NY style regs at home. Ravenswood, Chicago.

by PlainPies


  1. Peterthepiperomg

    How hot is your oven? That looks perfect

  2. pizaster3

    that made me say wow out loud. that looks, fucking incredible

  3. Then-Yam-2266

    So I’m going to need your address. Yeaaaaa….. 🤤

  4. Primary_Aardvark

    That looks amazing! I love your username cuz plain pizzas are my favorite

  5. Dry_Manufacturer4705

    It doesn’t look homemade, it looks professional (that’s a compliment btw)

  6. RevolTobor

    Oh my GAWD that looks good. Reminds me of Sbarro’s, except BETTER.

  7. mantis_tobagan_md

    Tell us your ways, master of thin crust!

  8. Atarilogic

    Looks great! Where do you get a stone/steel this big to fit in your oven 😅

  9. The_Skulman

    Damn dude now I’m hungry and craving some pizza

  10. karl_hungas

    Looks really nice, are you using pre shredded cheese?

  11. IwantRIFbackdummy

    You have great camera and audio skills… But that is a waste of pizza if you are not going to put anything worth a damn on it. All of these positive comments are influenced by your cinematography and choice of music, and clearly not the mediocre looking plain cheese pizza.

  12. Effective_Elk_9118

    Please get Dave Portnoy in your house to review it

  13. MrSlapMhNuts

    Wow! That looks better than my local pizzeria. Beautiful 🤌🤌

  14. Tittlebittles

    Brother you can’t eat that, you have to seal it in epoxy and post it to Reddit every few months.

  15. Servile-PastaLover

    How much extra do you charge for delivery, and what’s your maximum delivery range?

  16. wheelperson

    Ugh…. good thing I did not see a bite, I love my husband 🥵🤤

    Seriously tho, I wanna see a bite cross section. That crust looks amazing, but maybe a bit soft. You have to send me some to be sure.

  17. TheWisestOwl5269

    Ik you said it’s a cheese pizza, but I am under moral obligation to tell you NOT. ENOUGH. PEPPERONI.

  18. Patient-Brush-5486

    I wonder how did you archive the dark spots

  19. 5352563424

    I see a big black charred bubble of failure. You gotta pop that shit before that happens. That’s what pizza forks are for.

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