Am I crazy, or does this chuck look awesome for $5 a pound?

by JohnBrownMilitia


  1. Bearspoole

    Just sousvide one like that yesterday! Fantastic!

  2. ItsTheMayer

    You might be crazy but yes that’s insane marbling. I was concerned the right side was mold and this was a shitpost but it’s just light.

  3. chrisfathead1

    It’s looks like a pretty standard chuck to me. Nothing wrong with that though, and $5/lb with today’s prices is a good deal

  4. ContributionHour8644

    That’s perfect for making my pulled beef, enjoy

  5. Chuck? That steak’s a Chuck NORRIS, Friendo. Enjoy.

  6. Chrisdkn619

    Low and slow. Cut they would sell as “boneless short ribs”

  7. Optionsmfd

    CR is pushing 10$# for certified angus choice now ….. insanity

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