this is actually a really delicious dish and you can serve it with whatever you want Mash pasta rice or just leave it plain and simple like this


  1. I have made a party food that was meatballs in a sour cream and onion soup mix and I made the meatballs smaller because I was using fancy toothpicks to eat them with and I actually baked them in the oven to cook the meat. It was a lot easier. That sounds like a good recipe that you made.

  2. Το πραγματικό σουηδικό φαγητό είναι υπέροχο, το IKEA έχει κακή γεύση, είναι παρωδία….. 🥳🥳🥳🤠🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

  3. Easy to make. Very similar to Danish meatballs (Frikadeller) and very tasty. I grate the onion instead of dicing and oven bake the meatballs (easier cleanup.)

  4. Might be just my experience but:

    -No need for panko (expensive) when regular cheap breadcrumbs do the same job
    -I'm recommending making smaller meatballs and finishing them in the pan (i.e. not finishing them in the sauce). My preferred way of cooking, serving and receiving meatballs is having them maintaining their sear/crust and just adding some sauce on the side of my plate.
    -My mother used to let the breadcrumbs soak with the milk/cream prior to mixing in the onion or ground beef. I don't know if this actually changes the end product but I just thought I should mention it.

    Great episode and despite me nitpicking I love your dish and the channel!

  5. No whispers of the number of cracks worth of black pepper? Is this a true Jack Ovens recipe? 😉😜

  6. Meatballs is one of those classic recipes where everyone follows a sort of standard procedure then ends up with their own unique version 🙂 always love more ideas for next time

  7. Hi Jack – is there a microplane you recommend? Stores like House don’t seem to have a good one.

  8. That's what I love about your recipes, i can use that delicious creamy sauce with a lot of things… Thank you so much Chef Jack 💕💕💕💕

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