How do you guys usually season your cuts? I’m pretty basic salt pepper and vac seal for a few days , uneaten pieces go to the freezer for another day

by Frosty-Reporter7518


  1. ReasonableJello

    I don’t know I rather eat ribeye than top sirloin

  2. wang-chuy

    Their Prime TS cooks real nice and the marbling is is good for that cut of steak.

  3. Frosty-Reporter7518

    I like cooking this over fire so the fat gets crispy

  4. TutorUnusual

    Just did the same one last night. Score the fat caps, olive oil, salt, pepper, onion powder, heavy on Italian seasoning. 350° in the oven (fat side down) for 15 minutes then sear each side on ultra high heat for a minute a side.

  5. Fun_Hornet_9129

    Yes I’ve been doing this for a while now. I love that cut, they freeze well too. For the money, I think it’s the best value. Quite tender and very tasty.

    Here in Canada I can get 10 steaks (like I think you did) about a pound to grind, and some fat to make tallow for about $65 to $70 on average. I really like when they take $8-$10 off though. Then I get 2 packs and make some extra ground beef and stew / chili beef!

  6. Ok_Bet2898

    I lightly cover steak with light olive oil and add Salt, black pepper and garlic powder. Simple.

  7. Zealousideal_Cow6282

    looks fine….better if dry aged I suppose

  8. kajidourden

    I never see this cut anywhere! Maybe I’m just not looking hard enough

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