Gumbo with Potato Salad! A Cajun Staple!

by CapN-_-Clutchh


  1. dumpcake999

    I feel like the potato salad should be on a separate plate

  2. Fantastic_Love_9451

    I didn’t know this was a thing but I’m into it.

  3. As a southern Louisianian, I approve of this gumbo.

  4. Putrid-Effective-570

    I’d drink that shit and soak up the awkward stares.

  5. Mattandjunk

    Man that is a place on a plate. I would house that right now.

  6. FutureMidwife8

    There was a restaurant in New Orleans (which has unfortunately closed) that served a gumbo with horseradish potato salad. It was SO good, and I wish I could replicate it. I’ve made gumbo many times, but always just with rice.

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