Chocolate rainbow cake

by Green-Cockroach-8448


  1. CharcoalTulip-

    Now that’s what I call baking magic! You’re turning the kitchen into a wonderland. Can’t wait to hear the taste explosion you’ve created, sounds like a slice of happiness in every bite!

  2. SingingMelodyLove

    This cake is like a party on a plate! I can only imagine how amazing it tastes—like a rainbow exploded in chocolate heaven.

  3. VioletRosely22

    This is gorgeous and I want it. I love the contrast with the dark of the chocolate cake and the pastel rainbow too.

  4. DesignerNo9329

    Ooh yummy like the bright colored icing or frosting 💙🩵

  5. InputUniqueNameHere

    I love this! Did you have to use any kind of support underneath the arch? Or was the cake able to stand on its own?

  6. Thin-Significance838

    This is gorgeous! I’m curious about the correct way to cut it so that the rainbow doesn’t collapse!

  7. Such cute colors! I love Rainbows that are unconventional (pastel, neon, mix & match, jumbled order, etc) so this is totally up my street!

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