My first attempt at Detroit pizza. Not too shabby by a kid from Chicago.

by betorox


  1. adequacivity

    Great now let’s get a Detroit kid to do Chicago, then an old man from St. Louis to do New York, and an octogenarian to do Neapolitan.

  2. Your picture is fantastic. The pizza looks incredible

  3. reddit_and_forget_um

    Why would it matter where you live? 

    I make Italian pizza, yet live in Canada?

    Also, do I need to state my age, or is that only important if you consider yourself a “kid?”

  4. Cthulhululemon

    I need you to mail me a slice to prove this isn’t AI generated.

  5. metalsatch

    I live like 30 mins north of Chicago. Bout to come over for a slice.

  6. CaptainBungusMcChung

    Good God, I would just destroy this pizza in a single sitting solo, well done!

  7. Alpha__OmeGuh

    Damn its 5am im looking at this…got me craving this rn

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