Baked a cake tonight for the kids. They wanted nerds so I made a quick Instacart buy. Didn’t have the same color but I have struggled with making the buttercream and finally found the perfect recipe for myself. This is my 4th cake baked. I’m so proud of myself 🥰🥰

by Sure_Bee8425


  1. punkolina

    I wish the nerds/icing colors matched. But overall, it’s a nice cake. Hope your kids appreciated all of your hard work! Btw, what were the flavor(s)?

  2. I would for sure eat that. But maybe that doesn’t say much…

  3. It looks so good! I’m sorry about the nerds not matching but I would be thrilled to get this cake!

    Nice job and thanks for sharing! 💜💜💜

  4. Pepperjack_2000

    The colors are beautiful and I’m really impressed with such a smooth gradient! But since you asked for opinions, the only thing that I would change is that the swirls are too top heavy compared for the rest of the cake. Maybe either pipe less buttercream or use a smaller tip? But great job overall, your kids are so lucky!

  5. I think it looks great! Beautiful, neat piping. It reminds me a little bit of the food from the movie Hook haha

  6. SearchAggressive6926

    *shows you with my hands what size slice I’d like* 🤤

  7. kikazztknmz

    This is only your 4th cake?! Wow. That looks awesome!

  8. Islandbridgeburner

    Good if sea-themed.

    Too sea-themed if not sea-themed.

  9. Horror_Insurance6434

    Not bad for a beginner, mines are sorta like that , I need help coating cakes but yours looks good

  10. Silvawuff

    It’s a lovely cake. Your kids are lucky! I concur with the top frosting being a bit too much, but your piping looks very even regardless. 👌

  11. Lori_Ashton94

    The only thing is that small spot where the cake is showing through the icing. Its bothering me more than it should 😅 Looks delicious though!

  12. SuperbTarget9054

    It’s so pretty! I just feel like if the nerds colors didn’t clash with the rest of the cake, it would be elevated to a whole new level. But your icing skills are on top

  13. halfcenturyold

    How do you make whippy icing? This cake is beautiful btw

  14. anchovypepperonitoni

    Care to share your buttercream recipe? I have all but given up on trying to make it!

  15. Solid_Ad7292

    I love it! My kids would love the icing towers yum!

  16. Faerthoniel

    Former cake decorator here, fwiw:

    The colours look really nice and smooth. You’ve got a good blend/gradient going along the outside.

    The rim at the bottom doesn’t match so I’d personally have picked something else, like 100s and 1000s/Nonpareils in an appropriate colour. That said, if the goal was to instead have contrast and draw attention to the bottom stripe, then mission accomplished 🙂

    Good work on corralling all the sweets into a rough straight edge though. They don’t always cooperate.

    The piping swirls on the top should, imo, be at least half the height. Cuts down on the icing used and you don’t get what looks like two mouthfuls of icing to chew through first; unless that’s what you really enjoy I suppose! Each to their own lol. I’m sure someone, somewhere, really enjoys eating the icing over the cake.

    The colours are really pretty though and the piping looks solid.

    At the end of the day, all that really matters is how it tastes and if you and/or the kids liked it.

    But decorating-wise, this gets a thumbs up overall. Nice job 🙂

  17. onceamonthfor18years

    I agree- it’s really cute and your buttercream colors, blending, all look great! Nice smooth sides too. But the swirls are a little too big and the colors of the candy don’t really complement or match the buttercream. Was the cake in any way a Nerds flavored cake?

  18. GrapeMiserable4081

    Those colors turned out great. It’s kind of annoying sometimes to match or get darker buttercream. Overall I’d be pumped your colors didn’t just blur into one mess, well done !!

    Also, the dollops on top are really uniform, that’s half the battle with cakes, symmetry and making the same motion every time , so they all match.

    Super good work.

  19. DarkAndSparkly

    Man I really want to eat that! Great job!

  20. xAvocadoToast

    Us here over at r/candy would love to see Nerd Gummies (our favorite) used in such a way!

  21. johnmichael-kane

    Would smash 😋 I mean eat. Would eat.

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