Anyone else like to twist their pies in the pan, or is it just me?

by thefloralapron


  1. thefloralapron

    Just something I did a couple years ago with a new recipe when I wasn’t sure if the bottom baked up nicely, and now it’s become a habit.

    I call it the twist test: Once the pie has cooled, I gently try to twist the pie around in the pan by the edges. If it twists easily, I know the bottom crust has baked fully/gotten crispy, so the first slice will lift out beautifully with little extra effort. If the pie doesn’t twist, then I can mentally prepare for a really ugly first slice lol

  2. yourgirlangela

    I’ve never done that before! I would be too scared it would fall apart 😭

  3. pennywitch

    No because mine never turn out that well 😂😂 That is a beautiful and very well constructed pie

  4. De-panning pies used to be a normal thing to do with pies. Most modern pie crusts are too delicate or the filling is too wet.

    Nice looking pie!

  5. franticporcupine

    Oh wow this looks so good! Bet it smells even better!

  6. Pielosophy

    I do a lot of 5″ pies and will literally turn them out upside down onto my (gloved) palm to check the bottom because it’s so satisfying!

    That and seeing a golden pie bottom makes me proud of myself every single time lol

  7. Bright_Eyes8197

    My mother was a huge pie baker and I never saw her do that. Sometime she would take a thin spatula and slide it underneath to make sure there was no sticking but rotating it? No.

  8. Freeonlinehugs

    I might actually be in love with that pie, omg

  9. tiltedtofy

    The lighting! the golden crust! I love the aesthetic in this video!!! So soothing.

  10. Well! That’s one way to check it all got cooked!

  11. missdead_lee138

    I do this too !!! Never knew anyone else did. 😆
    Gorgeous pie . ❤️ 🥧

  12. ExaminationFancy

    Ahhhhh! This is a great test for crust releasing! Thank you!

  13. SmileParticular9396

    Do you have a YouTube channel lol. Great looking piece and nice camera work too.

  14. PanhandlersPets

    Well now you are just showing off. That pie is beautiful and I would show it off too.

  15. mango_444

    This is a serious crusty flex. I’ll need a sample, you know, to make sure it’s not poisonous…

  16. Burnt_and_Blistered

    Well, now this will be something I do! It never occurred to me before, but it is a good gauge of a good crust

  17. ACatNamedCitrus

    That is a beautiful pie! What kind of pie is it?

  18. half-terrorist

    You could start a pie ESMR channel with this content

  19. daisyzeldafitzgerald

    I haven’t (yet), but that’s so satisfying to watch! Beautiful pie. 🥧

  20. Erin Jeanne McDowell does this, she calls it the sturdy pie challenge

  21. ButYouLookStraight

    I have a fancy, fluted pan. But now I kinda want a smooth one.

  22. Apprehensive-Guest55

    I haven’t tried that before! I don’t know if it will turn out as good as yours!

  23. cancat918

    Yes, I do because it’s a clear sign that the crust isn’t soggy and also indicates that the pie is fully baked and completely cooled.

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