Reverse seared picanha roast

by n0t_4_thr0w4w4y


  1. No-Elevator6072

    It looks like “a magret de canard” hmmm .

  2. CanYouPointMeToTacos

    You got a great sear on the fat cap but I’d like to see it rendered down a bit more. Maybe leave it fat side down in the pan on med heat for a couple mins in addition to whatever else you did. Looks great otherwise!

  3. itzabigrsekret

    Looks great. Centerpiece for a dinner party. Good job.

  4. Key_Wolverine2831

    That looks amazing! What temperature in the oven and for how long? Also, did you go fat cap up or down in the oven?

  5. Chitown_mountain_boy

    Looks great! I just cooked one on the grill on Sunday.

  6. Anon033092

    I could use this in and around my mouth right now

  7. Dickenscider03

    Try to render the fat next time. Not sure if it’s an option for you but I slice my Picanha into steaks and slap it on my rotisserie over charcoal. With some chimichurri and it will be one of your favorite things to eat

  8. Why the hell does the first picture make it look like a loaf of bread??

  9. cornbeeflt

    Fat isn’t rendered.and it looks seasoned with spiced air.

  10. This-Requirement6918

    Don’t remember subbing to r/roast but go off baby gurl.

  11. forrester827

    You could trim a bit of the fat prior to cooking then give it some time fat side down to render through real nice. Lower the heat if you need to. I’ve grilled dozens and dozens of picanhas, they’re my absolute favorite. Only done them whole a few times so I definitely commend the effort! I want to try smoking a whole one next.

  12. Mammoth_Stallion_938

    I’m in….no plate needed, just a good knife, a fork and an ice cold beer. Thanks for your post, roast post…lovely

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