Wife here trying her hardest

by Kilomech


  1. Cut by the husband. Those are not my hands lol.

  2. EvolvedCactus19

    Very nice cook. And thank you for keeping your knives sharp.

  3. maybeinoregon

    Looks delicious, but ya gotta cut the other way. If you cut it up and then plate it, it can be a game.

    Gf picks out a piece, I pick out a piece, etc, etc. It’s fun. I make sure she gets most of the best pieces tho. Watching her eat, I’m not so sure she gets more out of good steak than I do haha

  4. GuardianDown_30

    Nice knife. Great strip. Would love to see more of your content

  5. Sad_Run4875

    So you cooked the steak, and he cut it? The title is a bit confusing

  6. Penguin_Tempura

    Are you cutting on the counter? If you want your knives to stay sharp NEVER do that again. Nice meat btw

  7. raidernation0825

    What kind of monster cuts a steak like that

  8. Green-Eggplant-5570

    Never seen a steak cut that way, I might have to fight over who gets the best bits of grisly fat to chew on. But that one looks nicely trimmed and the even cook suggests sous vide.

    Nice job.

    My only critique is that you made the knife work too hard.

    Relaaaaxxx, it’s okaaaay, trust the knife to do is jooooob!

    When you cook it so nice, why hack at it like a Texas chainsaw film?

  9. gripdaddyflex

    Perfection. What sides did you eat with it?

  10. No-Significance1488

    Better way, balance the steak upon one finger. Now you know where to cut.

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