Got these from the father-in-law. Hand delivered from the wife who forgot what he said. Im new to the steak game so im unsure of the cut. Regardless, i think a nice reverse sear is in order. Thanks in advanced.

by salty-taint


  1. Noisy-Remote728

    Friggin good steaks. Ribeye caps…not a common find. Congrats to you

  2. TheDeadTyrant

    Ribeye caps (spinalis dorsi) from the looks of it. Delicious cuts, reverse sear won’t do you wrong!

  3. medhat20005

    Not infrequently at Costco, delish. If I recall for Prime ~ $20/#.

  4. Diligent-Event5132

    Ribeye caps are amazing!! Got some Costco ones in my deep freeze as we speak!

  5. Redgecko88

    You sir have found the holy of holy steaks… the ribeye cap steak. If the Ark of the Covenant is ever found, I’m sure you’ll find one of these steaks in there too.

    Very rare to find one nowadays. You lucky dog, your father in law must really love you and his daughter. I wouldn’t give those up for anyone. 🤣

  6. Ribeye caps. If you notice on ribeye steaks, they’re actually 2 muscles. The cap is the thinner and much more tender part of the steak. Treat these delicately and you’ll have something that rivals even the filet mignon.

  7. personofinterest18

    Bad ones. I can take them off your hands

  8. Federal_Pickles

    Oh wow. I’ve never seen these in the wild before. Lucky you!

  9. DubsAnd49ers

    That’s your gold medal of steak for the Olympic Opening Ceremony !

  10. Expert-Lock-6751

    Those are no good. I feed them to my dogs. If you want I can take them off your hands for a few dollars.

  11. SteaknSalt

    This is the equivalent of “my father in law just got me a Benz and you’re asking if it’s a Toyota or Honda 💀”

  12. Ribeye caps. They take a bunch of rib caps roll them up and tie them together. Delicious!

  13. Gamecat93

    Rib cap it’s like if a filet mignon had a brother in terms of tenderness but way more flavor.

  14. askingforafriend1045

    Spinalis aka ribeye cap. Fantastic cut. I’d probably reverse sear them to about 135° internal then smash the piss out of it in cast iron real fast.

  15. Joeyjackhammer

    Only the best meat on the entire cow. Rib cap

  16. Dulce_suenos

    This is THE BEST cut of beef on a bovine. It’s the spinalis dorsi, AKA ribeye cap. Season it lightly, cook it gently, and enjoy it immensely.

  17. Ribeye caps. Some of the best cuts you will find. Costco has had these in their meat dept lately and Im stocking up.

  18. SnooHesitations4922

    Ribcap. The Paragon of all cuts. Even choice tastes like prime. Deserves to be cooked with respect.

    The tenderness of a fillet but with maximum marbling, flavor does not need to be added to this.

  19. Individual-Cost1403

    The best kind. Literally! That’s a spinalis!

  20. ToastetteEgg

    I love rib caps. So tender. Costco sells them.

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